<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/common/taglibs.jsp"%> <fmt:message key="manager.title" /> Delete: will remove all corresponding data from the database.
Hide: will only remove it from the Datasources/Associated Data Overview.
Un-hide: will make it visible again.

Reload this page after performing an action!

Harvesting datasources - if deleted, can be regenerated by performing a metadata update on the corresponding Metadata datasource.
ID Datasource Nb harvested records Is associated Is principal Visibility
${datasource.name} ${datasource.harvestedCount} ${datasource.isAssociatedStr} ${datasource.isPrincipalStr} hidden since ${datasource.hidden} ok

" onclick="setHideAction('hide')" cssClass="button" theme="simple" /> " onclick="setHideAction('unhide')" cssClass="button" theme="simple" /> " onmouseover="showDeleteHelp()" onmouseout="hideDeleteHelp()" onclick="setDeleteAction('delete')" cssClass="button" theme="simple" />
Metadata datasource - the datasource will have to be re-added manually if deleted.
ID Datasource Nb harvested records Is associated Is principal Visibility
${datasource.name} ${datasource.harvestedCount} ${datasource.isAssociatedStr} ${datasource.isPrincipalStr} hidden since ${datasource.hidden} ok