# this sets the maximum number of indexing threads # the recommended value is between 1 - 20, any higher than 20 just causes too much traffic on the database maxNumIndexingThreads=2 #Quality options #qualityOnOff: ON or OFF ;) qualityOnOff=ON coordinatesWebservice=http://bgbm-import:8080/CoordinatesWS #the coordinates webservice can be downloaded from http://ww2.biocase.org/svn/binhum/trunk/BinHum/Webservice/CoordinatesWS/ gisgraphyServer= #will not reharvest existing files if false; will harvest it again if true. Should be put to true in production mode production=true temporaryFolder= d:\\bhit\\tmp\\ # interval in milliseconds that sets how often the application looks for eligible jobs and fires them # the recommended value is 60000, any smaller consumes too many resources constantly pooling for new jobs jobFiringIntervalMs=5000 dataSource.driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver dataSource.username=webuserwriter dataSource.password=writer dataSource.servername=bgbm-import baseUrl=http://localhost:8080/ harvest.directory= d:\\bhit\\ dataSource.name=wfo dataSource.url=jdbc:mysql://bgbm-import:3306/bhit_dev?autoReconnect=true&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF8&characterSetResults=UTF8&MVCC=true