The project XML Security Services for BioCASe presents the first public release of the project’s software distribution. In addition, based on the developed software components, an example scenario is online now demonstrating the integral functionality of the security services.
The project is funded by the EU project SYNTHESYS and the BMBF project GBIF-D and take place in cooperation with the Botanical Museum and Botanical Garden Berlin (BGBM) and Networked Information Systems (NBI).
Our task concerns the integration of security services providing role based access control and rights management enforcement as well as the addition of confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of data (sources) in the preexisting XML protocol environment (BioCASE). For that, some specialised XACML components and policies have been developed and implemented in conjunction with the XML-Signature standard.
The software was implemented in Java and published under the Mozilla Public License (V1.1).