EDIT Biodiversity Service & Application Tracker
2007-07-17T12:55:22+00:00 announcement
The EDIT Biodiversity Service & Application Tracker (BDTracker) is now available online http://www.bdtracker.net The Biodiversity Service & Application Tracker is a collection of links to software, tools and resources useful to taxonomists. All applications and services are categorised into an expandable and otentially hierarchical system covering major biodiversity topics. The site was developed and initially populated with the help of the EDIT WP5. EDIT also certifies software to be compatible with EDIT's Platform for Cybertaxonomy, a variety of tools known to work together to assist taxonomic work.
In the long term after the project has finished (~2010) we ope the site will be maintained by the user community.
Anonymous users can search for tools and suggest new software to be reviewed. They also have the option to file bug tickets and suggest new features for the system. If they register and create an account, they can write comments to any review or even write reviews themselves that then have to be eleased for publication by the EDIT site administrator.
Each review page is dedicated to a single version of an application or service. It provides details such as system requirements, interfaces and standards, information on licensing and cost and most important a review from editors as well as a comments section at the bottom that is open for everyone.