In the latest version 3.4 of the BioCASe Provider Software, the XML archiving features have been re-implemented completely and aligned with GBIFs new dataset-aware Registry. Now each dataset published by a BioCASe web service will end up in a separate XML archive, storing all information published by the web service. GBIF will use the newly introduced BioCASe dataset inventory to discover these archives and use them for faster indexing. If desired, individual archives or the complete list of XML archives can be transformed into DarwinCore archives.
In addition, the archiving process has been streamlined and should be significantly faster on most installations; instead of using the CGI interface, the BioCASe libraries are now called directly. Dispensable formatting has been removed, reducing the size of XML documents stored in the archives by about one third. The archiving interface underwent a a comprehensive redesign.
The new release contains several fixes and other small changes; the complete list can be found in the version history.