In the first volume of the Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ) a new community peer-reviewed, open-access publishing platform for biodiversity-related data , an article on the BioCASe Monitor Service (BMS) has been published. This new tool for monitoring installations of the BioCASe Provider Software has been developed by a team at Natural History Museum Berlin (MfN) and Royal Museum of Central Africa Tervuren (RMCA).
It is released under the Creative Commons CC0 license and can be used to monitor networks of BioCASe data providers. It will aid the network manager in monitoring the availability of the providers, in checking the data mappings for completeness and plausibility and in keeping track of the providers progress in data provision (number of records published). Currently, it is used by two projects, OpenUp! and GBIF-D, the German GBIF node. More information on the tool as well as links to documentation and download location can be found in the BDJ article.