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	<h1><strong>Adjusting Cookie Settings for BioCASE User Interface</strong></h1>
In order to use this application, your
browser must be configured to accept session cookies. 
We understand that some users are bound by stricter security policies than others, requiring them to disable accepting any cookies from the Internet other than from trusted sites. The purpose of this guide is to help such users make the appropriate settings in their browser environment in order to allow unhindered access to BioCASE User Interface.<br><br>
Please select your individual browser application for further information below:<br><br> 
<span class="gen-texthdr">On a PC</span>:<br>
<li><a href="#h1"><span class="db-texthdr">Using Internet Explorer 6.0</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#h2"><span class="db-texthdr">Using Internet Explorer 5.0 and 5.5</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#h3"><span class="db-texthdr">Using Internet Explorer 4.0</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#h4"><span class="db-texthdr">Using Internet Explorer 3.0</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#h5"><span class="db-texthdr">Using Netscape 7</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#h6"><span class="db-texthdr">Using Netscape 6</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#h7"><span class="db-texthdr">Using Netscape Communicator 4.0</span></a></li>
<span class="gen-texthdr">On a Mac</span>:<br>
<li><a href="#h8"><span class="db-texthdr">Using Internet Explorer 5.x with OS X</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#h9"><span class="db-texthdr">Using Safari on a MAC with OS X</span></a></li>
<span class="db-texthdr"><a name="h1">Using Internet Explorer 6.0</span></a>
<li>From the TOOLS menu, choose INTERNET OPTIONS</li>
<li>Click the PRIVACY tab</li>
<li>Click the EDIT button, to specify cookie handling for individual Web sites</li>
<li>Type in "http://localhost:8080/model/gui/collections2.jsp" in the Address field and click the ALLOW button to allow the use of cookies with this site</li>
<li>Click the OK button</li>
</ul><a href="#top" class="ancr-lnk">Back to top</a><br><br>
<span class="db-texthdr"><a name="h2">Using Internet Explorer 5.0 and 5.5</span></a>
<li>From the TOOLS menu, choose INTERNET OPTIONS</li>
<li>Click the SECURITY tab</li>
<li>Click INTERNET</li>
<li>Click the CUSTOM LEVEL button</li>
<li>Scroll down to Cookies and choose PROMPT from the options under "Allow cookies that are stored on your computer" if cookies are disabled. You will be prompted every time a website tries to set a cookie</li>
</ul><a href="#top" class="ancr-lnk">Back to top</a><br><br>
<span class="db-texthdr"><a name="h3">Using Internet Explorer 4.0</span></a>
<li>From the VIEW menu, choose INTERNET OPTIONS</li>
<li>Click the ADVANCED tab</li>
<li>Scroll down to the yellow exclamation icon under SECURITY and choose PROMPT from the options if cookies are disabled. You will be prompted every time a website tries to set a cookie</li>
</ul><a href="#top" class="ancr-lnk">Back to top</a><br><br>
<span class="db-texthdr"><a name="h4">Using Internet Explorer 3.0</span></a>
<li>From the VIEW menu, choose OPTIONS</li>
<li>Click the ADVANCED tab</li>
<li>Click on the button that reads WARN BEFORE ACCEPTING COOKIES if cookies are disabled</li>
</ul><a href="#top" class="ancr-lnk">Back to top</a><br><br>
<span class="db-texthdr"><a name="h5">Using Netscape 7</span></a>
<li>From the EDIT menu, choose PREFERENCES</li>
<li>Click on PRIVACY AND SECURITY</li>
<li>Set your options in the box labeled COOKIES. If cookies are disabled, enable them and select "Ask me before storing a cookie"</li>
</ul><a href="#top" class="ancr-lnk">Back to top</a><br><br>
<span class="db-texthdr"><a name="h6">Using Netscape 6</span></a>
<li>From the EDIT menu, choose PREFERENCES</li>
<li>Click on PRIVACY AND SECURITY</li>
<li>Set your options in the box labeled COOKIES. If cookies are disabled, enable them and select "Warn me before storing a cookie"</li>
</ul><a href="#top" class="ancr-lnk">Back to top</a><br><br>
<span class="db-texthdr"><a name="h7">Using Netscape Communicator 4.0</span></a>
<li>From the EDIT menu, choose PREFERENCES</li>
<li>Click on ADVANCED</li>
<li>Set your options in the box labeled COOKIES. If cookies are disabled, enable them and select "Warn me before storing a cookie"</li>
</ul><a href="#top" class="ancr-lnk">Back to top</a><br><br>
<span class="db-texthdr"><a name="h8">Using Internet Explorer 5.x with OS X</span></a>
<li>From the EXPLORER menu, choose PREFERENCES</li>
<li>Scroll down to RECEIVING FILES, click on COOKIES, and select "Ask for each site." from the options in the dropdown next to "When receiving cookies". You will be prompted every time a website tries to set a cookie</li>
</ul><a href="#top" class="ancr-lnk">Back to top</a><br><br>
<span class="db-texthdr"><a name="h9">Using Safari on a MAC with OS X</span></a>
<li>From the SAFARI menu, choose PREFERENCES</li>
<li>Select the SECURITY icon at the top of the window. Next to "Accept Cookies" select the radio button that says "only from sites you navigate to." In this case cookies from 3rd party sites (advertisers) will not be allowed.
</ul><a href="#top" class="ancr-lnk">Back to top</a>