This is Version 0.3-3 of the HTTPClient package. The latest version should
always be available at .
Copyright (C) 1996-2001  Ronald Tschalär

The HTTPClient is fairly full-featured http client library. It implements
most of the relevant parts of HTTP/1.1, and automatically handles things
like redirections, authorization, and cookies. The functionality can be
easily extended through the use of modules.


Unpacking the .tar.Z or .zip should've created a subdirectory
'HTTPClient'. Put this directory somewhere in your classpath. If you
haven't done the following already I recommend setting up a main
directory that contains a subdirectory for every java package you
install, and then add this main directory to your classpath - that way
for new packages all you have to do is unpack them into a subdirectory
under that main directory and away you go. Now add a 'import
HTTPClient.*;' statement to each of your files that use any part of the
package and you're set to go.

Alternatively you can put everything into a zip file and add that file
to your CLASSPATH. If your JDK/development-environment supports
compressed zip files and you downloaded the file then
you can just add that file to your CLASSPATH. If you downloaded the
tar file, or if your JDK does not support compressed zip files, then
unpack the HTTPClient and create an uncompressed zip file to put in
the CLASSPATH with something like the following:

  zip -r0 HTTPClient -i '*.class'

Directory Structure:

 HTTPClient -- the source and compiled class files
   +-- http --- the http handler (for use with URLConnection)
   +-- shttp -- the shttp handler (for use with URLConnection)
   +-- https -- the https handler (for use with URLConnection)
   +-- alt ---- alternative versions of the core classes
   |    |
   |    +-- HotJava ---- the HotJava specific replacement classes
   +-- doc -- all the documentation
         +-- api ----- all the javadoc generated api docs
         +-- images -- images for the documentation


See the documentation in the doc subdirectory. The beginning is at
HTTPClient/doc/index.html .


Mail suggestions, comments, bugs, enhancement-requests to:

  Have fun,
