Here are the steps of the an installation of the UI in Windows NT (for Unix it will be completed) with the server Tomcat 5.028 The URL of this example installation contains an alias /gui (http://localhost:8080/gui) 1) Unzip JSP/HTML pages into /gui directory and copy it into Tomcat webapps directory 2) Unzip Servlets and beans and copy into Tomcat webaaps/WEB-INF/classes directory 3) Unzip libraries and copy into Tomcat webaaps/WEB-INF/lib directory 4) Unzip and copy index files to your selected directory. Copy Stoplist.txt file to your selected directory. 5) Unzip UI configuration files a) copy all UI configuration file to user.home directory (in WindowsNT: ex C:\WINNT\Profiles\Administrateur) b) if you use an alias different than /gui, update siteMap.txt file c) update settings.txt file Actually the CORM database settings are probably correct. The values to be changed according to your filesystem are: DATA_DIRECTORY GEO_DIRECTORY INDEX_DIRECTORY STOPLIST_FILE 6)Complete Tomcat file web.xml with the servlet declarations and mappings (as in the provided example) 7) Install configuration files of the unitloader software (examples provides). The unitloader.jar file is included in the archive 8) Add thesaurus API installation (classes and configuration files) (Actually I don't have any .jar file - if provided I will add it to archive and omit this step) 9) Copy geo.xml file (geographical hierarchy extracted from the thesaurus) to your selected directory (defined in settings.txt file)