#!c:\Program Files\Python39\python.exe
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
$RCSfile: dbstructure.py,v $
$Author: markus $
The BioCASE querytool
import os
# ***** include the biocase.lib directory in the python sys path for importing *****
exec(open(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir, 'lib', 'biocase', 'adjustpath.py'))).read())
exec(open(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir, 'lib', 'biocase', 'appinit.py'))).read())
from biocase.configtool.general import *
#from biocase.cmfinfo import getCMFTemplateList
from biocase.wrapper.graph.tablegraph import tableAliasClass
from biocase.wrapper.typeconverter import DBAttributeClass
from biocase.tools.various_functions import flatten
from biocase import __version__
import graphviz
DB_ATTR_DATA_TYPES_HASH = {'text':'text','integer':'int','float':'float','date':'date'}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def displayMetaForm(tmpl, psfObj):
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def displayNoMetaForm(tmpl, psfObj):
# enter tablealias form-data into template
newTypesList = genOptionList(DB_ATTR_DATA_TYPES_HASH, 'newtype_opt', 'newtype_val', 'int')
newAliasList = genOptionList([str(ta.alias) for ta in psfObj.getTableAliasList()], 'newalias_opt', 'newalias_val', '--none--')
i = list(range(2000))
ti = list(range(500))
expandList = [
'tablelist.tables': getTableListOps(str(ta.table)),
'tablelist.pklist.aliastypelist':genOptionList(DB_ATTR_DATA_TYPES_HASH, 't_pk_type_opt', 't_pk_type_val', pk.type),
'tablelist.pklist.columns':getColumnListOps(str(ta.table), str(pk.attr), [_pk.attr for _pk in ta.pk], False)
#, 'foo': pk.attr
} for pk in ta.pk
'tablelist.newPrimaryKey':getNewPrimaryKeyOps(str(ta.table), [_pk.attr for _pk in ta.pk]),
'tablelist.newfklist':[o for o in newAliasList if str(o.get('newalias_opt')) != str(ta.alias) and None == find(lambda a: str(a.target) == str(o.get('newalias_opt')), ta.fks)],
#'tablelist.fklist.newFkColumn':getPrimaryKeysFromAliasOps(find(lambda tableAlias: tableAlias.alias == fkObj.target, psfObj.getTableAliasList())),
'tablelist.fklist.newFkColumn':getColumnListOps(str(ta.table), "", [fk.attr for fk in fkObj.attrList], True),
'tablelist.fklist.fk2list.fktypelist': genOptionList(DB_ATTR_DATA_TYPES_HASH, 't_fk_type_opt', 't_fk_type_val', attrObj.type)
} for attrObj in fkObj.attrList
} for fkObj in ta.fks
#if len(fkObj.attrList) > 0 and fkObj.target is not None
} for ta in psfObj.getTableAliasList()
#if len(ta.pk) > 0
tmpl.expand('Content', 'tablelist', expandList)
#tmpl.expand('Content', 'tablelist', foo)
# create graph
aliases = psfObj.getTableAliasList()
#log.error("aliases: " + str(aliases))
#psfStatus = "Inconsistent."
return psfObj
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parseMetaForm(form, psfObj):
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parseNoMetaForm(form, psfObj):
global message, psfStatus
f_keys = list(form.keys())
aliases = {}
entryToDelete = -1
# DBAttributeClass
for f in f_keys:
val = form[f].value
#log.error("f= " + str(f))
#log.error("val= " + str(val))
if f == '__deleteEntry':
#log.error("Hepp, deleteEntry")
entryToDelete = val
if f[:3] == '__t' and (val != '--new--' and val != '--none--' and val != '--select--'):
# table form part
if f == '__taliasnew':
# new alias
tao = tableAliasClass()
tao.alias = form[f].value
aliases['new'] = tao
elif f == '__ttablenew':
# check if necessary values were supplied, eg __taliasnew is existing:
if 'new' in aliases:
aliases['new'].table = form[f].value
elif f.find('_', 3) > 0:
# existing table
tblID = f[3:f.find('_', 3)]
tblData = f[f.find('_', 3)+1:]
if tblData == 'alias':
tao = tableAliasClass()
tao.alias = val
tao._tmpFks = {}
aliases[tblID] = tao
elif tblData[:3] == 'fks':
# FKs
if tblData.find('_', 3) > 0:
# existing fks
fksID = tblData[3:tblData.find('_', 3)]
fksData = tblData[tblData.find('_', 3)+1:]
if fksData[:2] == 'fk':
# existing foreign key
if fksData.find('_', 2) > 0:
# existing fk attribute
fkID = fksData[2:fksData.find('_', 2)]
fkData = fksData[fksData.find('_', 2)+1:]
if fkData == 'attr':
dbo = DBAttributeClass()
dbo.attr = val
if fksID not in aliases[tblID]._tmpFks:
aliases[tblID]._tmpFks[fksID] = []
elif fkData == 'type':
aliases[tblID]._tmpFks[fksID][-1].type = val
elif fkData == 'zdel':
del aliases[tblID]._tmpFks[fksID][-1]
elif fksData == 'fknew':
# new fk
dbo = DBAttributeClass()
dbo.attr = val
if fksID not in aliases[tblID]._tmpFks:
aliases[tblID]._tmpFks[fksID] = []
elif fksData == 'fktypenew' and form['__t'+tblID+'_fks'+fksID+'_fknew'].value != '--new--':
aliases[tblID]._tmpFks[fksID][-1].type = val
elif fksData == 'target':
if fksID in aliases[tblID]._tmpFks:
_fks = aliases[tblID]._tmpFks[fksID]
del aliases[tblID]._tmpFks[fksID]
_fks = []
aliases[tblID].addFK(val, _fks)
elif tblData == 'fksnew':
# new fks
elif tblData[:2] == 'pk':
# PK
if tblData.find('_', 2) > 0:
# existing pk
pkID = tblData[2:tblData.find('_', 2)]
pkData = tblData[tblData.find('_', 2)+1:]
#log.error("pkData = " + str(pkData));
if pkData == 'attr':
dbo = DBAttributeClass()
dbo.attr = val
elif pkData == 'type':
aliases[tblID].pk[-1].type = val
elif pkData == 'zdel':
del aliases[tblID].pk[-1]
elif tblData == 'pknew':
# new pk
dbo = DBAttributeClass()
dbo.attr = val
elif tblData == 'pktypenew' and form['__t'+tblID+'_pknew'].value != '--new--':
aliases[tblID].pk[-1].type = val
elif tblData == 'table':
aliases[tblID].table = val
# create graph
aliases = list(aliases.values())
#log.error("aliases: " + str(aliases))
#psfStatus = "Inconsistent."
return psfObj
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def getGraphPic(psfObj):
'''Create a new jpg image for the db structure graph in the PSF and return the filename.'''
# If there is a path given for dot, add it to the path env variable
if cfg.server.graphviz_dot:
log.debug('Adding %s to system''s path environment variable' % cfg.server.graphviz_dot)
os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + cfg.server.graphviz_dot
# Picname based on timestamp
t = time.time()
picdir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), 'graphpic' )
picname = 'dbstructure.' + str(t)
log.debug("GraphViz version: %s" % '.'.join([str(i) for i in graphviz.version()]))
# create dot graph and add nodes and edges
g = graphviz.Digraph(name=picname, directory=picdir, engine='dot', format='jpg')
for node in psfObj.tablegraph.getGraphNodesList():
aliasObj = psfObj.getTableAliasObj(node)
if aliasObj is None:
label = node
FKeys = flatten([[key.toSimpleString() for key in fk.attrList] for fk in aliasObj.fks])
if len(FKeys) > 0:
FKeysString = " | {Fk | {%s} }" % ' | '.join(FKeys)
FKeysString = ""
label = "{%s | {Pk | {%s} }%s }" %(node.upper(), " | ".join([pk.toSimpleString() for pk in aliasObj.pk]), FKeysString)
g.node(node, label, shape = 'Mrecord', fontsize = '9')
# Remove files older than one hour
for file in os.listdir(picdir):
fa = file.split('.')
if t - float(fa[1]) > 3600:
log.debug("Removing old graph %s" % os.path.join(picdir, file))
os.remove(os.path.join(picdir, file))
# And render new graph
g.render(cleanup = True)
return 'graphpic/' + picname + '.gv.jpg'
except Exception as e:
log.error("Creating the graph with GraphViz failed (%s)." % e)
return None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def getPSFTemplateList():
tmpldir = cfg.dsaTemplateLocator
if os.path.isdir(tmpldir):
for dir in os.listdir(tmpldir):
if os.path.isdir( os.path.join(tmpldir,dir) ) and dir != 'CVS':
return psflist
def getTables():
if dbmodObj == None:
tables = None
tables = dbmodObj.getTables()
if tables == None:
# todo: replace dropdown with text field
return []
return tables
def getTableListOps(selectedTable):
list = []
tables = dsaObj.getDbmodObj().getTables()
tables = None
if tables is not None:
for t in tables:
if selectedTable == t:
list.append({'table_opt': t, 'table_val': 'value="' + t + '" selected'});
list.append({'table_opt': t, 'table_val': 'value="' + t + '"'});
return list
def getColumns(table):
if dbmodObj == None:
columns = None
columns = dbmodObj.getColumns(table)
if columns == None:
# todo: replace dropdown with text field
return []
return columns
def getColumnListOps(table, selectedColumn, excludedColumns, addNewOpt):
list = []
cols = getColumns(table)
cols_lower_stripped = [c.lower().rstrip().lstrip() for c in cols]
for c in cols:
if selectedColumn == c:
list.append({'column_opt': c, 'column_val': 'value="' + c + '" selected'})
if excludedColumns.count(c) == 0:
list.append({'column_opt': c, 'column_val': 'value="' + c + '"'})
if addNewOpt:
list.insert(0, {'column_opt': "--new--", 'column_val': 'value="--new--"'})
# Last: check if all used PKs/FKs (found in excludedColumns) do still exist. But only if columns could be loaded (i.e., DB connection works)
if cols:
for c in cols:
if c in excludedColumns:
for ec in excludedColumns:
s = "Warning: Column %s.%s does not exist, please choose another PK/FK!" % (table, ec)
# Skip warning if it is only a capitalisation issue or a missing leading/trailing space
# Do this to prevent upgraders from warnings that do not cause errors
if s not in message and ec.lower() not in cols_lower_stripped:
return list
def getNewPrimaryKeyOps(table, excludedColumns):
r = getColumnListOps(table, "", excludedColumns, False)
r.insert(0, {'column_opt': "--new--", 'column_val': 'value="--new--"'})
return r
def getPrimaryKeysFromAliasOps(pks):
list = []
for c in pks.pk:
list.append({'column_opt': c.attr, 'column_val': 'value="' + c.attr + '"'})
list.insert(0, {'column_opt': "--new--", 'column_val': 'value="--new--"'})
return list
def find(f, seq):
for item in seq:
if f(item):
return item
# check authentication!
if dsa is None:
exec(compile(open( os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), 'main.cgi' ) ), "rb").read(), os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), 'main.cgi' ) ), 'exec'))
# check authentication!
authorize(form, dsa=dsa)
#print ('Content-Type: text\n\n')
#if "HTTP_COOKIE" in os.environ:
# print os.environ["HTTP_COOKIE"]
# print "HTTP_COOKIE not set!"
# get psfObj
psfObj = dsaObj.getPSFObj(tmp=False)
psfStatus = 'Not implemented yet.'
# CAN WE USE THE DB METADATA RETRIEVAL? defines the template to be used
dbmodObj = dsaObj.getDbmodObj()
# load template
tmpl = PageMacro('Content', PageMacro.DELMODE)
tmpl.load('Content', os.path.join(templateDir, '_dbstructure.html'))
# general user message
message = ['']
# page setup according to if database metadata is available
if dbmodObj == None or not dbmodObj.hasMetaInfo():
tmpl["dbMeta"] = "false"
tmpl["dbMeta"] = "true"
for et in dbmodObj.verifyTables([str(ta.table) for ta in psfObj.getTableAliasList()]):
message.append("Warning: Table/view " + str(et) + " does not exist in database.")
# look for new form values
if action in ('refresh','save', 'add'):
# handle unsaved values
if action == 'add': #we have unsaved values
tmpl["dirty"] = "true"
if action == 'refresh':
tmpl["dirty"] = form.getvalue("dirty")
if action == 'save':
tmpl["dirty"] = "false"
# parse form values
parseNoMetaForm(form, psfObj)
# process other action
if action == 'save':
# write to real PSF
msg = psfObj.cleanup()
if msg:
# write to tmp PSF
psfObj.writePSFile( filename=dsaObj.getAbsTempPSFilePath() )
# load a psf template
message.append('The loading of PSFiles has not yet been implemented. Sorry.')
# revert to file or first time in this page. read from original PSF
# this is the default anyway (to check connection). so dont do anything...
# DISPLAY: fill template
# general
tmpl['dsa'] = dsa
tmpl['wrapper_url'] = dsaObj.getBioCASeAccessPoint()
tmpl['ServiceTitle'] = 'BioCASe Provider Software %s' % __version__
# dbconnection status
tmpl['connection'] = dsaObj.getDBConnectionStatus()
# PSF status
tmpl['status'] = psfStatus
# psf structure data
displayNoMetaForm(tmpl, psfObj)
# list of available PSF templates
tmplList = getPSFTemplateList()
dropDown = getDropDownOptionHtml(['--select--']+tmplList, '--select--')
tmpl['template_optionlist'] = dropDown
_tables = getTables()
if _tables == None:
_tables = []
tmpl['tables_opt'] = getDropDownOptionHtml(['--select--']+_tables, '--select--')
dbGraphPic = getGraphPic(psfObj)
if dbGraphPic:
tmpl.expand('Content', 'dbGraphpicBlock', [{'dbgraphpic_fn':dbGraphPic}])
# User message
tmpl['message'] = '
# print HTML !
printOverHTTP( tmpl )