The table-alias in your DB as given in the ProviderConfig preferences that acts as a "root" table for all records. This table needs to have one unique identifier (primary key). Important to build dynamic SQL and count records. A table-alias that is always included in the output via a FULL OUTER JOIN. Dont enter more than 1 record, as this will blow up your resulting XML. The xpath to an element used as the Identifier for the basic record of the concept. E.g Units for ABCD, or maybe names for other concepts. Important for the count method. Maybe several xpaths for schemas without a single root records element. An element (inherits attribute properties) Controlled vocabulary for this element. You can provide an optional spelling for the equivalent term used in your database so you dont have to convert them. Set this element for every mapping you wish to do. A mapping can consist of static values (literals), db attributes or a concatenation of them. If you dont want to allow searches on this attribute (or your DB cannot search on it as with NTEXT fields in SQL Server), set the flag "nosearch" to 1 or TRUE. This is automatically done for literals and concatenated mappings. An optional conditional clause. If this is set, the mapping will only be used if the condition expressed here is true. Based on the protocol syntax for filter, this uses a limited subset of a protocol filter with no logical nestings. The annotation / documentation of this concept. Any other substructure as need for other applications, eg the configuration tool. Defining a potential XML element. Attribute max should be set to -1 for unbounded elements. The namespace attribute defines the namespace used for output of the element and its subelements until another namespace is encountered. You can concatenate any number of literals of dbAttributes to be treated as a single mapping. Set this element for every attribute in your database that should be part of a single mapping to an XML element. The type of the attribute in the DB must be given if it differs from "text". A fixed literal value taken from the attribute 'value' of this element. Inserts the number of all records that matched the query in the database. Does not test for validity of records. Based on the protocol syntax for filter encodings, this uses a limited subset of a protocol filter with no logical nestings. you can only chose between an OR or AND combination of comparisons. A simpleType to represent a URL that does a pattern match to verify a full URL without whitespace. A simpleType to represent an xpath-type used for querying.