#!c:\Program Files\Python39\python.exe # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ***** include the biocase.lib directory in the python sys path for importing ***** import os, sys exec(open(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir, 'lib', 'biocase', 'adjustpath.py'))).read()) # import pydevd; pydevd.settrace(); import subprocess import biocase.configuration from biocase.tools.various_functions import folder_not_writable cfg = biocase.configuration.Cfg() import graphviz print('Content-Type: text/html') print() # Blank line marking end of HTTP headers print(''' Python library tests

Python Interpreter: %s

''' % ".".join([str(i) for i in sys.version_info[:3]])) print('''green: Ok! | red: you have to install it | orange: install only if required

Libraries required for core wrapper

''') # biocase libs print('''
Library Installed Version Hint
BioCASe ''') try: import biocase.tools.update print('' + biocase.__version__ + '') except Exception as err: print('not installed' % err) print('%s
' % biocase.tools.update.update_hint()) # QueryTool print('''


Libraries only needed for querytool

''') # libxml2/libxslt print('''
Library Installed Version Hint
lxml ''') try: import lxml try: v = lxml.__version__ except: v = 'installed' print('%s' % v) except Exception as err: print('not installed' % err) print(''' Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install lxml.
''') # HTML print('''


Status of additional database dependent drivers

''') # pyODBC print(''' ''') # pymssql print(''' ''') # psycopg2 print(''' ''') # MySQLdb print(''' ''') # kinterbasdb print(''' ''') # SQLlite print(''' ''') # cx_Oracle print(''' ''') # Sybase print('''
Library Installed Version Download Library
pyodbc ''') try: import pyodbc print('' + pyodbc.version + '') except Exception as err: print('not installed' % err) print(''' Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install pyodbc.
pymssql ''') try: import pymssql print('' + pymssql.__version__ + '') except Exception as err: print('not installed' % err) print(''' Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install pymssql.
psycopg2 ''') try: import psycopg2 print('' + psycopg2.__version__ + '') except Exception as err: print('not installed' % err) print('''Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install psycopg2.
MySQLdb ''') try: import MySQLdb v = '.'.join([str(i) for i in MySQLdb.version_info]) print('' + v + '') except Exception as err: print('not installed' % err) print(''' Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install mysqlclient.
fdb ''') try: import fdb print('' + fdb.__version__ + '') except Exception as err: print('not installed' % err) print(''' Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install fdb.
SQLite3 ''') try: import sqlite3 print('' + sqlite3.version + '') except Exception as err: print('not installed' % err) print(''' (integrated into Python)
cx_Oracle ''') try: import cx_Oracle print('' + cx_Oracle.version + '') except Exception as err: print('not installed' % err) print(''' Oracle module, you also need the Oracle Client
Sybase ''') try: import Sybase print('' + Sybase.__version__ + '') except Exception as err: print('not installed' % err) print(''' Sybase module

If you can't find the Windows installer package for your Python version, try your luck here.

''') # DETECT GRAPHVIZ, external binaries try: if cfg.server.graphviz_dot: os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + cfg.server.graphviz_dot version = '.'.join([str(i) for i in graphviz.version()]) graphviz_status = '%s' % version else: graphviz_status = 'not configured' except Exception as err: graphviz_status = 'Binary not found' % err # Java try: proc = subprocess.Popen([cfg.server.java, '-version'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) version = str(proc.stderr.readline()) java_status = '%s' % version.replace("b'java version ", '').replace("b'openjdk version ", '').replace('"', '').replace("\\r", "").replace("\\n", "").replace("'", "") except Exception as err: java_status = 'Binary not found' % err print('''


Optional external binaries

Binary Status/Version Path
%s %s %s
%s %s %s
''' % ('Graphviz Dot', graphviz_status, cfg.server.graphviz_dot, 'Java', java_status, cfg.server.java)) statusCfg = folder_not_writable(cfg.configurationLocator) if statusCfg is None: config_folder_writable_status = 'Writeable' else: config_folder_writable_status = 'Unwriteable' statusLog = folder_not_writable(cfg.logLocator) if statusLog is None: log_folder_writable_status = 'Writeable' else: log_folder_writable_status = 'Unwriteable' statusArchiveWork = folder_not_writable(cfg.archiveWorkLocator) if statusArchiveWork is None: awrk_folder_writable_status = 'Writeable' else: awrk_folder_writable_status = 'Unwriteable' statusArchiveDownload = folder_not_writable(cfg.archiveDownloadLocator) if statusArchiveDownload is None: adld_folder_writable_status = 'Writeable' else: adld_folder_writable_status = 'Unwriteable' # HTML print('''


Status of writable directories and files

Directory Status Path to problematic file
Configuration %s %s
Log %s %s
Archive temp dir %s %s
Archive download Dir %s %s
''' % (config_folder_writable_status, str(statusCfg), log_folder_writable_status, str(statusLog), awrk_folder_writable_status, str(statusArchiveWork), adld_folder_writable_status, str(statusArchiveDownload))) print('''