#!C:\Programme2\Python25\python.exe # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- ''' $RCSfile: details.py,v $ $Revision$ $Author: markus $ $Date$ The BioCASE querytool ''' import os, sys # ***** include the biocase.lib directory in the python sys path for importing ***** execfile( os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), os.pardir, os.pardir, 'lib', 'biocase', 'adjustpath.py' ) )) from biocase.querytool.general import * from biocase.tools.xslt import transformXML ############################################################################################################ # # MAIN # #=========================================================================================================== tmpl = PageMacro('Content', PageMacro.DELMODE) tmpl.load('Content', os.path.join(skinDir, 'details.html')) # which detail do we need to create? detail = form['detail'].value detailObj = schemaObj.details[detail] log.info("PREFS DETAILS OBJ: %s"%unicode(str(detailObj), errors='replace')) # build a new filter object from form values of the record identifiers. # First create list of needed COP objects filterObj = AndClass() for para, recID in detailObj.recID.items(): # create an equals cop for every recID if form.getfirst(para, None) is not None: conObj = Concept(NS=schema, path=recID.path, label=para) cop = EqualsClass(conObj, form.getfirst(para, None)) filterObj.addOperand(cop) log.info("FILTER OBJ: %s"%unicode(str(filterObj), errors='replace')) # generate the protocol QG = QueryGenerator() protocolXML = QG.getSearchProtocol(NS=schemaObj.NS, respNS=schemaObj.NS, count=False, filterObj=filterObj, destination=wrapper_url) log.info("QUERY PROTOCOL CREATED:\n%s"%(protocolXML)) # query the wrapper QD = QueryDispatcher() try: recStatus = QD.sendQuery(wrapper_url, protocolXML, security_role=security_role) except WrapperError, e: # wrapper error occured !!! tmpl = PageMacro('Content', PageMacro.DELMODE) tmpl.load('Content', '_error.html') tmpl['dsa']=dsa tmpl['ErrorMessage']=e.msg printOverHTTP(tmpl) sys.exit() content = QD.getContent() logDiagnostics(QD.getDiagnostics()) if content is None: # no wrapper results found log.info("NO CONTENT ROOT FOUND.") stylesheetResult = "%s" % detailObj.notAvailableMessage else: if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log.debug("XML CONTENT TO BE TRANSFORMED::::::::::::::::::") log.debug(content) # apply stylesheet stylesheetResult = transformXML(xmlString=content, xslLoc='file://' + os.path.join(skinDir, detailObj.stylesheet).replace('\\', '/')) if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log.debug("XSLT TRANSFORMATION RESULT:::::::::::::::::") log.debug(stylesheetResult) # update template tmpl['dsa'] = dsa tmpl['schema'] = schema tmpl['filter'] = str(filterObj) tmpl['filter_display'] = str(filterObj).replace('_', ' ') tmpl['XSL'] = stylesheetResult if wrapper_url is not None: tmpl['wrapper_url'] = wrapper_url # # print HTML ! # printOverHTTP( tmpl )