+++ BioCASe +++ Provider Software Version : 3.8.6 build(1701) Date : 2024-11-14 16:05:06 +0100 Authors : Markus Doering (mdoering@gbif.org), Joerg Holetschek (j.holetschek@bgbm.org) License : Mozilla Public License ============================================================================================ NOTE: Please read README.TXT first ***** INSTALLATION Apache QUICK START ***** 0 * Make sure you have Python2.5 or later installed 1 * unpack this archive into a place you like (-> INSTALLDIR) 2 * install additional python libraries (you can do this later too): - 4Suite (needed for querytool/portal only) - your desired database drivers for python, eg MySQLdb see WWWROOT/utilities/testlibs.cgi for further driver links or http://ww3.bgbm.org/biocase/utilities/testlibs.cgi 3 * Inside the INSTALLDIR run the setup.py script from the terminal and follow the instructions: %> python setup.py 4 * CopyPaste Apache configuration code at the end of the setup script output into your Apache http.conf. Restart apache. note: If you dont want to use the setup.py code allow python scripts with suffix *.cgi to be executed in INSTALLDIR/www. 5 * Follow final link given by setup.py output. By default http://localhost/biocase ***** CONFIGURATION ***** Use the provided online ConfigTool to administer your installation. The default admin password is "ACDC". You can use the system admin page to create new datasources and select from existing templates. ***** IMPORT EXISTING PYWRAPPER DATASOURCES/DATABASES ***** To reuse existing PyWrapper configurations, follow this step by step guide. You will have to use the configtool for this, which can be accessed online with a browser at: http://WWWROOT/configtool 1 * Create a new empty datasource (DSA) with the configtool. Go to CfgTool->System Administration and do "Create DSA" 2 * manually copy your existing PSF (provider_setup_file.xml) and CMFs (concept mapping files, prefixed with "cmf_") into your new datasource directory replacing the existing ones there. E.g. INSTALLDIR/config/datasources/XXX/provider_setup_file.xml ***** SAMPLE DATABASES ***** BPS comes with 2 sample databases ready configured. If you want to start playing quickly install the database (MySQL, MS Access or Postgres) and create a new corresponding datasource based on the respecitve template (training or pontaurus) with the system configtool. To use the MS Access database on windows you also need to create an ODBC datasource. Have fun, BGBM BDI Team & GBIF Provider Support support@biocase.org