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DNA Bank Network

The DNA Bank Network was established in spring 2007 and is currently funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG). The network was initiated by GBIF Germany (Global Biodiversity Information Facility).
It offers a worldwide unique concept. DNA bank databases of all partners are linked and are accessible via a central web portal, providing DNA samples of complementary collections (microorganisms, protists, plants, algae, fungi and animals).

Banking DNA for Biodiversity Genomics

The main focus of the network is to enhance taxonomic, systematic, genetic, conservation and evolutionary studies by providing:

• at-cost availability of DNA material,

• high quality, long-term storage of DNA material on which molecular studies have been performed, so that results can be verified, extended, and complemented,

• complete on-line documentation of each sample, including the provenance of the original material, the place of voucher deposit, information about DNA quality and extraction methodology, digital images of vouchers and links to published molecular data if available.

Funded by

Initiated by