Forename." ".$row->Surname; $ID = $row->User_ID; $Coding = $row->Coding; $Check = $row->Password; } if(mysql_num_rows($result)) { $_SESSION['login'] = true; $_SESSION['log'] = $Signatur; $_SESSION['log2'] = $ID; $time = time(); $sqlupdate = "UPDATE tableuser SET LastAction = '$time' WHERE User_ID = '$ID'"; $resultupdate = mysql_query($sqlupdate); if($username == "Webmaster") { $_SESSION['admin'] = true; } if($Coding != "" and $Check != "") {$sql1 = "UPDATE tableuser SET Coding = '' WHERE User_ID = '$ID'"; $result1 = mysql_query($sql1);} } if(!mysql_num_rows($result) and !isset($_SESSION['login']) and !$_SESSION['login']) { //header('Location: http://'.$hostname.($path == '/' ? '' : $path).'/Login.php?check='.$_GET['check'].'&error=true'.($_GET['hitlist'] == 'true' ? '&hitlist=true' : '').($_GET['sqlType'] == 'Detail' ? '&sqlType=Detail&ID_Cache='.$_GET['ID_Cache'] : '')); header('Location:'.$_GET['check'].'&error=true'.($_GET['hitlist'] == 'true' ? '&hitlist=true' : '').($_GET['sqlType'] == 'Detail' ? '&sqlType=Detail&ID_Cache='.$_GET['ID_Cache'] : '')); } } // if($username != "") if($formSubmitShop) { if(!isset($_SESSION['login']) || !$_SESSION['login']) { if(isset($_REQUEST['check']) or !empty($_REQUEST['check']) or $cachedetail != "") { header('Location: http://'.$hostname.($path == '/' ? '' : $path).'/Login.php?check=shop'); exit; } } } } // if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') $SID = session_id(); $UserID = $_SESSION['log2']; if($formSubmitShop or $formSubmitOrder or $formSubmitOrder2 or $formSubmitShopDetail or $formSubmitSearch or $formShopDelete or $_GET['page'] != "" or $_GET['sqlType'] == "detail") { if(isset($_SESSION['login']) || $_SESSION['login']) { $sqlTest = "SELECT LastAction FROM tableuser WHERE User_ID = '$UserID'"; $resultTest = mysql_query($sqlTest); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($resultTest)) { $LastAction = $row->LastAction; } $error1 = time() - $LastAction; if($error1 < 30*60) { $time = time(); $sqlupdate = "UPDATE tableuser SET LastAction = '$time' WHERE User_ID = '$UserID'"; $resultupdate = mysql_query($sqlupdate); } if($error1 > 30*60) { $sqlTest = "DELETE FROM tablecart WHERE tablecart.Session = '$SID'"; $resultTest = mysql_query($sqlTest); $_SESSION = array(); if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) { setcookie(session_name(), '', time()-42000, '/'); } session_destroy(); // header('Location: http://'.$hostname.($path == '/' ? '' : $path).'/Index.php?check=timeout'); header('Location:'); } } } ?>