'.mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result2)) { if(isset($PreferredFlag[$row->ID_Cache])) { $Flag = $PreferredFlag[$row->ID_Cache]; if($Flag == 'true' or $Flag == '1') {$Preferred = "(preferred species name)";} else {$Preferred = ""; } } else { $PreferredFlag[$row->ID_Cache] = ""; } if(isset($NameAuthorYear[$row->ID_Cache])) { $NameAuthorYear[$row->ID_Cache] .= " " . $Preferred . ", Other Identifications: "; } else { $NameAuthorYear[$row->ID_Cache] = ""; } $tmp = $row->NameAuthorYear; $NameAuthorYear[$row->ID_Cache] .= $tmp; $tmp2 = $row->PreferredFlag; $PreferredFlag[$row->ID_Cache] .= $tmp2; } $result3 = mysql_query ("SELECT tablecache.ID_Cache, " . " tablecachetaxonidentified.ID_TaxonIdentified, " . " tablecachehighertaxa.Family AS Family, " . " tablecachehighertaxa.TaxonRank AS TaxonRank " . " FROM tablecache, tablecachetaxonidentified, tablecachehighertaxa, tmpDnaIDs " . " WHERE tablecachehighertaxa.ID_CacheTaxonIdentified = tablecachetaxonidentified.ID_TaxonIdentified " . " AND tablecachetaxonidentified.ID_Cache = tablecache.ID_Cache " . " AND tablecache.ID_Cache = tmpDnaIDs.ID_Cache " . " AND (tablecachehighertaxa.TaxonRank = 'familia' OR " . " tablecachehighertaxa.TaxonRank = 'family' OR " . " tablecachehighertaxa.TaxonRank = 'familie')"); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result3)) { if(isset($TaxonRank[$row->ID_Cache])) { $TaxonRank[$row->ID_Cache] .= "
"; } else { $TaxonRank[$row->ID_Cache] = ""; } if(isset($Family[$row->ID_Cache])) { $Family[$row->ID_Cache] .= "
"; } else { $Family[$row->ID_Cache] = ""; } $tmp = $row->Family; $Family[$row->ID_Cache] .= $tmp; $tmp2 = $row->TaxonRank; $TaxonRank[$row->ID_Cache] .= $tmp2; } $result4 = mysql_query ("SELECT tablecache.ID_Cache, " . " tabledataset.ID_Dataset AS ID_Dataset, " . " tableschema.QueryPart1b AS QueryPart1b, " . " tableschema.QueryPart1_1 AS QueryPart1_1, " . " tableschema.QueryPart1_2b AS QueryPart1_2b, " . " tableschema.QueryPart2 AS QueryPart2, " . " tableschema.QueryPart3 AS QueryPart3, " . " tableschema.QueryPart4 AS QueryPart4, " . " tableschema.QueryPart5 AS QueryPart5, " . " tableprovider.Provider AS Provider, " . " tabledataset.Digir_Resource AS Digir_Resource, " . " tabledataset.Digir_Source AS Digir_Source, " . " tableprovider.Provider AS Provider, " . " tableprovider.ID_Schema AS ID_Schema " . " FROM tablecache, tabledataset, tableschema, tableprovider, tmpDnaIDs " . " WHERE tableprovider.ID_Schema = tableschema.ID_Schema " . " AND tabledataset.ID_Provider = tableprovider.ID_Provider " . " AND tablecache.ID_Dataset_Specimen = tabledataset.ID_Dataset " . " AND tablecache.ID_Cache = tmpDnaIDs.ID_Cache"); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result4)) { $ID_Dataset = $row->ID_Dataset_Specimen; $Provider = $row->Provider; // $Provider = "http://www.dsmz.de/wrappers/biocase/pywrapper.cgi?dsa=DSMZ_prokarya"; $QueryPart1b = $row->QueryPart1b; $QueryPart1_1 = $row->QueryPart1_1; $QueryPart1_2b = $row->QueryPart1_2b; $QueryPart2 = $row->QueryPart2; $QueryPart3 = $row->QueryPart3; $QueryPart4 = $row->QueryPart4; $QueryPart5 = $row->QueryPart5; $Digir_Resource = $row->Digir_Resource; $Digir_Source = $row->Digir_Source; $ID_Schema = $row->ID_Schema; } //while $row $result1 $sqlType="Detail" $result5 = mysql_query ("SELECT tablecache.ID_Cache, " . " tabledataset.ID_Dataset AS ID_Dataset2, " . " tableschema.QueryPart1b AS QueryPart1b2, " . " tableschema.QueryPart1_1 AS QueryPart1_12, " . " tableschema.QueryPart1_2b AS QueryPart1_2b2, " . " tableschema.QueryPart2 AS QueryPart22, " . " tableschema.QueryPart3 AS QueryPart32, " . " tableschema.QueryPart4 AS QueryPart42, " . " tableschema.QueryPart5 AS QueryPart52, " . " tableprovider.Provider AS Provider2, " . " tabledataset.Digir_Resource AS Digir_Resource2, " . " tabledataset.Digir_Source AS Digir_Source2, " . " tabledataset.LongName AS LongName, " . " tabledataset.LogoUrl AS LogoUrl, " . " tabledataset.InstitutionCode AS InstitutionCode, " . " tabledataset.ContactEmail AS ContactEmail, " . " tabledataset.ContactName AS ContactName, " . " tableprovider.Provider AS Provider2, " . " tableprovider.ID_Schema AS ID_Schema2 " . " FROM tablecache, tabledataset, tableschema, tableprovider, tmpDnaIDs " . " WHERE tableprovider.ID_Schema = tableschema.ID_Schema " . " AND tabledataset.ID_Provider = tableprovider.ID_Provider " . " AND tablecache.ID_Dataset_DNA = tabledataset.ID_Dataset " . " AND tablecache.ID_Cache = tmpDnaIDs.ID_Cache"); //$result5 = mysql_query($test2) or die($test2.'
'.mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result5)) { $ID_Dataset2 = $row->ID_Dataset_Specimen2; $Provider2 = $row->Provider2; $QueryPart1b2 = $row->QueryPart1b2; $QueryPart1_12 = $row->QueryPart1_12; $QueryPart1_2b2 = $row->QueryPart1_2b2; $QueryPart22 = $row->QueryPart22; $QueryPart32 = $row->QueryPart32; $QueryPart42 = $row->QueryPart42; $QueryPart52 = $row->QueryPart52; $Digir_Resource2 = $row->Digir_Resource2; $Digir_Source2 = $row->Digir_Source2; $ID_Schema2 = $row->ID_Schema2; $LongName = $row->LongName; $LogoUrl = $row->LogoUrl; $InstitutionCode = $row->InstitutionCode; $ContactEmail = $row->ContactEmail; $ContactName = $row->ContactName; } //while $row $result1 $sqlType="Detail" */ $result6 = mysql_query ("SELECT tablecart.ID_Cache, " . " tableuser.User_ID AS User_ID, " . " tableuser.Surname AS Surname, " . " tableuser.Forename AS Forename, " . " tableuser.Email AS Email, " . " tableuser.FormOfAddress AS FormOfAddress, " . " tableuser.Phone AS Phone, " . " tableuser.Title AS Title, " . " tableuser.Institut AS Institut, " . " tableuser.Division AS Division, " . " tableuser.Street AS Street, " . " tableuser.City AS City, " . " tableuser.Postal_Code AS Postal_Code, " . " tableuser.Country AS Country, " . " tableuser.Institut_Delivery AS Institut_Delivery, " . " tableuser.Division_Delivery AS Division_Delivery, " . " tableuser.Street_Delivery AS Street_Delivery, " . " tableuser.City_Delivery AS City_Delivery, " . " tableuser.Postal_Code_Delivery AS Postal_Code_Delivery, " . " tableuser.Country_Delivery AS Country_Delivery " . " FROM tablecart, tableuser, tmpDnaIDs " . " WHERE tableuser.User_ID = tablecart.ID_User " . " AND tablecart.ID_Cache = tmpDnaIDs.ID_Cache"); //$result5 = mysql_query($test2) or die($test2.'
'.mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result6)) { $Surname = $row->Surname; $Forename = $row->Forename; $Email = $row->Email; $FormOfAddress = $row->FormOfAddress; $Phone = $row->Phone; $Title = $row->Title; $Surname = $row->Surname; $Institut = $row->Institut; $Division = $row->Division; $Street = $row->Street; $City = $row->City; $Postal_Code = $row->Postal_Code; $Country = $row->Country; $Institut_Delivery = $row->Institut_Delivery; $Division_Delivery = $row->Division_Delivery; $Street_Delivery = $row->Street_Delivery; $City_Delivery = $row->City_Delivery; $Postal_Code_Delivery = $row->Postal_Code_Delivery; $Country_Delivery = $row->Country_Delivery; } if($formSubmitOrder and $sqlType=="Shop") { if(!empty($result1)) { $gesamt = mysql_num_rows($result1); } if($gesamt != 0) { echo "".$LongName." (".$InstitutionCode."), ".$gesamt." DNA"; if($gesamt == 1) {echo " sample "; } else { echo " samples ";} echo ""; } if($gesamt == 0) { echo "You have no items in your shopping cart.";} if($gesamt != 0) { echo "
"; // $Dnacount=0; echo "SpeciesFamilyCountryDNA BankDNA No.Specimen No."; } for ($i=1; $i<=$gesamt; $i++) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($result1); { // $Dnacount++; // if($Dnacount<=$pagesize) // { $ID = $row['ID_Cache']; if(empty($row['UnitID_DNA'])) { $UnitIDDNA = "Unknown"; } else {$UnitIDDNA = $row['UnitID_DNA']; } if(empty($row['CollectionCode_DNA'])) { $CollCodeDNA = "Unknown"; } else {$CollCodeDNA = $row['CollectionCode_DNA']; } $UnitIDS = $row['UnitID_Specimen']; $CollCodeS = $row['CollectionCode_Specimen']; $InstCodeS = $row['InstitutionCode_Specimen']; $InstCodeDNA = $row['InstitutionCode_DNA']; $UnitIDDNA = $row['UnitID_DNA']; $CountryName = $row['CountryName']; echo ""; echo $NameAuthorYear[$row['ID_Cache']]; echo "".$Family[$row['ID_Cache']]."".$CountryName." " . $InstCodeDNA . "" . $UnitIDDNA . "".$UnitIDS.""; // } } } } if($formSubmitOrder2) { if(!empty($result1)) { $gesamt = mysql_num_rows($result1); } if($gesamt != 0) { $message = "".$LongName." (".$InstitutionCode."), ".$gesamt." DNA"; if($gesamt == 1) {$message .= " sample "; } else { $message .= " samples ";} $message .= "Local Contact Person:
".$ContactEmail.""; } if($gesamt != 0) { $message .= "
"; $message .= "SpeciesFamilyCountryDNA BankDNA No.Specimen No."; } for ($i=1; $i<=$gesamt; $i++) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($result1); { $ID = $row['ID_Cache']; if(empty($row['UnitID_DNA'])) { $UnitIDDNA = "Unknown"; } else {$UnitIDDNA = $row['UnitID_DNA']; } if(empty($row['CollectionCode_DNA'])) { $CollCodeDNA = "Unknown"; } else {$CollCodeDNA = $row['CollectionCode_DNA']; } $UnitIDS = $row['UnitID_Specimen']; $CollCodeS = $row['CollectionCode_Specimen']; $InstCodeS = $row['InstitutionCode_Specimen']; $InstCodeDNA = $row['InstitutionCode_DNA']; $UnitIDDNA = $row['UnitID_DNA']; $CountryName = $row['CountryName']; $message .= ""; $message .= $NameAuthorYear[$row['ID_Cache']]; $message .= "".$Family[$row['ID_Cache']]."".$CountryName." " . $InstCodeDNA . "" . $UnitIDDNA . "".$UnitIDS.""; } } $message .= "
"; } ?>