load('XSLT/Specimen/en_ABCD1.2_Summary.xslt')) { $xsl->load('XSLT/Specimen/en_ABCD1.2_Summary.xslt'); $TestLoad = $xsl->load('XSLT/Specimen/en_ABCD1.2_Summary.xslt'); } } if($ID_Schema == 2) { if($xsl->load('XSLT/Specimen/en_ABCD2.0_Summary.xslt')) { if($UnitID_Specimen == 'B GT 0003226') { $xsl->load('XSLT/Specimen/en_ABCD2.0_Summary_Amorpho.xslt'); $TestLoad = $xsl->load('XSLT/Specimen/en_ABCD2.0_Summary_Amorpho.xslt'); } else { $xsl->load('XSLT/Specimen/en_ABCD2.0_Summary.xslt'); $TestLoad = $xsl->load('XSLT/Specimen/en_ABCD2.0_Summary.xslt'); }} } if($ID_Schema == 3 or $ID_Schema == 6) { if($xsl->load('XSLT/Specimen/en_DarwinCore_UnitDetail.xslt')) { $xsl->load('XSLT/Specimen/en_DarwinCore_UnitDetail.xslt'); $TestLoad = $xsl->load('XSLT/Specimen/en_DarwinCore_UnitDetail.xslt'); } } if($ID_Schema == 4) { if($xsl->load('XSLT/Specimen/en_ABCD2.05_Summary.xslt')) { $xsl->load('XSLT/Specimen/en_ABCD2.05_Summary.xslt'); $TestLoad = $xsl->load('XSLT/Specimen/en_ABCD2.05_Summary.xslt'); } } $inf = parse_url($Provider); $host = $inf['host']; $path = $inf['path']; if (isset($inf['query'])) $path .= '?'.$inf['query']; if (isset($inf['port'])) $port = $inf['port']; else $port = 80; if($Provider) { error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING ^ E_NOTICE); $fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $error, 5); if(!$fp or !$TestLoad) { echo "

Provider not available. Show data from cache.

"; } else { if($TestLoad) { $processor->setParameter('', 'resourceKey', $ResourceKey); $processor->setParameter('', 'provider', $Provider); $processor->importStyleSheet($xsl); $xml = new DOMDocument; $xml->load($file1); $Test1 = $xml->getElementsByTagName('UnitID'); $Test1a = $Test1->item(0)->nodeValue; if($Test1a!="") {$Test = $Test1;} $Test2 = $xml->getElementsByTagName('CatalogNumber'); $Test2a = $Test2->item(0)->nodeValue; if($Test2a!="") {$Test = $Test2;} $Test3 = $xml->getElementsByTagName('CatalogNumberText'); $Test3a = $Test3->item(0)->nodeValue; if($Test3a!="") {$Test = $Test3;} $TestUnitID = addslashes(utf8_decode($Test1->item(0)->nodeValue)); $html = $processor->transformToXML($xml); echo utf8_decode($html); } } if(!$Test or !$fp) { $result1 = mysql_query ("SELECT tablecache.ID_Cache AS ID_Cache, " . " tablecache.ID_Dataset_Specimen AS ID_Dataset_Specimen, " . " tablecache.UnitID_Specimen AS UnitID_Specimen, " . " tablecache.CollectionCode_Specimen AS CollectionCode_Specimen, " . " tablecache.InstitutionCode_Specimen AS InstitutionCode_Specimen, " . " tablecache.Continent AS Continent, " . " tablecache.CountryName AS CountryName, " . " tablecache.CountryISO2 AS CountryISO2, " . " tablecache.Collector AS Collector, " . " tablecache.CollectionDate AS CollectionDate, " . " tablecache.CollectorsNo AS CollectorsNo, " . " tablecache.LocalityText AS LocalityText, " . " tablecache.Altitude AS Altitude, " . " tablecache.LongitudeDecimal AS LongitudeDecimal, " . " tablecache.LatitudeDecimal AS LatitudeDecimal, " . " tablecache.UnitID_DNA AS UnitID_DNA, " . " tablecache.CollectionCode_DNA AS CollectionCode_DNA, " . " tablecache.InstitutionCode_DNA AS InstitutionCode_DNA " . " FROM tablecache" . " WHERE tablecache.ID_Cache = $ID"); $result2 = mysql_query ("SELECT tablecachetaxonidentified.ID_Cache, " . " tablecachetaxonidentified.NameAuthorYear AS NameAuthorYear2, " . " tablecachetaxonidentified.PreferredFlag AS PreferredFlag " . " FROM tablecachetaxonidentified " . " WHERE tablecachetaxonidentified.ID_Cache = $ID"); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result2)) { if(isset($PreferredFlag[$row->ID_Cache])) { $Flag = $PreferredFlag[$row->ID_Cache]; if($Flag == 'true' or $Flag == '1') {$Preferred = "(Preferred Taxon Name)";} else {$Preferred = ""; } } else { $PreferredFlag[$row->ID_Cache] = ""; } if(isset($NameAuthorYear2[$row->ID_Cache])) { $NameAuthorYear2[$row->ID_Cache] .= " " . $Preferred . ", Other Identifications: "; } else { $NameAuthorYear2[$row->ID_Cache] = ""; } $tmp = $row->NameAuthorYear2; $NameAuthorYear2[$row->ID_Cache] .= $tmp; $tmp2 = $row->PreferredFlag; $PreferredFlag[$row->ID_Cache] .= $tmp2; } $result3 = mysql_query ("SELECT tablecache.ID_Cache, " . " tablecachetaxonidentified.ID_TaxonIdentified, " . " tablecachehighertaxa.HigherTaxon AS HigherTaxon2, " . " tablecachehighertaxa.TaxonRank AS TaxonRank2 " . " FROM tablecache, tablecachetaxonidentified, tablecachehighertaxa, tmpDnaIDs " . " WHERE tablecachehighertaxa.ID_CacheTaxonIdentified = tablecachetaxonidentified.ID_TaxonIdentified " . " AND tablecachetaxonidentified.ID_Cache = tablecache.ID_Cache " . " AND tablecache.ID_Cache = $ID"); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result3)) { if(isset($TaxonRank2[$row->ID_Cache])) { $TaxonRank2[$row->ID_Cache] .= "
"; } else { $TaxonRank2[$row->ID_Cache] = ""; } if(isset($HigherTaxon2[$row->ID_Cache])) { $HigherTaxon2[$row->ID_Cache] .= "
"; } else { $HigherTaxon2[$row->ID_Cache] = ""; } $tmp = $row->HigherTaxon2; $HigherTaxon2[$row->ID_Cache] .= $tmp; $tmp2 = $row->TaxonRank2; $TaxonRank2[$row->ID_Cache] .= $tmp2; } $result4 = mysql_query ("SELECT tablecacheimages.ID_Cache, " . " tablecacheimages.Images " . " FROM tablecacheimages, tmpDnaIDs " . " WHERE tablecacheimages.ID_Cache = tmpDnaIDs.ID_Cache"); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result4)) { $Image = "true"; if(isset($Images[$row->ID_Cache])) { $ImageLink .= build_href2($row->Images,"Link") . "
"; } else {$ImageLink .= build_href2($row->Images,"Link") . "
"; } } while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result1)) { echo "

Specimen details (voucher)

"; echo ''; echo '
Unit ID: '; echo ''.$row->UnitID_Specimen.'
'; echo 'Institution Code: '; echo ''.$row->InstitutionCode_Specimen.'
'; echo 'Collection Code: '; echo ''.$row->CollectionCode_Specimen.'
'; echo '


'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
Name: '.$NameAuthorYear2[$row->ID_Cache].'
Taxonomy: '.$HigherTaxon2[$row->ID_Cache].' '.$TaxonRank2[$row->ID_Cache].'
'; if($Image = 'true') { echo '


'; echo ''; echo '
'; } echo '


'; echo ''; echo $row->LocalityText ? '' : '', $row->Collector ? '' : ''; echo ''; echo '' : '', $row->Collector ? '' : '', $row->Altitude ? '' : '', '
Locality:Collector(s):Other info:
', $row->CountryName || $row->CountryISO2 ? 'Country: '.$row->CountryName.' ('.$row->CountryISO2.')
' : '', $row->Continent ? 'Region/Continent: '.$row->Continent.'
' : '', $row->LocalityText ? 'Locality: '.$row->LocalityText.'' : '', $row->LongitudeDecimal || $row->LatitudeDecimal ? '
Coordinates: '.$row->LatitudeDecimal.' | '.$row->LongitudeDecimal.'
Altitude : '.$row->Altitude.'
'; #######################################Error 1############################################################### $msg = "UnitID Specimen: ".$row->UnitID_Specimen."\n"; $msg .= "\nInstitution Code Specimen: ".$row->InstitutionCode_Specimen."\n"; $msg .= "\nCollection Code Specimen: ".$row->CollectionCode_Specimen."\n"; $msg .= "\nID Cache: ".$row->ID_Cache."\n"; if(!$Test) { $msg .= "\nNo record found for wrapper query: \n"; } if(!$fp) { $msg .= "\nProvider not available: \n"; } $msg .= "\n".$file1."\n"; trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR); ############################################################################################################# } } } ?>