" target="_blank"> |
User defined Settings |
Check your Multimedia Path please. It must start with 'http://'";}
else {
$sql = "SELECT ID_Setting FROM usersettings WHERE FK_User = '$ID'";
$result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql);
$count = mysqli_num_rows($result);
if($recordspage == "" or $recordspage == '0') { $recordspage = 'NULL'; } else { $recordspage = "'".$recordspage."'"; }
if($recordspagesp == "" or $recordspagesp == '0') { $recordspagesp = 'NULL'; } else { $recordspagesp = "'".$recordspagesp."'"; }
if($count == '0')
{ $sqlnew = "INSERT INTO usersettings (Sorting, RecordsPerPage, MainMMPath, MainMMCreator, MainMMLicense, MainMMType, MainMMUseEXIF, CollDataSameAsMM, SortingSP, RecordsPerPageSP, ShowUnitIDSP, ShowCollCodeSP, ShowInstCodeSP, FK_User)
VALUES ('$sorting',$recordspage,'$MainMMPath','$MainMMCreator','$MainMMLicense','$MainMMType','$MainMMUseEXIF','$CollMM','$sortingsp',$recordspagesp,'$showUnitIDsp','$showCollCodesp','$showInstCodesp','$ID')";
$resultnew = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sqlnew); }
else {
$sqlchange = "UPDATE usersettings SET Sorting = '$sorting', RecordsPerPage = $recordspage,
MainMMPath = '$MainMMPath', MainMMCreator = '$MainMMCreator',
MainMMLicense = '$MainMMLicense', MainMMType = '$MainMMType',
MainMMUseEXIF = '$MainMMUseEXIF', CollDataSameAsMM = '$CollMM',
SortingSP = '$sortingsp', RecordsPerPageSP = $recordspagesp,
ShowUnitIDSP = '$showUnitIDsp', ShowCollCodeSP = '$showCollCodesp', ShowInstCodeSP = '$showInstCodesp' WHERE FK_User = '$ID'";
$resultchange = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sqlchange);
if ($resultchange) { include("ChangesAccepted.php"); }
* updating table usersettings with new parameters *
* END *
* start page *
$sql = "SELECT * FROM usersettings WHERE FK_User = '$ID'";
$result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result))
{ $RecordsPerPage = $row->RecordsPerPage;
$Sorting = $row->Sorting;
$MainMMPath = $row->MainMMPath;
$MainMMCreator = $row->MainMMCreator;
$MainMMType = $row->MainMMType;
$MainMMLicense = $row->MainMMLicense;
$MainMMUseEXIF = $row->MainMMUseEXIF;
$CollDataMM = $row->CollDataSameAsMM;
$RecordsPerPageSP = $row->RecordsPerPageSP;
$SortingSP = $row->SortingSP;
$ShowUnitIDSP = $row->ShowUnitIDSP;
$ShowCollCodeSP = $row->ShowCollCodeSP;
$ShowInstCodeSP = $row->ShowInstCodeSP; }
DNA samples |
Records per page (hitlist) |
Sorting (hitlist) |
Specimen Tool |
Multimedia File Path |
Multimedia Creator |
Multimedia Type |
Multimedia License |
Choose OriginalDateTime from EXIF |
Collector/Coll.Date same as first Multimedia Record |
Records per page (hitlist) |
Sorting (hitlist) |
Show Voucher ID at hitlist |
Show Collection Code at hitlist |
Show Institution Code at hitlist |
Please note, that those values are default values and shall help you work effectively.
Every value can be changed/disabled individually when entering new data to handle exceptions to rule easily. |