* Script for defining settings for individual users *

* Access for all users * @author Gabriele Droege, DNA Bank Network * @version 2.0 * @package Configuration * @copyright Copyright © 2011 DNA Bank Network http://www.dnabank-network.org
The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 * @filesource * @license http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ MPL */ /** * calling connection to database */ include ("../config/head.php"); /** * calling authorisation script */ include ("../auth.php"); ?> <?php if($version == "BoBO") { echo "BoBO - User Settings"; } else { echo "DNA Module - User Settings"; } ?>

User defined Settings

Check your Multimedia Path please. It must start with 'http://'";} else { $sql = "SELECT ID_Setting FROM usersettings WHERE FK_User = '$ID'"; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql); $count = mysqli_num_rows($result); if($recordspage == "" or $recordspage == '0') { $recordspage = 'NULL'; } else { $recordspage = "'".$recordspage."'"; } if($recordspagesp == "" or $recordspagesp == '0') { $recordspagesp = 'NULL'; } else { $recordspagesp = "'".$recordspagesp."'"; } if($count == '0') { $sqlnew = "INSERT INTO usersettings (Sorting, RecordsPerPage, MainMMPath, MainMMCreator, MainMMLicense, MainMMType, MainMMUseEXIF, CollDataSameAsMM, SortingSP, RecordsPerPageSP, ShowUnitIDSP, ShowCollCodeSP, ShowInstCodeSP, FK_User) VALUES ('$sorting',$recordspage,'$MainMMPath','$MainMMCreator','$MainMMLicense','$MainMMType','$MainMMUseEXIF','$CollMM','$sortingsp',$recordspagesp,'$showUnitIDsp','$showCollCodesp','$showInstCodesp','$ID')"; $resultnew = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sqlnew); } else { $sqlchange = "UPDATE usersettings SET Sorting = '$sorting', RecordsPerPage = $recordspage, MainMMPath = '$MainMMPath', MainMMCreator = '$MainMMCreator', MainMMLicense = '$MainMMLicense', MainMMType = '$MainMMType', MainMMUseEXIF = '$MainMMUseEXIF', CollDataSameAsMM = '$CollMM', SortingSP = '$sortingsp', RecordsPerPageSP = $recordspagesp, ShowUnitIDSP = '$showUnitIDsp', ShowCollCodeSP = '$showCollCodesp', ShowInstCodeSP = '$showInstCodesp' WHERE FK_User = '$ID'"; $resultchange = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sqlchange); if ($resultchange) { include("ChangesAccepted.php"); } } } } /******************************************************************************************** * updating table usersettings with new parameters * * END * *********************************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************************** * start page * * START * *********************************************************************************************/ $sql = "SELECT * FROM usersettings WHERE FK_User = '$ID'"; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) { $RecordsPerPage = $row->RecordsPerPage; $Sorting = $row->Sorting; $MainMMPath = $row->MainMMPath; $MainMMCreator = $row->MainMMCreator; $MainMMType = $row->MainMMType; $MainMMLicense = $row->MainMMLicense; $MainMMUseEXIF = $row->MainMMUseEXIF; $CollDataMM = $row->CollDataSameAsMM; $RecordsPerPageSP = $row->RecordsPerPageSP; $SortingSP = $row->SortingSP; $ShowUnitIDSP = $row->ShowUnitIDSP; $ShowCollCodeSP = $row->ShowCollCodeSP; $ShowInstCodeSP = $row->ShowInstCodeSP; } ?>

DNA samples

Records per page (hitlist)
Sorting (hitlist)

Specimen Tool

Multimedia File Path
Multimedia Creator
Multimedia Type
Multimedia License
Choose OriginalDateTime from EXIF
Collector/Coll.Date same as first Multimedia Record
Records per page (hitlist)
Sorting (hitlist)
Show Voucher ID at hitlist
Show Collection Code at hitlist
Show Institution Code at hitlist
Please note, that those values are default values and shall help you work effectively. Every value can be changed/disabled individually when entering new data to handle exceptions to rule easily.