Please enable Javascript! $num Felder in Zeile $row:

\n"; $row++; for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) { // 0 = counter // 1 = collector's no - Collectors No $Sp_formCollectorsNo = $data[1]; // 2 = voucher ID -> UnitID if($data[2] != "") { $Sp_formSpecimenNumber = $data[2]; } if($data[196] != "") { $Sp_formSpecimenNumber = $data[196]; } //else { $Sp_formSpecimenNumber = ""; } // 3 = former collection -> ID! $formAcquiredFrom = $data[3]; // 4 = Basis of Record -> ID! $formBasisOfRecord = $data[4]; // 5 = Kind of Unit -> ID! $formKindOfUnit = $data[5]; // 6 - 8 auslassen // 9 = Sex -> ID! $formSex = $data[9]; // 10 = Life Stage $formLifeStage = $data[10]; // 11 = Life Form $formLifeForm = $data[11]; // 12 = Preparation Type -> ID! $formPrepType = $data[12]; // 13 = Preparation Staff -> ID! $formPrepStaff = $data[13]; // 14 = Preparation Date $sqlPrepDate = $data[14]; // 15 = Voucher notes $formNotes = $data[15]; // !!!!!16 noch aufräumen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // 17-25 auslassen // 26 = Expedition $formExpedition = $data[26]; // 27 = Collectors $formCollector = $data[27]; // 28 = Collection Date from $formCollectionDateMin = $data[28]; // 29 = Collection Date to $formCollectionDateMax = $data[29]; // 30 auslassen // 31 = collection method $formCollectionMethod = $data[31]; // 32 = collection notes $formCollectionNotes = $data[32]; // 33 = Ocean -> ID! wird automatisch zugewiesen! // 34 = Sea -> ID! $formOcean = $data[33]; // 35 = Continent -> ID! wird automatisch zugewiesen! // 36 auslassen // 37 = Country -> ID! $formCountry = $data[37]; // 38 = Province $formRegion = $data[38]; // 39 = Locality $formLocality = $data[39]; // 40 = Locality Code $formLocalityID = $data[40]; // 41-42 auslassen // 43 = Geodetic datum $formGeoDatum = $data[43]; // 44 = Accuracy Statement $formCoordinatesAccuracy = $data[44]; // 45 = Error distance in meter $formErrorDistance = $data[45]; // 46 = Longitude from $formLongMin = $data[46]; // 47 = Latitude from $formLatMin = $data[47]; // 48 = Longtude to $formLongMax = $data[48]; // 49 = Latitude to $formLatMax = $data[49]; // 50 auslassen // 51 = Longitude raw $formLongitudeRaw = $data[51]; // 52 = Latitude raw $formLatitudeRaw = $data[52]; // 53 = Accuracy altitude $formAltitudeAccuracy = $data[53]; // 54 = Altitude from $formAltitudeMin = $data[54]; // 55 = Altitude to $formAltitudeMax = $data[55]; // 56 = Altitude unit $formAltitudeUnit = $data[56]; // 57-57 auslassen // 58 = Accuracy Depth $formDepthAccuracy = $data[58]; // 59 = Depth from $formDepthMin = $data[59]; // 60 = Depth to $formDepthMax = $data[60]; // 61 = Depth unit $formDepthUnit = $data[61]; // 62-64 auslassen // 65 = Phylum $Phylum = $data[65]; // 66 = Class $Classis = $data[66]; // 67 = Order $Ordo = $data[67]; // 68 = Family $Familia = $data[68]; // 69 = Subfamily $Subfamilia = $data[69]; // 70 = Qualifier $formIdentQualifier = $data[70]; // 71 = Qualifier belongs to $formQualifierBelongs = $data[71]; // 72 = Genus $formGenus = $data[72]; // 73 = Subgenus $formSubgenus = $data[73]; // 74 = Specific Epithet $formSpecificEpithet = $data[74]; // 75 = Rank $formRank = $data[75]; // 76 = Infrapsecific Epithet $formInfraspecificEpithet = $data[76]; // 77 = NamedAddendum $formNameAddendum = $data[77]; // 78 = Author parenthesis $formAuthorParenth = $data[78]; // 79 = Year parenthesis $formAuthorYearParenth = $data[79]; // 80 = Author $formAuthor = $data[80]; // 81 = Year parenthesis $formAuthorYear = $data[81]; // 82 = Primary accession name // 83 = Kind of identification $formBreedCultivar = $data[203]; $NameAuthorYear = ""; if($formIdentQualifier and $formQualifierBelongs == "Genus") { $NameAuthorYear .= $formIdentQualifier." "; } if($formGenus) { $NameAuthorYear .= $formGenus; } if($formSubgenus) { $NameAuthorYear .= " (".$formSubgenus.")"; } if($formIdentQualifier and ($formQualifierBelongs == "First Epithet" or $formQualifierBelongs == "Specific Epithet")) { $NameAuthorYear .= " ".$formIdentQualifier." "; } if($formSpecificEpithet) { $NameAuthorYear .= " ".$formSpecificEpithet; } if($formRank) { $NameAuthorYear .= " ".$formRank; } if($formIdentQualifier and $formQualifierBelongs == "Second Epithet") { $NameAuthorYear .= " ".$formIdentQualifier." "; } if($formInfraspecificEpithet) { $NameAuthorYear .= " ".$formInfraspecificEpithet; } if($formAuthorParenth) { $NameAuthorYear .= " (".$formAuthorParenth; } if($formAuthorYearParenth) { $NameAuthorYear .= ", ".$formAuthorYearParenth; } if($formAuthorParenth) { $NameAuthorYear .= ")"; } if($formAuthor) { $NameAuthorYear .= " ".$formAuthor; } if($formAuthorYear) { $NameAuthorYear .= ", ".$formAuthorYear; } if($formBreedCultivar) { $NameAuthorYear .= " '".$formBreedCultivar."'"; } if($formNameAddendum) { $NameAuthorYear .= " ".$formNameAddendum; } // 84 = Identifier $formIdentifier = $data[84]; // 85 = Identification Date $formIdentificationDate = $data[85]; // 86 = Identification Reference; noch nicht zugewiesen // 87 = Identification Notes $formIdentNotes = $data[87]; $sqlIdentQualifier = addslashes($formIdentQualifier); $sqlQualifierBelongs = addslashes($formQualifierBelongs); $sqlGenus = addslashes($formGenus); $sqlSubgenus = addslashes($formSubgenus); $sqlSpecificEpithet = addslashes($formSpecificEpithet); $sqlInfraspecificEpithet = addslashes($formInfraspecificEpithet); $sqlNameAddendum = addslashes($formNameAddendum); $sqlBreedCultivar = addslashes($formBreedCultivar); $sqlAuthor = addslashes($formAuthor); $sqlAuthorYear = addslashes($formAuthorYear); $sqlAuthorParenth = addslashes($formAuthorParenth); $sqlAuthorYearParenth = addslashes($formAuthorYearParenth); $sqlNameAuthorYear = addslashes($NameAuthorYear); $sqlIdentifier = addslashes($formIdentifier); $sqlIdentDate = addslashes($formIdentificationDate); $sqlIdentNotes = addslashes($formIdentNotes); $PreferredFlag = "1"; // 88 auslassen // 89 = Habitat aspects $formHabitat = $data[89]; // 90-194 auslassen // 195 = tissue type -> preparation type // 196 = tissue ID -> siehe oben // 197 = tissue availability // 198 = Relation tissue/voucher // 199 = DNA Sample ID // 200 = DNA Method // 201 = DNA Staff // 202 = DNA Date //echo $data[195] . ";"; } $formBiogeoRegion = ""; $formSoilTexture = ""; $formSoilpH = ""; $formHabitatCode = ""; $formLandUseCode = ""; $formSlope = ""; $formAspect = ""; $formGeoMethod = ""; $formType = ""; $formProviderAssoc1 = ""; $formProviderAssoc2 = ""; $formSeries = ""; $formStage = ""; $formParentFK = ""; $formRelation = ""; $formBlockLoan = ""; $formBlockPublish = "0"; $formMMPath = ""; $formMMType = ""; $formMMCreator = ""; $formMMCreated = ""; $formMMContext = ""; $formMMComment = ""; $formMMLicense = ""; $UseMainMMPath1 = ""; $formMMPath1 = ""; $formMMType1 = ""; $formMMCreator1 = ""; $UseEXIFMM1 = ""; $formMMCreated1 = ""; $formMMContext1 = ""; $formMMComment1 = ""; $formMMLicense1 = ""; $UseMainMMPath2 = ""; $formMMPath2 = ""; $formMMType2 = ""; $formMMCreator2 = ""; $UseEXIFMM2 = ""; $formMMCreated2 = ""; $formMMContext2 = ""; $formMMComment2 = ""; $formMMLicense2 = ""; $UseMainMMPath3 = ""; $formMMPath3 = ""; $formMMType3 = ""; $formMMCreator3 = ""; $UseEXIFMM3 = ""; $formMMCreated3 = ""; $formMMContext3 = ""; $formMMComment3 = ""; $formMMLicense3 = ""; $UseMainMMSitePath1 = ""; $formMMSitePath1 = ""; $formMMSiteType1 = ""; $formMMSiteCreator1 = ""; $UseEXIFSiteMM1 = ""; $formMMSiteCreated1 = ""; $formMMSiteContext1 = ""; $formMMSiteComment1 = ""; $formMMSiteLicense1 = ""; $UseMainMMSitePath2 = ""; $formMMSitePath2 = ""; $formMMSiteType2 = ""; $formMMSiteCreator2 = ""; $UseEXIFSiteMM2 = ""; $formMMSiteCreated2 = ""; $formMMSiteContext2 = ""; $formMMSiteComment2 = ""; $formMMSiteLicense2 = ""; $UseMainMMSitePath3 = ""; $formMMSitePath3 = ""; $formMMSiteType3 = ""; $formMMSiteCreator3 = ""; $UseEXIFSiteMM3 = ""; $formMMSiteCreated3 = ""; $formMMSiteContext3 = ""; $formMMSiteComment3 = ""; $formMMSiteLicense3 = ""; $UseEXIFMMSite1 = ""; $UseEXIFMMSite2 = ""; $UseEXIFMMSite3 = ""; $formDepthRaw = ""; $formDepthMethod = ""; $formAltitudeRaw = ""; $formAltitudeMethod = ""; $CollMM = ""; $Sp_formCollectionCode = "tissue bank"; $Sp_formInstitutionCode = "CUNI"; $formGUID = ""; $SampleGroup = ""; $formLoanConditions = ""; $formBlockDate = ""; $formNotesInternal = ""; $formAccNo = ""; $log = "Gabi Droege"; include("sptool/addslashes_sptoolcollection.php"); // echo $formLocality."
"; $sql1 = "INSERT INTO sptoolcollection (UnitID_Specimen, InstitutionCode_Specimen, CollectionCode_Specimen, ExpeditionDetails, FK_BiogeographicRegion, FK_Country, FK_SeasAndOceans, Region, Locality, Locality_ID, Habitat, FK_SoilTexture, FK_SoilpH, FK_HabitatCode, FK_LandUseCode, FK_Slope, FK_Aspect, DepthAccuracyStatement, DepthMin, DepthMax, DepthUnit, DepthMethod, DepthRaw, GeodeticDatum, FK_GeocodeMethod, CoordinatesAccuracyStatement, CoordinatesErrorDistance, LongitudeMin, LongitudeMax, LatitudeMin, LatitudeMax, LongitudeRaw, LatitudeRaw, AltitudeAccuracyStatement, AltitudeMin, AltitudeMax, AltitudeUnit, AltitudeMethod, AltitudeRaw, CollectionDateMin, CollectionDateMax, CollectionYear, Collectors, CollectorsNo, CollectionNotes, CollectionMethod, FK_Sex, FK_BasisOfRecord, FK_KindOfUnit, FK_PrepType, PrepDate, FK_PrepStaff, PrepMaterials, PrepProcess, FK_AcquiredFrom, EscapedCoordinates, Permission, Blocked_Until, Blocked_For_Loaning, Blocked_For_Publishing, Loan_Conditions, FK_Type, TypeDesignation, Notes, Notes_Internal, AccessionNo, AccessionName, LifeStage, LifeForm, SampleGroup, GUID, FK_Strat_Series, Qualifier_Series, FK_Strat_Stage, Qualifier_Stage, FossilZone, Formation, SectionDetails, SpecimenDetails, FK_ParentID_Collection, FK_RelationToParent, Created_Who) " . "VALUES ('$sqlSpecimenNumber','$sqlInstitutionCode','$sqlCollectionCode','$sqlExpedition',$formBiogeoRegion,$formCountry,$formOcean,'$sqlRegion','$sqlLocality','$sqlLocalityID','$sqlHabitat',$formSoilTexture,$formSoilpH,$formHabitatCode,$formLandUseCode,$formSlope,$formAspect,'$sqlDepthAccuracy',$sqlDepthMin2,$sqlDepthMax2,'$sqlDepthUnit','$sqlDepthMethod','$sqlDepthRaw','$sqlGeoDatum',$formGeoMethod,'$sqlCoordinatesAccuracy','$sqlErrorDistance',$sqlLongitudeMin2,$sqlLongitudeMax2,$sqlLatitudeMin2,$sqlLatitudeMax2,'$sqlLongitudeRaw','$sqlLatitudeRaw','$sqlAltitudeAccuracy',$sqlAltitudeMin2,$sqlAltitudeMax2,'$sqlAltitudeUnit','$sqlAltitudeMethod','$sqlAltitudeRaw',$sqlCollectionDateMin,$sqlCollectionDateMax,'$CollectionYear','$sqlCollector','$sqlCollectorsNo','$sqlCollectionNotes','$sqlCollectionMethod',$formSex,$formBasisOfRecord,$formKindOfUnit,$formPrepType,$sqlPrepDate,$formPrepStaff,'$sqlPrepMaterials','$sqlPrepProcess',$formAcquiredFrom,'$radioProtect','$radioPermission',$sqlBlockDate,$formBlockLoan,$formBlockPublish,'$sqlLoanConditions',$formType,'$sqlTypeDesignation','$sqlNotes','$sqlNotesInternal','$sqlAccNo','$sqlAccName','$sqlLifeStage','$sqlLifeForm','$sqlSampleGroup','$GUID',$formSeries,'$sqlQualifierSeries',$formStage,'$sqlQualifierStage','$sqlFossilZone','$sqlFormation','$sqlSectionDetails','$sqlSpecimenDetails',$formParentFK,$formRelation,'$log')"; //echo $sql1."
"; $result1 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql1); $IDsptoolCollection = ((is_null($___mysqli_res = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]))) ? false : $___mysqli_res); if($result1) { if($NameAuthorYear != "") { $sql2 = "INSERT INTO sptooltaxa (FK_Collection, Qualifier, QualifierBelongsTo, Genus, Subgenus, SpecificEpithet, AuthorParenth, YearParenth, Author, Year, Rank, InfraspecificEpithet, BreedCultivar, NameAddendum, NameAuthorYear, KindOfIdentification, Identifier, IdentificationDate, PreferredFlag, IdentificationNotes, Created_Who)" . "VALUES ('$IDsptoolCollection','$sqlIdentQualifier','$sqlQualifierBelongs','$sqlGenus','$sqlSubgenus','$sqlSpecificEpithet','$sqlAuthorParenth','$sqlAuthorYearParenth','$sqlAuthor','$sqlAuthorYear','$formRank','$sqlInfraspecificEpithet','$sqlBreedCultivar','$sqlNameAddendum','$sqlNameAuthorYear','$formIdentType','$sqlIdentifier','$sqlIdentDate','$PreferredFlag','$sqlIdentNotes','$log')"; $result2 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql2); $IDsptoolTaxa1 = ((is_null($___mysqli_res = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]))) ? false : $___mysqli_res); } } if($result2) { if($Phylum != "") { $sql3a = "INSERT INTO sptoolhighertaxon (FK_TaxonIdentified, HigherTaxon, TaxonRank, Created_Who) " . "VALUES ('$IDsptoolTaxa1','$Phylum','phylum','$log')"; $result3a = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql3a); } if($Ordo != "") { $sql3b = "INSERT INTO sptoolhighertaxon (FK_TaxonIdentified, HigherTaxon, TaxonRank, Created_Who) " . "VALUES ('$IDsptoolTaxa1','$Ordo','ordo','$log')"; $result3b = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql3b); } if($Classis != "") { $sql3c = "INSERT INTO sptoolhighertaxon (FK_TaxonIdentified, HigherTaxon, TaxonRank, Created_Who) " . "VALUES ('$IDsptoolTaxa1','$Classis','classis','$log')"; $result3c = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql3c); } if($Familia != "") { $sql3d = "INSERT INTO sptoolhighertaxon (FK_TaxonIdentified, HigherTaxon, TaxonRank, Created_Who) " . "VALUES ('$IDsptoolTaxa1','$Familia','familia','$log')"; $result3d = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql3d); } if($Subfamilia != "") { $sql3e = "INSERT INTO sptoolhighertaxon (FK_TaxonIdentified, HigherTaxon, TaxonRank, Created_Who) " . "VALUES ('$IDsptoolTaxa1','$Subfamilia','subfamilia','$log')"; $result3e = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql3e); } } } fclose($handle); } ?>