* @version 2.0 * @package Data_Cleaning * @copyright Copyright © 2011 DNA Bank Network http://www.dnabank-network.org
The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 * @filesource * @license http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ MPL */ ?> "; /** * calling Ajax.html for getting last entered DNA number */ include ("../ajax/Ajax.html"); ?>
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Location_Box; $Stock_Rack = $row->Location_Rack; $Stock_Fridge = $row->Location_Fridge; $Stock_Source_Volume = $row->Location_Volume; $Stock_Rest_Volume = $row->Location_Rest; $Stock_Barcode = $row->Stock_Barcode; $Stock_Position = $row->Stock_Position;} $result7 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT dnabanknumbers.ID_DNA, " . " aliquots_box.Aliquots_Box AS Aliquots_Box, " . " aliquots_rack.Aliquots_Rack AS Aliquots_Rack, " . " aliquots_fridge.Aliquots_Fridge AS Aliquots_Fridge, " . " aliquots.Aliquot_Number AS Aliquot_Number, " . " aliquots.Origin_Quantity AS Aliquot_Origin, " . " aliquots.Rest_Quantity AS Aliquot_Rest, " . " aliquots.Aliquot_Position AS Aliquot_Position, " . " aliquots.Aliquot_Barcode AS Aliquot_Barcode, " . " aliquots.ID_Aliquots " . " FROM dnabanknumbers " . " LEFT JOIN aliquots ON dnabanknumbers.ID_DNA = aliquots.FK_DNA " . " LEFT JOIN aliquots_box ON aliquots_box.ID_Aliquots_Box = aliquots.FK_Aliquots_Box " . " LEFT JOIN aliquots_rack ON aliquots_rack.ID_Aliquots_Rack = aliquots.FK_Aliquots_Rack " . " LEFT JOIN aliquots_fridge ON aliquots_fridge.ID_Aliquots_Fridge = aliquots.FK_Aliquots_Fridge " . " WHERE dnabanknumbers.ID_DNA = '$ID_DNA'"); $result8 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT dnabanknumbers.ID_DNA AS ID_DNA, " . " dnabanknumbers.FK_Cache, " . " cachecollection.ID_Cache, " . " cachetaxonidentified.NameAuthorYear AS NameAuthorYear, " . " cachetaxonidentified.PreferredFlag AS PreferredFlag " . " FROM cachecollection, cachetaxonidentified, dnabanknumbers " . " WHERE cachetaxonidentified.FK_Cache = cachecollection.ID_Cache " . " AND cachecollection.ID_Cache = dnabanknumbers.FK_Cache " . " AND dnabanknumbers.ID_DNA = $ID_DNA"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result8)) { $NameAuthorYear[] = $row->NameAuthorYear; $PreferredFlag[] = $row->PreferredFlag; } $result9 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT dnabanknumbers.ID_DNA AS ID_DNA, " . " dnabanknumbers.FK_Cache, " . " cachecollection.ID_Cache, " . " cachetaxonidentified.ID_TaxonIdentified, " . " cachehighertaxa.HigherTaxon AS HigherTaxon, " . " cachehighertaxa.TaxonRank AS TaxonRank " . " FROM cachecollection, cachetaxonidentified, cachehighertaxa, dnabanknumbers " . " WHERE cachehighertaxa.FK_CacheTaxonIdentified = cachetaxonidentified.ID_TaxonIdentified " . " AND cachetaxonidentified.FK_Cache = cachecollection.ID_Cache " . " AND cachecollection.ID_Cache = dnabanknumbers.FK_Cache " . " AND dnabanknumbers.ID_DNA = $ID_DNA"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result9)) { $HigherTaxon[] = $row->HigherTaxon; $TaxonRank[] = $row->TaxonRank; } while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result1)) { $Relation = $row->FK_Relation; $ID_Cache = $row->FK_Cache; $Type = $row->FK_Type; $Preservation = $row->FK_Preservation; $Tissue = $row->FK_Tissue; $ExtractionMethod = $row->FK_Extraction_Method; $ExtractionStaff = $row->FK_Extraction_Staff; $DNA_Bank_Number = $row->Dna_Bank_Number; $Extraction_Date = substr($row->Extraction_Date, 0, -9); $NoExtractDate = $row->NoExtractDate; $Absorbance230 = $row->Absorbance230; $Absorbance280 = $row->Absorbance280; $Concentration = $row->Concentration; $Purification_Method = $row->FK_Purification_Method; $Check_Date = substr($row->Quality_Check_Date, 0, -9); $Number_Aliquots = $row->Number_Aliquots; $Quantity_All_Aliquots = $row->Quantity_All_Aliquots; $Blocked_Until = substr($row->Block_Until, 0, -9); $Notes = $row->Notes; $Notes_Intern = $row->Notes_Intern; $Blocked_For_Publishing = $row->Block_For_Publishing; $Source_Gone = $row->Source_Gone; $Stock_Gone = $row->Stock_Gone; $Backup = $row->Backup_Aliquot; $ProvidedBy = $row->ProvidedBy; /******************************************************************************************** * building table for specimen cache data * * START * *********************************************************************************************/ echo ""; echo "", ""; echo "", ""; } else { echo ""; } echo "", "", $row->CountryName ? "" : "", $row->CountryISO2 ? "" : "", "", "", $row->ContinentOrOcean ? "" : "", $row->Locality ? "" : "", "", "", $row->Longitude || $row->Latitude ? "" : "", $row->Altitude ? "" : "", "", "", $row->Collectors ? "" : "", $row->CollectionDate ? "" : "", "", "", $row->CollectorsNo ? "" : "", $row->CollectionInfo_Other ? "" : "", "", $ImageLink ? "" : "", $row->TypeStatus ? "" : "", "
", "

Specimen details (voucher)

Specimen Number/UnitID" . $row->UnitID_Specimen . "Specimen database" . $row->SpecimenDatabase . "
Collection Code" . $row->CollectionCode_Specimen . "Institution Code" . $row->InstitutionCode_Specimen . "


Taxon Name"; if($NameAuthorYear) { foreach($NameAuthorYear as $index => $NameAuthorYearTest) { echo $NameAuthorYearTest; if($PreferredFlag[$index] == '1' or $PreferredFlag[$index] == 'true') { echo " (Preferred Name)"; } echo "
"; } echo "
Higher Taxon"; } else { echo "Higher Taxon"; } if($HigherTaxon) { foreach($HigherTaxon as $HigherTaxonTest) { echo $HigherTaxonTest . "
"; } echo "
"; foreach($TaxonRank as $TaxonRankTest) { echo $TaxonRankTest . "
"; } echo "

Collection Info

Country" . $row->CountryName . "Country ISO Code" . $row->CountryISO2 . "
Continent/Ocean" . $row->ContinentOrOcean . "Locality" . $row->Locality . "
Long | Lat" . $row->Longitude . " | ".$row->Latitude."Altitude" . $row->Altitude . "
Collector(s)" . $row->Collectors . "Collection Date" . $row->CollectionDate . "
Collectors' Number" . $row->CollectorsNo . "Collection" . $row->CollectionInfo_Other . "
Multimedia" . $ImageLink . "
Type Status" . $row->TypeStatus . "
"; /******************************************************************************************** * building table for specimen cache data * * END * *********************************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************************** * change reference to the voucher * * START * *********************************************************************************************/ ?>
change reference to voucher >
border="0" width="100%" class="main">
Specimen Number/UnitID "> Preview of new voucher record"; }?>
Specimen database or: