" target="_blank"> |
Add New Method |
| |
With this tool you can administer all different types of methods related to you DNA samples, sequences as well as tissue samples and specimens.
Below the green box you can see all records found in the database. It is not possible to delete entries here. To do so please ask your administrator for assistance. After finishing your entries please close this window and reload (F5) the input or search mask
to get the updated list from database. |
| Sorry, as a guest you don't have permission for entering new data! If you want to search for existing DNA data please use the Search function! | "; }
else {
{ unset($formNewMethod); }
{ echo "Please complete 'Method'"; }
$result= mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT ID_Method, Method FROM methods " .
"WHERE Method = '$formNewMethod'");
echo "Method already exists!";
$NewMethod = addslashes($formNewMethod);
$MethodRemarks = addslashes($formMethodRemarks);
$MethodGroup = addslashes($formMethodGroup);
if($formReference != "") {
$sqlref = "SELECT * FROM reference WHERE ReferenceText = '$formReference' OR ReferenceShort = '$formReference'";
$resultref = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sqlref);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($resultref))
{ $ID_Ref = "'".$row->ID_References."'"; } }
if(!isset($ID_Ref)) $ID_Ref = "NULL";
$sql = "INSERT INTO methods (Method, MethodGroup, MethodRemarks, FK_Reference, Created_Who)" .
"VALUES ('$NewMethod','$MethodGroup','$MethodRemarks',$ID_Ref,'$log')";
$result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql);
#######################################Error 1###############################################################
{ $msg = $sql."\n";
$msg .= "####Error 1####";
if($debug == '1') echo $msg;
trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR);
* calling Error message
include ("../config/Errorreport.php"); }
else {
include("../config/DataSaved.php"); }
}//if ($formSubmitSave)
$NewMethod = addslashes($formNewMethod);
$NewMethodRemarks = addslashes($formMethodRemarks);
$NewMethodGroup = addslashes($formMethodGroup);
$ID_Method = $_POST['ID_Method'];
$Current_Date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if($formReference != "") {
$sqlref = "SELECT * FROM reference WHERE ReferenceText = '$formReference' OR ReferenceShort = '$formReference'";
$resultref = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sqlref);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($resultref))
{ $ID_Ref = "'".$row->ID_References."'"; }
if(!isset($ID_Ref)) { $ID_Ref = 'NULL'; } }
else { $ID_Ref = 'NULL'; }
$sql = "UPDATE methods SET Method = '$NewMethod', MethodGroup = '$NewMethodGroup', MethodRemarks = '$NewMethodRemarks', FK_Reference = $ID_Ref, Updated_Who = '$log', Updated_When = '$Current_Date' WHERE ID_Method = '$ID_Method'";
$result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql);
#######################################Error 2###############################################################
{ $msg = $result."\n";
$msg .= "####Error 2####";
if($debug == '1') echo $msg;
trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR);
* calling Error message
include ("../config/Errorreport.php"); }
else {
include("../config/ChangesAccepted.php"); }
} //if ($formSubmitUpdate)
if($num_rows > 0) {
echo " |
echo"Method | Reference | Created | | ";
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result))
echo "".$row->Method." | ";
if($row->ReferenceUrl != "")
{ echo $row->ReferenceShort ? build_href1($row->ReferenceUrl, $row->ReferenceShort) : build_href1($row->ReferenceUrl, $row->ReferenceText); }
else { echo $row->ReferenceShort ? $row->ReferenceShort : $row->ReferenceText; }
echo " | ".$row->Created_Who." (".$row->Created_When.") |  |
else { echo "No method entries found. |
"; }
((mysqli_free_result($result) || (is_object($result) && (get_class($result) == "mysqli_result"))) ? true : false);