Sorry, as a guest you don't have permission for entering new DNA data! If you want to search for existing DNA data please use the Search function! |
"; }
else {
if($formSubmitNewRecord) {
$result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT dataset.ID_Dataset AS ID_Dataset, " .
" schemata.QueryPart1b, " .
" schemata.QueryPart1_1, " .
" schemata.QueryPart1_2b, " .
" schemata.QueryPart2, " .
" schemata.QueryPart3, " .
" schemata.QueryPart4, " .
" schemata.QueryPart5, " .
" provider.Provider, " .
" dataset.Digir_Resource, " .
" dataset.Digir_Source, " .
" dataset.FK_Provider, " .
" dataset.Protocol, " .
" provider.FK_Schema " .
" FROM dataset " .
" LEFT JOIN provider ON dataset.FK_Provider = provider.ID_Provider " .
" LEFT JOIN schemata ON provider.FK_Schema = schemata.ID_Schema " .
" WHERE dataset.ID_Dataset = '$ID_Dataset'");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result))
$ID_Dataset = $row->ID_Dataset;
$Provider = $row->Provider;
$QueryPart1b = $row->QueryPart1b;
$QueryPart1_1 = $row->QueryPart1_1;
$QueryPart1_2b = $row->QueryPart1_2b;
$QueryPart2 = $row->QueryPart2;
$QueryPart2a = $row->QueryPart2a;
$QueryPart3 = $row->QueryPart3;
$QueryPart4 = $row->QueryPart4;
$QueryPart5 = $row->QueryPart5;
$Digir_Resource = $row->Digir_Resource;
$Digir_Source = $row->Digir_Source;
$ID_Schema = $row->FK_Schema;
$FK_Provider = $row->FK_Provider;
$Protocol = $row->Protocol;
$SourceUnitID = urlencode($variable1);
$SourceInstitutionCode = urlencode($variable2);
$SourceCode = urlencode($variable3);
$Digir_Resource1 = urlencode($Digir_Resource);
$Digir_Source1 = urlencode($Digir_Source);
if($ID_Schema == 3) //ACHTUNGXXX; hier noch unterscheiden zw. CatalogNoText und CatalogNo
$file = $Provider.$QueryPart1b.$Digir_Resource1.$QueryPart1_1.$Digir_Source1.$QueryPart1_2b."CatalogNumberText%3E".$SourceUnitID."%3C%2Fdarwin%3ACatalogNumberText".$QueryPart3.$SourceInstitutionCode.$QueryPart4.$SourceCode.$QueryPart5; }
if($ID_Schema == 2) {
$file = $Provider."&query=".urlencode('