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="; $st = "<="; if($_REQUEST['hitlist'] == "true") {$parr = $_COOKIE; } if($_GET['CrBy'] != "") {$parr = $_GET; } if($_REQUEST['hitlist'] == "" and $_GET['CrBy'] == "") {$parr = $_POST; } array($parr); foreach ($parr as $var) { $rest = substr($var, -1); if ($rest == '*') {$var = substr($var, 0, -1);} $i ++; if(!empty($var) and $var!="Search" and key($parr)!="PHPSESSID" and $var != "--") { switch (key($parr)) { case 'formSpecimenNumber': $str = "sptoolcollection.UnitID_Specimen ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Voucher ID/Specimen Number = "; if($_POST['formSpecimenNumber']) {$value = $formSpecimenNumber; } else {$value = $_COOKIE['formSpecimenNumber'];} break; case 'formBasisOfRecord': $str = "basisofrecordspecimen.BasisOfRecord_Specimen ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Basis Of Record = "; if($_POST['formBasisOfRecord']) {$value = $formBasisOfRecord; } else {$value = $_COOKIE['formBasisOfRecord'];} break; case 'formKindOfUnit': $str = "kindofunit.KindOfUnit ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Kind of Unit = "; if($_POST['formKindOfUnit']) {$value = $formKindOfUnit; } else {$value = $_COOKIE['formKindOfUnit'];} break; case 'formPrepType': $str = "sptoolcollection.PrepType ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Kind Of Unit/Preparation Type = "; if($_POST['formPrepType']) {$value = $formPrepType; } else {$value = $_COOKIE['formPrepType'];} break; case 'formCollectionCode': $str = "sptoolcollection.CollectionCode_Specimen ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Collection Code = "; if($_POST['formCollectionCode']) {$value = $formCollectionCode; } else {$value = $_COOKIE['formCollectionCode'];} break; case 'formInstitutionCode': $str = "sptoolcollection.InstitutionCode_Specimen ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Institution Code = "; if($_POST['formInstitutionCode']) {$value = $formInstitutionCode; } else {$value = $_COOKIE['formInstitutionCode'];} break; case 'formAccNo': $str = "sptoolcollection.AccessionNo ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Accession Number = "; if($_POST['formAccNo']) {$value = $formAccNo; } else {$value = $_COOKIE['formAccNo'];} break; case 'formAccName': $str = "sptoolcollection.AccessionName ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Accession Name = "; if($_POST['formAccName']) {$value = $formAccName; } else {$value = $_COOKIE['formAccName'];} break; case 'formPrepDate': $str = "sptoolcollection.PrepDate ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Preparation Date = "; if($_POST['formPrepDate']) {$value = $formPrepDate; } else {$value = $_COOKIE['formPrepDate'];} break; case 'formPrepStaff': $str = "sptoolcollection.FK_PrepStaff ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Preparation Staff = "; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT ID_People, Name_All FROM people WHERE ID_People ".$tr." '".$var."'"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) {$value = $row->Name_All; } break; case 'formPrepMaterials': $str = "sptoolcollection.PrepMaterials ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Preparation Materials = "; if($_POST['formPrepMaterials']) {$value = $formPrepMaterials; } else {$value = $_COOKIE['formPrepMaterials'];} break; case 'formPrepProcess': $str = "sptoolcollection.PrepProcess ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Preparation Process = "; if($_POST['formPrepProcess']) {$value = $formPrepProcess; } else {$value = $_COOKIE['formPrepProcess'];} break; case 'radioMM': if($radioMM == 'Image') { $str = "sptoolmultimedia.File_Type = 'Image/Scan' AND sptoolmultimedia.File_Group = 'specimen' AND "; } if($radioMM == 'Sound') { $str = "sptoolmultimedia.File_Type = 'Sound' AND sptoolmultimedia.File_Group = 'specimen' AND "; } if($radioMM == 'Video') { $str = "sptoolmultimedia.File_Type = 'Video' AND sptoolmultimedia.File_Group = 'specimen' AND "; } $description = " Specimen Multimedia = "; if($_COOKIE['radioMM']) {$value = $radioMM;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['radioMM'];} break; case 'formReference': $str = "reference.ReferenceText ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Voucher Reference = "; if($_POST['formVoucherRefText']) {$value = $formVoucherRefText; } else {$value = $_COOKIE['formVoucherRefText'];} break; case 'formLifeStage': $str = "sptoolcollection.LifeStage ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Life Stage = "; if($_POST['formLifeStage']) {$value = $formLifeStage; } else {$value = $_COOKIE['formLifeStage'];} break; case 'formLifeForm': $str = "sptoolcollection.LifeForm ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Life Form = "; if($_POST['formLifeForm']) {$value = $formLifeForm; } else {$value = $_COOKIE['formLifeForm'];} break; case 'formHigherTaxon1': $str = "sptoolhighertaxon.HigherTaxon ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Higher Taxon = "; if($_POST['formHigherTaxon1']) {$value = $formHigherTaxon1;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formHigherTaxon1'];} break; case 'formTaxonName': $str = "sptooltaxa.NameAuthorYear ".$lk." '".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Taxon Name = "; if($_POST['formTaxonName']) {$value = $formTaxonName;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formTaxonName'];} break; case 'formGenus1': $str = "sptooltaxa.Genus ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Genus = "; if($_POST['formGenus1']) {$value = $formGenus1;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formGenus1'];} break; case 'formSubgenus1': $str = "sptooltaxa.Subgenus ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Subgenus = "; if($_POST['formSubgenus1']) {$value = $formSubgenus1;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formSubgenus1'];} break; case 'formSpecificEpithet1': $str = "sptooltaxa.SpecificEpithet ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Specific Epithet = "; if($_POST['formSpecificEpithet1']) {$value = $formSpecificEpithet1;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formSpecificEpithet1'];} break; case 'formRank1': $str = "sptooltaxa.Rank ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Rank = "; if($_POST['formRank1']) {$value = $formRank1;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formRank1'];} break; case 'formInfraspecificEpithet1': $str = "sptooltaxa.InfraspecificEpithet ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Infaspecific Epithet = "; if($_POST['formInfraspecificEpithet1']) {$value = $formInfraspecificEpithet1;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formInfraspecificEpithet1'];} break; case 'formAuthor1': $str = "sptooltaxa.Author ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Author = "; if($_POST['formAuthor1']) {$value = $formAuthor1;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formAuthor1'];} break; case 'formAuthorYear1': $str = "sptooltaxa.Year ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Year = "; if($_POST['formAuthorYear1']) {$value = $formAuthorYear1;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formAuthorYear1'];} break; case 'formAuthorParenth1': $str = "sptooltaxa.AuthorParenth ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Author(s) in parenthesis = "; if($_POST['formAuthorParenth1']) {$value = $formAuthorParenth1;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formAuthorParenth1'];} break; case 'formAuthorYearParenth1': $str = "sptooltaxa.YearParenth ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Year in parenthesis = "; if($_POST['formAuthorYearParenth1']) {$value = $formAuthorYearParenth1;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formAuthorYearParenth1'];} break; case 'formIdentifier1': $str = "sptooltaxa.Identifier ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Identified by = "; if($_POST['formIdentifier1']) {$value = $formIdentifier1;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formIdentifier1'];} break; case 'formIdentificationDate1': $str = "sptooltaxa.IdentificationDate ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Identification Date = "; if($_POST['formIdentificationDate1']) {$value = $formIdentificationDate1;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formIdentificationDate1'];} break; case 'formIdentNotes1': $str = "sptooltaxa.IdentificationNotes ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Identification Notes = "; if($_POST['formIdentNotes1']) {$value = $formIdentNotes1;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formIdentNotes1'];} break; case 'formIdentType1': $str = "sptooltaxa.KindOfIdentification ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Identification Type = "; if($_POST['formIdentType1']) {$value = $formIdentType1;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formIdentType1'];} break; case 'formExpedition': $str = "sptoolcollection.ExpeditionDetails ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Expedition = "; if($_POST['formExpedition']) {$value = $formExpedition;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formExpedition'];} break; case 'formBiogeoRegion': $str = "sptoolcollection.FK_BiogeographicRegion ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Biogeographic Region = "; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT ID_BiogeographicRegion, BiogeographicRegion FROM biogeographicregion WHERE ID_BiogeographicRegion ".$tr." '".$var."'"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) {$value = $row->BiogeographicRegion; } break; case 'formCountry': $str = "sptoolcollection.FK_Country ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Country = "; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT ID_Country, Country FROM countryisocode WHERE ID_Country ".$tr." '".$var."'"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) {$value = $row->Country; } break; case 'formContinent': $str = "country_continent.Continent ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Continent = "; if($_POST['formContinent']) {$value = $formContinent;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formContinent'];} break; case 'formRegion': $str = "sptoolcollection.Region ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " State/Province/Greater Area = "; if($_POST['formRegion']) {$value = $formRegion;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formRegion'];} break; case 'formLocality': $str = "sptoolcollection.Locality ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Locality = "; if($_POST['formLocality']) {$value = $formLocality;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formLocality'];} break; case 'formLocalityID': $str = "sptoolcollection.Locality_ID ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Locality ID/Station = "; if($_POST['formLocalityID']) {$value = $formLocalityID;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formLocalityID'];} break; case 'formOcean': $str = "sptoolcollection.FK_SeasAndOceans ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Ocean = "; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT ID_SeasAndOceans, Ocean FROM seasandoceans WHERE ID_SeasAndOceans ".$tr." '".$var."'"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) {$value = $row->Ocean; } break; case 'formSea': $str = "sptoolcollection.FK_SeasAndOceans ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Sea = "; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT ID_SeasAndOceans, SeasAndOceans FROM seasandoceans WHERE ID_SeasAndOceans ".$tr." '".$var."'"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) {$value = $row->SeasAndOceans; } break; case 'radioMMSite': if($radioMMSite == 'Image') { $str = "sptoolmultimedia.File_Type = 'Image/Scan' AND sptoolmultimedia.File_Group = 'site' AND "; } if($radioMMSite == 'Sound') { $str = "sptoolmultimedia.File_Type = 'Sound' AND sptoolmultimedia.File_Group = 'site' AND "; } if($radioMMSite == 'Video') { $str = "sptoolmultimedia.File_Type = 'Video' AND sptoolmultimedia.File_Group = 'site' AND "; } $description = " Site Multimedia = "; if($_COOKIE['radioMMSite']) {$value = $radioMMSite;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['radioMMSite'];} break; case 'formHabitat': $str = "sptoolcollection.Habitat ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Habitat/Ecological aspects = "; if($_POST['formHabitat']) {$value = $formHabitat;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formHabitat'];} break; case 'formSoilTexture': $str = "sptoolcollection.FK_SoilTexture ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Soil Texture = "; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT ID_SoilTexture, SoilTexture FROM soiltexture WHERE ID_SoilTexture ".$tr." '".$var."'"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) {$value = $row->SoilTexture; } break; case 'formSoilpH': $str = "sptoolcollection.FK_SoilpH ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Soil pH = "; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT ID_SoilpH, SoilpH FROM soilph WHERE ID_SoilpH ".$tr." '".$var."'"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) {$value = $row->SoilpH; } break; case 'formHabitatCode': $str = "sptoolcollection.FK_HabitatCode ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Habitat Code = "; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT ID_HabitatCode, HabitatCode FROM habitatcode WHERE ID_HabitatCode ".$tr." '".$var."'"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) {$value = $row->HabitatCode; } break; case 'formLandUseCode': $str = "sptoolcollection.FK_LandUseCode ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Land Use Code = "; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT ID_LandUseCode, LandUseCode FROM landusecode WHERE ID_LandUseCode ".$tr." '".$var."'"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) {$value = $row->LandUseCode; } break; case 'formSlope': $str = "sptoolcollection.FK_Slope ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Slope = "; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT ID_Slope, Slope FROM slope WHERE ID_Slope ".$tr." '".$var."'"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) {$value = $row->Slope; } break; case 'formAspect': $str = "sptoolcollection.FK_Aspect ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Prevalent Aspect = "; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT ID_Aspect, Aspect FROM prevalentaspect WHERE ID_Aspect ".$tr." '".$var."'"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) {$value = $row->Aspect; } break; case 'formDepthMin': $str = "sptoolcollection.DepthMin ".$bt." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Depth >= "; if($_POST['formDepthMin']) {$value = $formDepthMin;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formDepthMin'];} break; case 'formDepthMax': $str = "sptoolcollection.DepthMax ".$st." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Depth >= "; if($_POST['formDepthMax']) {$value = $formDepthMax;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formDepthMax'];} break; case 'formAltitudeMin': $str = "sptoolcollection.AltitudeMin ".$bt." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Altitude >= "; if($_COOKIE['formAltitudeMin']) {$value = $formAltitudeMin;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formAltitudeMin'];} break; case 'formDepthUnit': $str = "sptoolcollection.DepthUnit ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Depth Unit = "; if($_COOKIE['formDepthUnit']) {$value = $formDepthUnit;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formDepthUnit'];} break; case 'formDepthAccuracy': $str = "sptoolcollection.DepthAccuracyStatement ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Depth Accuracy Statement = "; if($_COOKIE['formDepthAccuracy']) {$value = $formDepthAccuracy;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formDepthAccuracy'];} break; case 'formAltitudeMax': $str = "sptoolcollection.AltitudeMax ".$st." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Altitude <= "; if($_COOKIE['formAltitudeMax']) {$value = $formAltitudeMax;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formAltitudeMax'];} break; case 'formAltitudeUnit': $str = "sptoolcollection.AltitudeUnit ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Altitude Unit = "; if($_COOKIE['formAltitudeUnit']) {$value = $formAltitudeUnit;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formAltitudeUnit'];} break; case 'formAltitudeAccuracy': $str = "sptoolcollection.AltitudeAccuracyStatement ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Altitude Accuracy Statement = "; if($_COOKIE['formAltitudeAccuracy']) {$value = $formAltitudeAccuracy;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formAltitudeAccuracy'];} break; case 'radioGeo': if($radioGeo == 'Yes') { $str = "sptoolcollection.LatitudeMin != '' AND "; } if($radioGeo == 'No') { $str = "(sptoolcollection.LatitudeMin = '' OR sptoolcollection.LatitudeMin IS NULL OR sptoolcollection.LatitudeMin = '0') AND "; } $description = " Georeferenced Record = "; if($_COOKIE['radioGeo']) {$value = $radioGeo;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['radioGeo'];} break; case 'formCoordinatesAccuracy': $str = "sptoolcollection.CoordinatesAccuracyStatement ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Coordinates Acc. Statement = "; if($_POST['formCoordinatesAccuracy']) {$value = $formCoordinatesAccuracy;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formCoordinatesAccuracy'];} break; case 'formErrorDistance': $str = "sptoolcollection.CoordinatesErrorDistance ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Error distance in m = "; if($_POST['formErrorDistance']) {$value = $formErrorDistance;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formErrorDistance'];} break; case 'formLatMin': $str = "sptoolcollection.LatitudeMin ".$bt." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Latitude >= "; if($_POST['formLatMin']) {$value = $formLatMin;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formLatMin'];} break; case 'formLatMax': $str = "sptoolcollection.LatitudeMax ".$st." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Latitude <= "; if($_POST['formLatMax']) {$value = $formLatMax;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formLatMax'];} break; case 'formLongMin': $str = "sptoolcollection.LongitudeMin ".$bt." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Longitude >= "; if($_POST['formLongMin']) {$value = $formLongMin;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formLongMin'];} break; case 'formLongMax': $str = "sptoolcollection.LongitudeMax ".$st." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Longitude <= "; if($_COOKIE['formLongMax']) {$value = $formLongMax;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formLongMax'];} break; case 'formGeoDatum': $str = "sptoolcollection.GeodeticDatum ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Geodetic Datum = "; if($_COOKIE['formGeoDatum']) {$value = $formGeoDatum;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formGeoDatum'];} break; case 'formGeoMethod': $str = "sptoolcollection.FK_GeocodeMethod ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Geocode Method = "; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT ID_Geocode, Geocode FROM geocodemethod WHERE ID_Geocode ".$tr." '".$var."'"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) {$value = $row->Geocode; } break; case 'formCollector': $str = "sptoolcollection.Collectors ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Collector(s) = "; if($_COOKIE['formCollector']) {$value = $formCollector;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formCollector'];} break; case 'formCollectionDateMin': $str = "sptoolcollection.CollectionDateMin ".$bt." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Collection Date from = "; if($_COOKIE['formCollectionDateMin']) {$value = $formCollectionDateMin;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formCollectionDateMin'];} break; case 'formCollectionDateMax': $str = "sptoolcollection.CollectionDateMax ".$st." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Collection Date to = "; if($_COOKIE['formCollectionDateMax']) {$value = $formCollectionDateMax;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formCollectionDateMax'];} break; case 'formCollectionYearMin': $str = "sptoolcollection.CollectionYear ".$bt." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Collection Year >= "; if($_COOKIE['formCollectionYearMin']) {$value = $formCollectionYearMin;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formCollectionYearMin'];} break; case 'formCollectionYearMax': $str = "sptoolcollection.CollectionYear ".$st." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Collection Year <= "; if($_COOKIE['formCollectionYearMax']) {$value = $formCollectionYearMax;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formCollectionYearMax'];} break; case 'formCollectorsNo': $str = "sptoolcollection.CollectorsNo ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Collection No = "; if($_COOKIE['formCollectorsNo']) {$value = $formCollectorsNo;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formCollectorsNo'];} break; case 'formCollectionNotes': $str = "sptoolcollection.CollectionNotes ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Collection Notes = "; if($_COOKIE['formCollectionNotes']) {$value = $formCollectionNotes;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formCollectionNotes'];} break; case 'formCollectionMethod': $str = "sptoolcollection.CollectionMethod ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Collection Method = "; if($_COOKIE['formCollectionMethod']) {$value = $formCollectionMethod;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formCollectionMethod'];} break; case 'formSex': $str = "sex.Sex ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Sex = "; if($_COOKIE['formSex']) {$value = $formSex;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formSex'];} break; case 'formType': $str = "specimentype.SpecimenType ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Type = "; if($_COOKIE['formType']) {$value = $formType;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formType'];} break; case 'formTypeDesignation': $str = "sptoolcollection.TypeDesignation ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Type Designation = "; if($_COOKIE['formTypeDesignation']) {$value = $formTypeDesignation;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formTypeDesignation'];} break; case 'radioProtect': $str = "sptoolcollection.EscapedCoordinates ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Escaped Coordinates = "; if($_COOKIE['radioProtect']) {$value = $radioProtect;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['radioProtect'];} break; case 'formBlockLoan': if($var = 'Yes') { $var = '1'; } else { $var = ''; } $str = "sptoolcollection.Blocked_For_Loaning ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Blocked for Loaning = "; if($_COOKIE['formBlockLoan']) {$value = $formBlockLoan;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formBlockLoan'];} break; case 'formBlockPublish': if($var = 'Yes') { $var = '1'; } else { $var = ''; } $str = "sptoolcollection.Blocked_For_Publishing ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Blocked for Publishing = "; if($_COOKIE['formBlockPublish']) {$value = $formBlockPublish;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formBlockPublish'];} break; case 'formBlockDateFrom': if($var != "YYYY-MM-DD") { $str = "sptoolcollection.Blocked_Until ".$bt." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Blocked for Loaning >= "; if($_COOKIE['formBlockDateFrom']) {$value = $formBlockDateFrom;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formBlockDateFrom'];} } break; case 'formBlockDateTo': if($var != "YYYY-MM-DD") { $str = "sptoolcollection.Blocked_Until ".$st." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Blocked for Loaning <= "; if($_COOKIE['formBlockDateTo']) {$value = $formBlockDateTo;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formBlockDateTo'];} } break; case 'formLoanConditions': $str = "sptoolcollection.Loan_Conditions ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Loan Conditions = "; if($_COOKIE['formLoanConditions']) {$value = $formLoanConditions;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formLoanConditions'];} break; case 'formNotesInternal': $str = "sptoolcollection.Notes_Internal ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Internal Notes = "; if($_COOKIE['formNotesInternal']) {$value = $formNotesInternal;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formNotesInternal'];} break; case 'formNotes': $str = "sptoolcollection.Notes ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " General Remarks = "; if($_COOKIE['formNotes']) {$value = $formNotes;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formNotes'];} break; case 'formCreatedBy': $str = "sptoolcollection.Created_Who ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Record Created By = "; if($_POST['formCreatedBy']) {$value = $formCreatedBy;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formCreatedBy'];} break; case 'CrBy': $str = "sptoolcollection.Created_Who ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Record Created By = "; $value = $_GET['CrBy']; break; case 'formGeneticLocus': $str = "sptoolgeneticaccessions.GeneticLocus ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Genetic Locus = "; if($_POST['formGeneticLocus']) {$value = $formGeneticLocus;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formGeneticLocus'];} break; case 'formGenbankNumber': $str = "sptoolgeneticaccessions.GenBankNumber ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Genetic Accession Number = "; if($_POST['formGenbankNumber']) {$value = $formGenbankNumber;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formGenbankNumber'];} break; case 'radioGenBank': $description = " NCBI/EMBL/DDBJ Accession No/BOLD ID = "; if($radioGenBank=="Yes" or $_COOKIE['radioGenBank']=="Yes") { $str = 'sptoolcollection.ID_Collection '.$tr.' sptoolgeneticaccessions.FK_Collection AND sptoolgeneticaccessions.GenBankNumber '.addslashes($no).' "" AND '; $value = "available";} if($radioGenBank=="No" or $_COOKIE['radioGenBank']=="No") { $str = "sptoolcollection.ID_Collection NOT IN (SELECT FK_Collection FROM sptoolgeneticaccessions) AND "; $value = "not available";} break; case 'formSeries': $str = "stratigraphy_series.Series ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Series = "; if($_POST['formSeries']) {$value = $formSeries;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formSeries'];} break; case 'formStage': $str = "stratigraphy_stage.Stage ".$tr." '".$var."' AND "; $description = " Stage = "; if($_POST['formStage']) {$value = $formStage;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formStage'];} break; case 'formFossilZone': $str = "sptoolcollection.FossilZone ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Fossil Zone = "; if($_POST['formFossilZone']) {$value = $formFossilZone;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formFossilZone'];} break; case 'formFormation': $str = "sptoolcollection.Formation ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Formation = "; if($_POST['formFormation']) {$value = $formFormation;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formFormation'];} break; case 'formSectionDetails': $str = "sptoolcollection.SectionDetails ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Section Details = "; if($_POST['formSectionDetails']) {$value = $formSectionDetails;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formSectionDetails'];} break; case 'formSpecimenDetails': $str = "sptoolcollection.SpecimenDetails ".$lk." '%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Specimen Details = "; if($_POST['formSpecimenDetails']) {$value = $formSpecimenDetails;} else {$value = $_COOKIE['formSpecimenDetails'];} break; } $where[$i] = $str; $descriptionall[$i] = $description; $valueall[$i] = $value; } next($parr); } if(empty($str)) { echo ""; echo "
No search key entered.
New Search.
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'.((is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false))); $sqlcount = "SELECT DISTINCT sptoolcollection.ID_Collection FROM sptoolcollection LEFT JOIN sptooltaxa ON sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = sptooltaxa.FK_Collection LEFT JOIN sptoolhighertaxon ON sptooltaxa.ID_TaxonIdentified = sptoolhighertaxon.FK_TaxonIdentified LEFT JOIN basisofrecordspecimen ON sptoolcollection.FK_BasisOfRecord = basisofrecordspecimen.ID_BasisOfRecord_Specimen LEFT JOIN kindofunit ON sptoolcollection.FK_KindOfUnit = kindofunit.ID_KindOfUnit LEFT JOIN sex ON sptoolcollection.FK_Sex = sex.ID_Sex LEFT JOIN country_continent ON sptoolcollection.FK_Country = country_continent.FK_Country LEFT JOIN countryisocode ON sptoolcollection.FK_Country = countryisocode.ID_Country LEFT JOIN specimentype ON sptoolcollection.FK_Type = specimentype.ID_SpecimenType LEFT JOIN sptoolmultimedia ON sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = sptoolmultimedia.FK_Collection LEFT JOIN sptoolreferences ON sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = sptoolreferences.FK_Collection LEFT JOIN reference ON sptoolreferences.FK_References = reference.ID_References LEFT JOIN sptoolgeneticaccessions ON sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = sptoolgeneticaccessions.FK_Collection LEFT JOIN stratigraphy_series ON sptoolcollection.FK_Strat_Series = stratigraphy_series.ID_Strat_Series LEFT JOIN stratigraphy_stage ON sptoolcollection.FK_Strat_Stage = stratigraphy_stage.ID_Strat_Stage " . $wherestr; $resultcount = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sqlcount); $sum = mysqli_num_rows($resultcount); } } //if($formSubmitSearch) else { if($formSubmitSave) { include("save_updates_sptool.php"); } mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmpSpToolIDs"); $sqlType = "Detail"; $ID_Collection = $_GET['ID_Collection']; $sql = $sqlcreate . $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT sptoolcollection.ID_Collection FROM sptoolcollection LEFT JOIN sptooltaxa ON sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = sptooltaxa.FK_Collection LEFT JOIN sptoolhighertaxon ON sptooltaxa.ID_TaxonIdentified = sptoolhighertaxon.FK_TaxonIdentified " . "WHERE sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = '$ID_Collection' "; if (isset($_SESSION['guest']) || $_SESSION['guest'] || !$_SESSION['loggedin'] || !isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) { $sql .= " AND sptoolcollection.Blocked != 'Yes' AND sptoolcollection.EscapedCoordinated != 'Yes' AND sptoolcollection.Permission != 'No' "; } if (isset($_SESSION['project']) || $_SESSION['project']) { $sql .= " AND ((sptoolcollection.Created_Who != '".$log."' AND sptoolcollection.Blocked != 'Yes' AND sptoolcollection.EscapedCoordinates != 'Yes' AND sptoolcollection.Permission != 'No') OR sptoolcollection.Created_Who = '".$log."') "; } $sql .= $sqllimit; } $SpToolcount=0; if(!empty($sql)) { // just in case it is still here: drop tmpSpToolIDs mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmpSpToolIDs"); mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql); if(!mysqli_affected_rows($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) { echo ""; if($version != "BoBO" and (isset($_SESSION['guest']) || $_SESSION['guest'] || isset($_SESSION['project']) || $_SESSION['project'] || !$_SESSION['loggedin'] || !isset($_SESSION['loggedin']))) { echo "
New Search.
Sorry, you don't have permission to see this record.
"; } else { echo "
No hits found for:"; if($descriptionall != "") { foreach($descriptionall as $index => $descriptiontest) { $valuetest = $valueall[$index]; echo $descriptiontest."[".$valuetest."]"; } } else { echo " this query"; } echo ".
";} } // if (!isset($_SESSION['guest']) && !$_SESSION['guest']) else { $result1 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT sptoolcollection.ID_Collection, " . " sptoolcollection.UnitID_Specimen, " . " sptoolcollection.CollectionCode_Specimen, " . " sptoolcollection.InstitutionCode_Specimen, " . " sptoolcollection.Collectors, " . " sptoolcollection.CollectionDateMin, " . " sptoolcollection.CollectionDateMax, " . " sptoolcollection.CollectionYear, " . " sptoolcollection.CollectorsNo, " . " sptoolcollection.CollectionMethod, " . " sptoolcollection.Locality_ID, " . " sptoolcollection.ExpeditionDetails, " . " sptoolcollection.Region, " . " sptoolcollection.Locality, " . " sptoolcollection.Habitat, " . " sptoolcollection.DepthMin, " . " sptoolcollection.DepthMax, " . " sptoolcollection.DepthUnit, " . " sptoolcollection.DepthMethod, " . " sptoolcollection.DepthRaw, " . " sptoolcollection.DepthAccuracyStatement, " . " sptoolcollection.AltitudeMin, " . " sptoolcollection.AltitudeMax, " . " sptoolcollection.AltitudeUnit, " . " sptoolcollection.AltitudeMethod, " . " sptoolcollection.AltitudeRaw, " . " sptoolcollection.AltitudeAccuracyStatement, " . " sptoolcollection.LongitudeMin, " . " sptoolcollection.LatitudeMin, " . " sptoolcollection.LongitudeMax, " . " sptoolcollection.LatitudeMax, " . " sptoolcollection.LongitudeRaw, " . " sptoolcollection.LatitudeRaw, " . " sptoolcollection.CoordinatesAccuracyStatement, " . " sptoolcollection.CoordinatesErrorDistance, " . " sptoolcollection.GeodeticDatum, " . " sptoolcollection.EscapedCoordinates, " . " sptoolcollection.Permission, " . " sptoolcollection.Blocked_For_Publishing, " . " sptoolcollection.Blocked_For_Loaning, " . " sptoolcollection.Blocked_Until, " . " sptoolcollection.Loan_Conditions, " . " sptoolcollection.AccessionNo, " . " sptoolcollection.AccessionName, " . " methods.Method AS PrepType, " . " sptoolcollection.PrepDate, " . " sptoolcollection.PrepMaterials, " . " sptoolcollection.PrepProcess, " . " PrepStaff.Name_All AS PrepStaff, " . " AcquiredFrom.Name_All AS AcquiredFrom, " . " sptoolcollection.LifeStage, " . " sptoolcollection.LifeForm, " . " sptoolcollection.TypeDesignation, " . " sptoolcollection.Notes, " . " sptoolcollection.Notes_Internal, " . " sptoolcollection.CollectionNotes, " . " sptoolcollection.SampleGroup, " . " sptoolcollection.Created_Who, " . " sptoolcollection.Created_When, " . " sptoolcollection.Updated_Who, " . " sptoolcollection.Updated_When, " . " sptoolcollection.GUID, " . " sptoolcollection.Created_Who, " . " sptoolcollection.Created_When, " . " sptoolcollection.Multimedia, " . " sptoolcollection.Qualifier_Series, " . " sptoolcollection.Qualifier_Stage, " . " sptoolcollection.FossilZone, " . " sptoolcollection.Formation, " . " sptoolcollection.SpecimenDetails, " . " sptoolcollection.SectionDetails, " . " basisofrecordspecimen.BasisOfRecord_Specimen AS BasisOfRecord, " . " kindofunit.KindOfUnit, " . " sptoolcollection.FK_ParentID_Collection, " . " relation.Relation, " . " sex.Sex, " . " slope.Slope, " . " prevalentaspect.Aspect, " . " geocodemethod.Geocode, " . " biogeographicregion.BiogeographicRegion, " . " soiltexture.SoilTexture, " . " soilph.SoilpH, " . " habitatcode.HabitatCode, " . " landusecode.LandUseCode, " . " specimentype.SpecimenType, " . " countryisocode.Country, " . " countryisocode.IsoCode, " . " seasandoceans.SeasAndOceans, " . " stratigraphy_series.Series, " . " stratigraphy_stage.Stage " . " FROM sptoolcollection JOIN tmpSpToolIDs " . " LEFT JOIN basisofrecordspecimen ON sptoolcollection.FK_BasisOfRecord = basisofrecordspecimen.ID_BasisOfRecord_Specimen " . " LEFT JOIN kindofunit ON sptoolcollection.FK_KindOfUnit = kindofunit.ID_KindOfUnit " . " LEFT JOIN sex ON sptoolcollection.FK_Sex = sex.ID_Sex " . " LEFT JOIN slope ON sptoolcollection.FK_Slope = slope.ID_Slope " . " LEFT JOIN prevalentaspect ON sptoolcollection.FK_Aspect = prevalentaspect.ID_Aspect " . " LEFT JOIN geocodemethod ON sptoolcollection.FK_GeocodeMethod = geocodemethod.ID_Geocode " . " LEFT JOIN biogeographicregion ON sptoolcollection.FK_BiogeographicRegion = biogeographicregion.ID_BiogeographicRegion " . " LEFT JOIN soiltexture ON sptoolcollection.FK_SoilTexture = soiltexture.ID_SoilTexture " . " LEFT JOIN soilph ON sptoolcollection.FK_SoilpH = soilph.ID_SoilpH " . " LEFT JOIN habitatcode ON sptoolcollection.FK_HabitatCode = habitatcode.ID_HabitatCode " . " LEFT JOIN landusecode ON sptoolcollection.FK_LandUseCode = landusecode.ID_LandUseCode " . " LEFT JOIN specimentype ON sptoolcollection.FK_Type = specimentype.ID_SpecimenType " . " LEFT JOIN countryisocode ON sptoolcollection.FK_Country = countryisocode.ID_Country " . " LEFT JOIN seasandoceans ON sptoolcollection.FK_SeasAndOceans = seasandoceans.ID_SeasAndOceans " . " LEFT JOIN stratigraphy_series ON sptoolcollection.FK_Strat_Series = stratigraphy_series.ID_Strat_Series " . " LEFT JOIN stratigraphy_stage ON sptoolcollection.FK_Strat_Stage = stratigraphy_stage.ID_Strat_Stage " . " LEFT JOIN people as PrepStaff ON sptoolcollection.FK_PrepStaff = PrepStaff.ID_People " . " LEFT JOIN people as AcquiredFrom ON sptoolcollection.FK_AcquiredFrom = AcquiredFrom.ID_People " . " LEFT JOIN relation ON sptoolcollection.FK_RelationToParent = relation.ID_Relation " . " LEFT JOIN methods ON sptoolcollection.FK_PrepType = methods.ID_Method " . " WHERE sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = tmpSpToolIDs.ID_Collection"); $resultassociations = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT sptoolcollection.ID_Collection, " . " sptoolcollection.UnitID_Specimen, " . " sptoolcollection.CollectionCode_Specimen, " . " sptoolcollection.InstitutionCode_Specimen, " . " basisofrecordspecimen.BasisOfRecord_Specimen AS BasisOfRecord, " . " kindofunit.KindOfUnit, " . " sptoolcollection.FK_ParentID_Collection, " . " methods.Method AS PrepType, " . " sptoolcollection.PrepDate, " . " relation.Relation " . " FROM sptoolcollection JOIN tmpSpToolIDs " . " LEFT JOIN basisofrecordspecimen ON sptoolcollection.FK_BasisOfRecord = basisofrecordspecimen.ID_BasisOfRecord_Specimen " . " LEFT JOIN relation ON sptoolcollection.FK_RelationToParent = relation.ID_Relation " . " LEFT JOIN kindofunit ON sptoolcollection.FK_KindOfUnit = kindofunit.ID_KindOfUnit " . " LEFT JOIN methods ON sptoolcollection.FK_PrepType = methods.ID_Method " . " WHERE FK_ParentID_Collection = tmpSpToolIDs.ID_Collection"); $result2 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT sptoolcollection.ID_Collection, " . " sptooltaxa.NameAuthorYear, " . " sptooltaxa.Genus, " . " sptooltaxa.Subgenus, " . " sptooltaxa.SpecificEpithet, " . " sptooltaxa.Rank, " . " sptooltaxa.InfraspecificEpithet, " . " sptooltaxa.AuthorParenth, " . " sptooltaxa.YearParenth, " . " sptooltaxa.Author, " . " sptooltaxa.Year, " . " sptooltaxa.KindOfIdentification, " . " sptooltaxa.Identifier, " . " sptooltaxa.IdentificationDate, " . " sptooltaxa.IdentificationNotes, " . " sptooltaxa.PreferredFlag " . " FROM sptoolcollection, sptooltaxa, tmpSpToolIDs " . " WHERE sptooltaxa.FK_Collection = sptoolcollection.ID_Collection " . " AND sptooltaxa.PreferredFlag = '1' " . " AND sptooltaxa.Synecology IS NULL " . " AND sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = tmpSpToolIDs.ID_Collection"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result2)) { $NameAuthorYear = $row->NameAuthorYear; $Genus = $row->Genus; $Subgenus = $row->Subgenus; $SpecificEpithet = $row->SpecificEpithet; $InfraspecificEpithet = $row->InfraspecificEpithet; $Rank = $row->Rank; $AuthorParenth = $row->AuthorParenth; $YearParenth = $row->YearParenth; $Author = $row->Author; $Year = $row->Year; $KindOfIdentification = $row->KindOfIdentification; $Identifier = $row->Identifier; $IdentificationDate = $row->IdentificationDate; $IdentificationNotes = $row->IdentificationNotes; $PreferredFlag = "Yes"; } $result2a = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT sptoolcollection.ID_Collection, " . " sptooltaxa.ID_TaxonIdentified, " . " sptooltaxa.NameAuthorYear, " . " sptooltaxa.Genus, " . " sptooltaxa.Subgenus, " . " sptooltaxa.SpecificEpithet, " . " sptooltaxa.Rank, " . " sptooltaxa.InfraspecificEpithet, " . " sptooltaxa.AuthorParenth, " . " sptooltaxa.YearParenth, " . " sptooltaxa.Author, " . " sptooltaxa.Year, " . " sptooltaxa.KindOfIdentification, " . " sptooltaxa.Identifier, " . " sptooltaxa.IdentificationDate, " . " sptooltaxa.IdentificationNotes, " . " sptooltaxa.PreferredFlag " . " FROM sptoolcollection, sptooltaxa, tmpSpToolIDs " . " WHERE sptooltaxa.FK_Collection = sptoolcollection.ID_Collection " . " AND sptooltaxa.PreferredFlag != '1' " . " AND sptooltaxa.Synecology IS NULL " . " AND sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = tmpSpToolIDs.ID_Collection"); $result2b = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT sptoolcollection.ID_Collection, " . " sptooltaxa.NameAuthorYear AS NameAuthorYearB, " . " sptooltaxa.PreferredFlag AS PreferredFlagB " . " FROM sptoolcollection, sptooltaxa, tmpSpToolIDs " . " WHERE sptooltaxa.FK_Collection = sptoolcollection.ID_Collection " . " AND sptooltaxa.Synecology IS NULL " . " AND sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = tmpSpToolIDs.ID_Collection"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result2b)) {if(isset($PreferredFlagB[$row->ID_Collection])) { $Flag = $PreferredFlagB[$row->ID_Collection]; if($Flag == 'true' or $Flag == '1') {$Preferred = " (preferred species name)";} else {$Preferred = ""; } } else { $PreferredFlagB[$row->ID_Collection] = ""; } if(isset($NameAuthorYearB[$row->ID_Collection])) { $NameAuthorYearB[$row->ID_Collection] .= "" . $Preferred . ", "; } else { $NameAuthorYearB[$row->ID_Collection] = ""; } $tmp = $row->NameAuthorYearB; $NameAuthorYearB[$row->ID_Collection] .= $tmp; $tmp2 = $row->PreferredFlagB; $PreferredFlagB[$row->ID_Collection] .= $tmp2; } $result3 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT sptoolcollection.ID_Collection, " . " sptooltaxa.ID_TaxonIdentified, " . " sptoolhighertaxon.HigherTaxon, " . " sptoolhighertaxon.TaxonRank " . " FROM sptoolcollection, sptooltaxa, sptoolhighertaxon, tmpSpToolIDs " . " WHERE sptoolhighertaxon.FK_TaxonIdentified = sptooltaxa.ID_TaxonIdentified " . " AND sptooltaxa.FK_Collection = sptoolcollection.ID_Collection " . " AND sptooltaxa.PreferredFlag = '1' " . " AND sptoolhighertaxon.Synecology IS NULL " . " AND sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = tmpSpToolIDs.ID_Collection"); $result4 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT sptoolcollection.ID_Collection, " . " sptoolmeasurementorfact.Value, " . " sptoolmeasurementorfact.Unit, " . " sptoolmeasurementorfact.Parameter, " . " sptoolmeasurementorfact.Method " . " FROM sptoolcollection, sptoolmeasurementorfact, tmpSpToolIDs " . " WHERE sptoolmeasurementorfact.FK_Collection = sptoolcollection.ID_Collection " . " AND sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = tmpSpToolIDs.ID_Collection " . " AND sptoolmeasurementorfact.Rank = 'Ecology'"); $result5 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT sptoolcollection.ID_Collection, " . " sptoolmeasurementorfact.Value, " . " sptoolmeasurementorfact.Unit, " . " sptoolmeasurementorfact.Parameter, " . " sptoolmeasurementorfact.Method " . " FROM sptoolcollection, sptoolmeasurementorfact, tmpSpToolIDs " . " WHERE sptoolmeasurementorfact.FK_Collection = sptoolcollection.ID_Collection " . " AND sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = tmpSpToolIDs.ID_Collection " . " AND sptoolmeasurementorfact.Rank = 'Morphology' " . "ORDER BY sptoolmeasurementorfact.Parameter "); $resultGenAcc = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT sptoolcollection.ID_Collection, " . " sptoolgeneticaccessions.GenBankNumber, " . " sptoolgeneticaccessions.SampleID, " . " sptoolgeneticaccessions.BOLD, " . " geneticlocus.GeneticLocus " . " FROM sptoolcollection, sptoolgeneticaccessions, geneticlocus, tmpSpToolIDs " . " WHERE sptoolgeneticaccessions.FK_Collection = sptoolcollection.ID_Collection " . " AND sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = tmpSpToolIDs.ID_Collection " . " AND geneticlocus.ID_GeneticLocus = sptoolgeneticaccessions.FK_GeneticLocus " . "ORDER BY sptoolgeneticaccessions.BOLD, sptoolgeneticaccessions.GenBankNumber"); $result2Host = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT sptoolcollection.ID_Collection, " . " sptooltaxa.ID_TaxonIdentified, " . " sptooltaxa.NameAuthorYear, " . " sptooltaxa.Genus, " . " sptooltaxa.Subgenus, " . " sptooltaxa.SpecificEpithet, " . " sptooltaxa.Rank, " . " sptooltaxa.InfraspecificEpithet, " . " sptooltaxa.AuthorParenth, " . " sptooltaxa.YearParenth, " . " sptooltaxa.Author, " . " sptooltaxa.Year, " . " sptooltaxa.KindOfIdentification, " . " sptooltaxa.Identifier, " . " sptooltaxa.IdentificationDate, " . " sptooltaxa.IdentificationNotes, " . " sptooltaxa.PreferredFlag " . " FROM sptoolcollection, sptooltaxa, tmpSpToolIDs " . " WHERE sptooltaxa.FK_Collection = sptoolcollection.ID_Collection " . " AND sptooltaxa.Synecology = 'host' " . " AND sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = tmpSpToolIDs.ID_Collection"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result2Host)) { $NameAuthorYearHost = $row->NameAuthorYear; $GenusHost = $row->Genus; $SubgenusHost = $row->Subgenus; $SpecificEpithetHost = $row->SpecificEpithet; $InfraspecificEpithetHost = $row->InfraspecificEpithet; $RankHost = $row->Rank; $AuthorParenthHost = $row->AuthorParenth; $YearParenthHost = $row->YearParenth; $AuthorHost = $row->Author; $YearHost = $row->Year; $KindOfIdentificationHost = $row->KindOfIdentification; $IdentifierHost = $row->Identifier; $IdentificationDateHost = $row->IdentificationDate; $IdentificationNotesHost = $row->IdentificationNotes; } $result3Host = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT sptoolcollection.ID_Collection, " . " sptooltaxa.ID_TaxonIdentified, " . " sptoolhighertaxon.HigherTaxon, " . " sptoolhighertaxon.TaxonRank " . " FROM sptoolcollection, sptooltaxa, sptoolhighertaxon, tmpSpToolIDs " . " WHERE sptoolhighertaxon.FK_TaxonIdentified = sptooltaxa.ID_TaxonIdentified " . " AND sptooltaxa.FK_Collection = sptoolcollection.ID_Collection " . " AND sptoolhighertaxon.Synecology = 'host' " . " AND sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = tmpSpToolIDs.ID_Collection"); $resultAssocUnit = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT sptoolassociatedunits.FK_Collection, " . " sptoolassociatedunits.RelationToMainUnit, " . " sptoolassociatedunits.UnitID, " . " sptoolassociatedunits.CollectionCode, " . " sptoolassociatedunits.InstitutionCode, " . " basisofrecordspecimen.BasisOfRecord_Specimen AS RecordBasis, " . " dataset.Display, " . " sptoolassociatedunits.Notes " . " FROM sptoolassociatedunits JOIN tmpSpToolIDs " . " LEFT JOIN basisofrecordspecimen ON sptoolassociatedunits.FK_BasisOfRecord = basisofrecordspecimen.ID_BasisOfRecord_Specimen " . " LEFT JOIN dataset ON sptoolassociatedunits.FK_Dataset = dataset.ID_Dataset " . " WHERE sptoolassociatedunits.FK_Collection = tmpSpToolIDs.ID_Collection"); $resultVoucherRef = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT sptoolreferences.ID_Reference, " . " sptoolreferences.FK_Collection, " . " sptoolreferences.FK_References, " . " reference.ReferenceText, " . " reference.ReferenceUrl, " . " sptoolreferences.ReferenceDetail " . " FROM sptoolreferences JOIN tmpSpToolIDs " . " LEFT JOIN reference ON sptoolreferences.FK_References = reference.ID_References " . " WHERE sptoolreferences.FK_Collection = tmpSpToolIDs.ID_Collection"); $resultMMSpecimen = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT sptoolmultimedia.ID_Multimedia, " . " sptoolmultimedia.FK_Collection, " . " sptoolmultimedia.File_Path, " . " sptoolmultimedia.File_Type, " . " sptoolmultimedia.File_Created_When, " . " sptoolmultimedia.File_Created_Who, " . " sptoolmultimedia.File_Comment, " . " sptoolmultimedia.File_Context, " . " sptoolmultimedia.File_Group, " . " sptoolmultimedia.File_License " . " FROM sptoolmultimedia JOIN tmpSpToolIDs " . " WHERE sptoolmultimedia.File_Group = 'specimen' " . " AND sptoolmultimedia.FK_Collection = tmpSpToolIDs.ID_Collection " . " ORDER BY sptoolmultimedia.ID_Multimedia"); $resultMMSite = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT sptoolmultimedia.FK_Collection, " . " sptoolmultimedia.ID_Multimedia, " . " sptoolmultimedia.File_Path, " . " sptoolmultimedia.File_Type, " . " sptoolmultimedia.File_Created_When, " . " sptoolmultimedia.File_Created_Who, " . " sptoolmultimedia.File_Comment, " . " sptoolmultimedia.File_Context, " . " sptoolmultimedia.File_Group, " . " sptoolmultimedia.File_License " . " FROM sptoolmultimedia JOIN tmpSpToolIDs " . " WHERE sptoolmultimedia.File_Group = 'site' " . " AND sptoolmultimedia.FK_Collection = tmpSpToolIDs.ID_Collection " . " ORDER BY sptoolmultimedia.ID_Multimedia"); if($sqlType=="SpTool") { echo ""; $pagesum = mysqli_num_rows($result1); echo ""; include("pages.php"); echo "
New Search.
".$sum; if($sum == 1) {echo " entry "; } else { echo " entries ";} echo "found for:"; foreach($descriptionall as $index => $descriptiontest) { $valuetest = $valueall[$index]; echo $descriptiontest."[".$valuetest."]"; } echo ".

"; $SpToolcount=0; echo ""; echo ""; if($ShowUnitIDSP == "1") { echo ""; } if($ShowCollCodeSP == "1") { echo ""; } if($ShowInstCodeSP == "1") { echo ""; } echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; for ($i=1; $i<=$pagesum; $i++) { $row=mysqli_fetch_array($result1); { $SpToolcount++; if($SpToolcount<=$pagesize) { $ID = $row['ID_Collection']; $LinkSpecimen = "sqlType=Detail&ID_Collection=".$ID; if($_GET['page'] > 1) { $LinkSpecimen .= "&Page=".$_GET['page']; } $number = ($page-1)*$pagesize+$i; echo ""; if($ShowUnitIDSP == "1") { echo ""; } if($ShowCollCodeSP == "1") { echo ""; } if($ShowInstCodeSP == "1") { echo ""; } echo ""; } } } echo "
TaxonVoucher IDColl. CodeInst. CodeColl. DateCollector(s)Country

".build_href("query_sptool.php", $LinkSpecimen, $number).". ".build_href("query_sptool.php", $LinkSpecimen, $NameAuthorYearB[$row['ID_Collection']])."".$row['UnitID_Specimen']."".$row['CollectionCode_Specimen']."".$row['InstitutionCode_Specimen']."".substr($row['CollectionDateMin'], 0, -9); if($row['CollectionDateMax'] != "0000-00-00 00:00:00" and $row['CollectionDateMax'] != NULL) { echo " - ".substr($row['CollectionDateMax'], 0, -9); } echo "".$row['Collectors']." ".$row['IsoCode']." "; if ($row['BasisOfRecord'] == "PreservedSpecimen" or $row['BasisOfRecord'] == "MaterialSample") { echo "S "; } if ($row['BasisOfRecord'] == "LivingSpecimen") { echo "L "; } if ($row['BasisOfRecord'] == "HumanObservation") { echo "O "; } if ($row['BasisOfRecord'] == "Germplasm") { echo "G "; } if ($row['BasisOfRecord'] == "Fossil") { echo "F "; } if ($row['LongitudeMin'] != "" and $row['LatitudeMin'] != "") { echo ""; } if ($row['Multimedia'] == "Yes") { echo " "; } echo "
"; } if($sqlType=="Detail") { echo ""; if($formSubmitSave) { echo "", ""; } else { echo ""; } echo ""; $SpToolcount=0; while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result1)) { $SpToolcount++; if($SpToolcount<=$pagesize) { $Sp_UnitID_Specimen = $row->UnitID_Specimen; $Sp_InstitutionCode_Specimen = $row->InstitutionCode_Specimen; $Sp_CollectionCode_Specimen = $row->CollectionCode_Specimen; $BasisOfRecord = $row->BasisOfRecord; $KindOfUnit = $row->KindOfUnit; $PrepType = $row->PrepType; $AccessionNo = $row->AccessionNo; $AccessionName = $row->AccessionName; $PrepDate = $row->PrepDate; $PrepStaff = $row->PrepStaff; $AcquiredFrom = $row->AcquiredFrom; $PrepMaterials = $row->PrepMaterials; $PrepProcess = $row->PrepProcess; $ExpeditionDetails = $row->ExpeditionDetails; $BiogeoRegion = $row->BiogeographicRegion; $CountryName = $row->Country; $Region = $row->Region; $Locality = $row->Locality; $Locality_ID = $row->Locality_ID; $SeasAndOceans = $row->SeasAndOceans; $AltitudeMin = $row->AltitudeMin; $AltitudeMax = $row->AltitudeMax; $AltitudeUnit = $row->AltitudeUnit; $AltitudeRaw = $row->AltitudeRaw; $AltitudeMethod = $row->AltitudeMethod; $AltitudeAccuracy = $row->AltitudeAccuracyStatement; $DepthMin = $row->DepthMin; $DepthMax = $row->DepthMax; $DepthUnit = $row->DepthUnit; $DepthRaw = $row->DepthRaw; $DepthMethod = $row->DepthMethod; $DepthAccuracy = $row->DepthAccuracyStatement; $CoordinatesAccuracy = $row->CoordinatesAccuracyStatement; $CoordinatesError = $row->CoordinatesErrorDistance; $LatitudeMin = $row->LatitudeMin; $LatitudeMax = $row->LatitudeMax; $LatitudeRaw = $row->LatitudeRaw; $LongitudeMin = $row->LongitudeMin; $LongitudeMax = $row->LongitudeMax; $LongitudeRaw = $row->LongitudeRaw; $GeoMethod = $row->Geocode; $GeoDatum = $row->GeodeticDatum; $Collectors = $row->Collectors; $Sp_CollectorsNo = $row->CollectorsNo; $CollectionDateMin = substr($row->CollectionDateMin, 0, -9); if($CollectionDateMin == "0000-00-00") { $CollectionDateMin = ""; } $CollectionDateMax = substr($row->CollectionDateMax, 0, -9); if($CollectionDateMax == "0000-00-00") { $CollectionDateMax = ""; } $CollectionYear = $row->CollectionYear; $Habitat = $row->Habitat; $SoilTexture = $row->SoilTexture; $SoilpH = $row->SoilpH; $HabitatCode = $row->HabitatCode; $LandUseCode = $row->LandUseCode; $Slope = $row->Slope; $Aspect = $row->Aspect; $Type = $row->SpecimenType; $TypeDesignation = $row->TypeDesignation; $Sex = $row->Sex; $LifeStage = $row->LifeStage; $LifeForm = $row->LifeForm; $EscapedCoordinates = $row->EscapedCoordinates; $Permission = $row->Permission; $BlockedForPublishing = $row->Blocked_For_Publishing; $BlockedForLoaning = $row->Blocked_For_Loaning; $LoanConditions = $row->Loan_Conditions; $BlockedUntil = substr($row->Blocked_Until, 0, -9); if($BlockedUntil == "0000-00-00") { $BlockedUntil = ""; } $Notes = $row->Notes; $NotesInternal = $row->Notes_Internal; $CollectionNotes = $row->CollectionNotes; $CollectionMethod = $row->CollectionMethod; $Created_Who = $row->Created_Who; $Created_When = $row->Created_When; $Updated_Who = $row->Updated_Who; $Updated_When = $row->Updated_When; $SampleGroup = $row->SampleGroup; $GUID = $row->GUID; $QualifierSeries = $row->Qualifier_Series; $Series = $row->Series; $QualifierStage = $row->Qualifier_Stage; $Stage = $row->Stage; $FossilZone = $row->FossilZone; $Formation = $row->Formation; $SectionDetails = $row->SectionDetails; $SpecimenDetails = $row->SpecimenDetails; $RelationToParent = $row->Relation; $FK_ParentID_Collection = $row->FK_ParentID_Collection; echo "
New Search.
Back to Hitlist"; if ($test1 == 'false1' or $test1 == 'false2'){ include("../config/Errorreport.php"); } if ($test1 != 'false1' and $test1 != 'false2') { include("../config/ChangesAccepted.php"); } echo "
Back to Hitlist

"; if($_SESSION['loggedin'] || isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) { echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo ""; } echo ""; } else { $result10 = "SELECT ID_Collection, Lock_Who, Lock_When FROM sptoolcollection WHERE ID_Collection = '$ID_Collection'"; $sql10 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $result10); while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($sql10)) { $TestWho = $row->Lock_Who; $TestWhen = $row->Lock_When;} if($TestWho == "") { echo ""; } if($TestWho != "") { $TestWhen2 = strtotime($TestWhen) + 1800; if($TestWhen2 >= time() and $TestWho != $log) { echo "Record temporarily not editable."; } if($TestWhen2 < time() or $TestWho == $log) { $result11 = "UPDATE sptoolcollection SET Lock_Who = '', Lock_When = '' WHERE sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = '$ID_Collection'"; $sql11 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $result11); echo ""; } } } } //if(!isset($_SESSION['guest']) && !$_SESSION['guest']) echo "
"; if (isset($_SESSION['guest']) || $_SESSION['guest'] || ((isset($_SESSION['project']) || $_SESSION['project']) && $Created_Who != $log) || !$_SESSION['loggedin'] || !isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) { } else { if($formSubmitSave) {$result0 = "UPDATE sptoolcollection SET Lock_Who = '', Lock_When = '' WHERE sptoolcollection.ID_Collection = '$ID_Collection'"; $sql0 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $result0); echo "
"; if($SampleGroup == "MixedSample") { include("inputmixedspecimen.php"); } else { include("inputspecimen.php"); } echo "
"; } } } mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmpSpToolIDs"); } } } ?>