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"; //echo "

Welcome to the DNA Module - First Steps

Your logo will be placed here later during cofiguration.
0) { $TestAdmin = false; echo ""; } else { $Test = "true"; } } if($Test == "true") { if($formSubmitSaveUser) { $Signature = $_POST['signature']; $Username = $_POST['username']; $Password = md5($randomstring); $Email = $_POST['email']; $Group = $_POST['group']; $sql = "INSERT INTO user (Signature, Login, Password, Email, FK_Group, Created_Who) VALUES ('$Signature','$Username','$Password','$Email','1','$log')"; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $sql); $msg = "

Step 5: Define first user

Go back to step 4
Please define the first user. That user will come with administration rights. Further users can be added after first login via Configuration Tool.
Sorry, an administrator is defined already. For adding further users please login as administrator or DNA Bank Manager and use the Configuration Tool.
"; $msg .= ""; $msg .= ""; $msg .= ""; $msg .= "
Dear ".$Signature."

Welcome to the DNA Module! Please keep this email. It contains your current password. You can change your password at any time.

Login name: ".$Username."
Password: ".$randomstring."

Administrator DNA Module
"; $from = "From:\n"; $from .= "Content-Type: text/html\n"; if(mail($Email, "Welcome to the DNA Module", utf8_decode($msg), $from)) { $$NewUser = true; echo "
An email with current password has been sent to ".$Email."
"; } } if(!$formSubmitSaveUser) { echo " "; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ''; echo "
Password will be generated automatically and can be changed after first login.
SignatureReal Name/Signature.
User nameLogin Name.
EmailEnter user's email address. The user will receive an email with his or her password.
GroupAdminGroup for this user.
"; } } ?>
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