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DNA Bank Network - Publications

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Um eine Publikation einer DNA-Probe zuzuordnen, geben Sie bitte einen Teil des Paper-Titels ein sowie die gewünschten DNA-Nummern oder Gen Bank Accession Numbers. Sie können in einem ersten Schritt auch nur prüfen lassen, ob die Publikation schon in der Datenbank ist.
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and Gen Bank Numbers: Please separate numbers with semicolon (e.g. AJ746400;AJ746394)
or DNA Extraction Numbers: Please separate numbers with semicolon (e.g. 236;289;324)
Please select a publication!"; } if($_POST['y']=="") { unset($y); echo "Please select a fragment!"; } else { if(isset($_POST['x'])) {$mykey = key($_POST['formPublications']); if($mykey = $_POST['x']) { $IDPublication = $_POST['formPublications'][$mykey]; } } //if($_POST['x']!="") foreach($_POST['y'] as $index2 => $check) { if(isset($check)) { $IDAmplification = $_POST['IDAmplification'][$check]; $IDDNA = $_POST['IDDNA'][$check]; $FragmentTest = $_POST['formFragment'][$check]; $resultPub= "SELECT tablepublications.ID_Publications, " . "tablepublications.Editors, " . "tablepublications.Year, " . "tablepublications.Title, " . "tablejournals.Journal_View, " . "tablepublications.Volume, " . "tablepublications.Pages, " . "tablepublications.Book, " . "tablepublications.Publisher, " . "tablepublications.Link " . "FROM tablepublications " . "LEFT JOIN tablejournals ON tablepublications.ID_Journal = tablejournals.ID_Journal " . "WHERE tablepublications.ID_Publications = '$IDPublication'"; $sqlPub = mysql_query($resultPub); if(mysql_num_rows($sqlPub)) { $gesamt = mysql_num_rows($sqlPub); for ($i=1; $i<=$gesamt; $i++) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($sqlPub); $publications[] = $row['ID_Publications']; foreach ($publications as $Test) { $resultaut = "SELECT tablepublications_authors.ID_Publications, " . "tableauthors.Author, " . "tablepublications_authors.Order " . "FROM tablepublications_authors, tableauthors " . "WHERE tablepublications_authors.ID_Author = tableauthors.ID_Author " . " AND tablepublications_authors.ID_Publications = '$Test' " . "ORDER BY tablepublications_authors.Order"; $sqlaut = mysql_query($resultaut); while ($roww = mysql_fetch_object($sqlaut)) { if(isset($Author[$roww->ID_Publications])) {$Author[$roww->ID_Publications] .= ", ";} else {$Author[$roww->ID_Publications] .= ""; } $tmp = $roww->Author; $Author[$roww->ID_Publications] .= $tmp; $View = $Author[$roww->ID_Publications]; }} $Paper = $View; if($row['Editors']) { $Paper .= " ".$row['Editors']; } $Paper .= " (".$row['Year']."): ".$row['Title']; if($row['Journal_View']) { $Paper .= " ".$row['Journal_View']; } if(!$row['Journal_View']) { $Paper .= " IN: ".$row['Book']." ".$row['Publisher']; } if($row['Volume']) { $Paper .= " ".$row['Volume'].": "; } if($row['Pages']) { $Paper .= " ".$row['Pages']."."; } //if($row['Link']) { $Paper .= " ".build_href1($row['Link'],$row['Link']); } } } $resultTest = "SELECT ID_Pub_Amp, ID_Publications, ID_Amplification FROM tablepublications_amplifications " . "WHERE ID_Publications = '$IDPublication' " . "AND ID_Amplification = '$IDAmplification'"; $sqlTest = mysql_query($resultTest); if(mysql_num_rows($sqlTest)) { echo "Die Verbindung zwischen dieser Publikation und dieser Amplifikation wurde bereits gespeichert!";} else { $result1 = "INSERT INTO tablepublications_amplifications (ID_Publications, ID_Amplification, ID_DNA, Paper_Cache, Fragment, Created_Who) VALUES ('$IDPublication','$IDAmplification','$IDDNA','$Paper','$FragmentTest','$log')"; $sql1 = mysql_query($result1); #######################################Error 1############################################################### if(!$sql1) { $msg = $result1."\n"; $msg .= "####Error 1####"; trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR); include ("Errorreport.php"); } ############################################################################################################# } } } if($sql1) { echo "Data have been saved!"; } } } if($formSubmitCheck) { if(empty($formSearchTitle) and !isset($formShowAll)) { echo "Please enter a Title!
";} if(!empty($formSearchTitle) and isset($formShowAll)) { echo "Please neither enter a Title or select the checkbox!
";} else { $result1= "SELECT tablepublications.ID_Publications, " . "tablepublications.Editors, " . "tablepublications.Year, " . "tablepublications.Title, " . "tablejournals.Journal_View, " . "tablepublications.Volume, " . "tablepublications.Pages, " . "tablepublications.Book, " . "tablepublications.Publisher, " . "tablepublications.Link " . "FROM tablepublications " . "LEFT JOIN tablejournals ON tablepublications.ID_Journal = tablejournals.ID_Journal " . "WHERE tablepublications.Title LIKE '%$formSearchTitle%'"; $sql1 = mysql_query($result1); if(!mysql_num_rows($sql1)) {echo "No hits found for: ".$_POST['formSearchTitle']."
";} else { echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; $gesamt = mysql_num_rows($sql1); for ($i=1; $i<=$gesamt; $i++) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($sql1); $publications[] = $row['ID_Publications']; foreach ($publications as $Test) { $result2 = "SELECT tablepublications_authors.ID_Publications, " . "tableauthors.Author, " . "tablepublications_authors.Order " . "FROM tablepublications_authors, tableauthors " . "WHERE tablepublications_authors.ID_Author = tableauthors.ID_Author " . " AND tablepublications_authors.ID_Publications = '$Test' " . "ORDER BY tablepublications_authors.Order"; $sql2 = mysql_query($result2); while ($roww = mysql_fetch_object($sql2)) { if(isset($Author[$roww->ID_Publications])) {$Author[$roww->ID_Publications] .= ", ";} else {$Author[$roww->ID_Publications] .= ""; } $tmp = $roww->Author; $Author[$roww->ID_Publications] .= $tmp; $View = $Author[$roww->ID_Publications]; }} echo ""; echo ""; } echo "

Please select a publication

".$View, $row['Editors'] ? " ".$row['Editors'] : "", " (".$row['Year']."): ".$row['Title'], $row['Journal_View'] ? " ".$row['Journal_View'] : " IN: ".$row['Book']." ".$row['Publisher'], $row['Volume'] ? " ".$row['Volume'].": " : "", $row['Pages'] ? " ".$row['Pages']."." : "", $row['Link'] ? " ".build_href1($row['Link'],$row['Link']) : ""; echo "

"; }} if(empty($formDnaBankNumber) and empty($formGenbankNumber)) { echo "Please enter a Gen Bank Number or DNA Extraction Number!";} else { $DnaArray = explode(";", $formDnaBankNumber); while($i = each($DnaArray)) { $Dna = trim($i[1]); $string .= 'tablednabanknumbers.Dna_Bank_Number = "'.$Dna.'" OR '; } $l=strlen ($string); $max = $l-4; $str = "(".substr($string, 0, $max).")"; $GenBankArray = explode(";", $formGenbankNumber); while($i = each($GenBankArray)) { $Gen = trim($i[1]); $stringGen .= 'tableamplifications.GenBankNumber = "'.$Gen.'" OR '; } $l=strlen ($stringGen); $maxGen = $l-4; $str1 = "(".substr($stringGen, 0, $maxGen).")"; $result3 = "SELECT tableamplifications.ID_Amplification, tablednabanknumbers.Dna_Bank_Number, " . "tableamplifications.GenBankNumber, " . "tableamplifications.Amplification_Success, " . "tableamplifications.Amplification_Date, " . "tableamplifications.Link, " . "tableamplifications.ID_DNA, " . "tablefragment.Fragment " . "FROM tableamplifications LEFT JOIN tablednabanknumbers ON tableamplifications.ID_DNA = tablednabanknumbers.ID_DNA LEFT JOIN tablefragment ON tableamplifications.ID_Fragment = tablefragment.ID_Fragment WHERE "; if($formDnaBankNumber != "") {$result3 .= $str; } if($formDnaBankNumber != "" and $formGenbankNumber != "") {$result3 .= " OR "; } if($formGenbankNumber != "") {$result3 .= $str1; } $result3 .= " ORDER BY tablednabanknumbers.Dna_Bank_Number"; $sql3 = mysql_query($result3); if(!mysql_num_rows($sql3)) {echo "No Amplifications found";} else { echo ""; $gesamt = mysql_num_rows($sql3); for ($i=1; $i<=$gesamt; $i++) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($sql3); echo ""; } echo ""; echo "

Please select fragments

SelectDNA Extraction NoGenBank NoFragmentAmplification successfulAmplification Date
"; echo "".$row['Dna_Bank_Number']."".build_href1($row['Link'],$row['GenBankNumber'])."".$row['Fragment']."".$row['Amplification_Success']."".DatumsWandler($row['Amplification_Date'])."
"; } } } ?>