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Journal_View; } #######################################Error 5a############################################################### if(!$sql1) { $msg = $result1."\n"; $msg .= "####Error 5a####"; trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR); } ############################################################################################################# $autcount=0; $AuthorArray = explode(";", $formAuthor); while($i = each($AuthorArray)) { $Author = trim($i[1]); // ist der Autor bereits bekannt? if($Author) { $resulta = "SELECT ID_Author FROM tableauthors " . "WHERE Author = '$Author'"; $sqla = mysql_query($resulta); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($sqla)) {$ID_Author_Test = $row->ID_Author; } #######################################Error Author-A############################################################### if(!$sqla) { $msg = $resulta."\n"; $msg .= "####Error Author-A####"; trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR); } ############################################################################################################# if(mysql_num_rows($sqla)) {$IDAuthor[$autcount++] = mysql_result($sqla, 0, 0);} // wenn unbekannt, insert else { $resultb = "INSERT INTO tableauthors (Author, Created_Who) " . "VALUES('$Author','$log')"; $sqlb = mysql_query($resultb); $IDAuthor[$autcount++]=mysql_insert_id(); #######################################Error Author-B############################################################### if(!$sqlb) { $msg = $resultb."\n"; $msg .= "####Error Author-B####"; trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR); } ############################################################################################################# } } }// Ende der Autorenschleife $resultc = "DELETE FROM tablepublications_authors WHERE ID_Publications = '$formPublication'"; $sqlc = mysql_query($resultc); #######################################Error Author-C############################################################### if(!$sqlc) { $msg = $resultc."\n"; $msg .= "####Error c####"; trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR); } ############################################################################################################# if($sqlc) { ############################################################################################################# for($i=0; $i<$autcount; $i++) { if($i!=0) $sql .= ","; $sql .= "($formPublication, $IDAuthor[$i])"; $resultd = "INSERT INTO tablepublications_authors (ID_Publications, ID_Author, Created_Who) " . "VALUES ('$formPublication','$IDAuthor[$i]','$log')"; $sqld = mysql_query($resultd); #######################################Error Author-D############################################################### if(!$sqld) { $msg = $resultd."\n"; $msg .= "####Error d####"; trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR); } ############################################################################################################# } } if($sql0) { $result2 = "SELECT tableauthors.ID_Author, " . "tableauthors.Author AS Author1 " . "FROM tableauthors, tablepublications_authors " . "WHERE tableauthors.ID_Author = tablepublications_authors.ID_Author " . " AND tablepublications_authors.ID_Publications = '$formPublication'"; $sql2 = mysql_query($result2); #######################################Error 7############################################################### if(!$sql2) { $msg = $result2."\n"; $msg .= "####Error 7####"; trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR); } ############################################################################################################# while($row = mysql_fetch_object($sql2)) { if(isset($Author1[$row->ID_Publication])) {$Author1[$row->ID_Publications] .= ", "; } else {$Author1[$row->IDPublications] = ""; } $tmp = $row->Author1; $Author1[$row->ID_Publications] .= $tmp; } $Paper = $Author1[$row->ID_Publications]; if(isset($formEds)) { $Paper .= " ".$formEds; } $Paper .= " (".$formYear."): ".$formTitle; if($formJournal) { $Paper .= " ".$Journal; } if(!$formJournal) { $Paper .= " IN: ".$formBook." ".$formPublisher; } if($formVolume) { $Paper .= " ".$formVolume.": "; } if($formPages) { $Paper .= " ".$formPages."."; } $result3 = "UPDATE tablepublications_amplifications SET Paper_Cache = '$Paper' WHERE ID_Publications = '$formPublication'"; $sql3 = mysql_query($result3); #######################################Error 8############################################################### if(!$sql3) { $msg = $result3."\n"; $msg .= "####Error 8####"; trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR); } ############################################################################################################# if($sql2 and $sql3) {echo "Data have been saved!"; } } } ?> Authors have been deleted!"; } } if($_GET['deletejournal'] == 'true') { $resultdeleteb = "DELETE FROM tablejournals WHERE ID_Journal NOT IN (SELECT ID_Journal FROM tablepublications)"; $sqldeleteb = mysql_query($resultdeleteb); if($sqldeleteb) { echo "Journals have been deleted!"; } } $resulttesta = "SELECT DISTINCT ID_Author, Author FROM tableauthors WHERE ID_Author NOT IN (SELECT ID_Author FROM tablepublications_authors)"; $sqltesta = mysql_query($resulttesta); $resulttestb = "SELECT DISTINCT ID_Journal, Journal_View FROM tablejournals WHERE ID_Journal NOT IN (SELECT ID_Journal FROM tablepublications)"; $sqltestb = mysql_query($resulttestb); if(mysql_num_rows($sqltesta)) {echo ""; } if(mysql_num_rows($sqltestb)) {echo ""; } ?> "; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } } } } ?>
Mit dem Formular können Sie die Publikationen verwalten.
Author: or show all datasets: >
Online version available: />
Note: For the following authors don't exist publications: "; while($row = mysql_fetch_object($sqltesta)) { echo "".$row->Author. "; "; } echo "Do you want to delete this authors from database? Yes
Note: For the following journals don't exist publications: "; while($row = mysql_fetch_object($sqltestb)) { echo "".$row->Journal_View. "; "; } echo "Do you want to delete this journals from database? Yes
Please select a publication!"; } else { if(isset($_POST['x'])) { $mykey = key($_POST['formPublications']); if($mykey = $_POST['x']) { $IDPublication = $_POST['formPublications'][$mykey]; } } //if($_POST['x']!="") $result = "SELECT ID_Pub_Amp FROM tablepublications_amplifications WHERE ID_Publications = '$IDPublication'"; $sql = mysql_query($result); #######################################Error 1############################################################### if(!$sql) { $msg = $result."\n"; $msg .= "####Error 1####"; trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR); } ############################################################################################################# $number = mysql_num_rows($sql); if($number >= 1 and $formAction == '1') { echo "Publikation kann nicht gelöscht werden, da ".$number." Amplifikationen mit ihr verknüpft sind!"; } if($number == 0 and $formAction == '1') { $result = "DELETE FROM tablepublications WHERE ID_Publications = '$IDPublication'"; $sql = mysql_query($result); #######################################Error 2############################################################### if(!$sql) { $msg = $result."\n"; $msg .= "####Error 2####"; trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR); } ############################################################################################################# else { echo "Publikation wurde gelöscht!"; } } if($formAction == '2') { $result1 = "SELECT tablepublications.ID_Publications, " . "tablepublications.Editors, " . "tablepublications.Year, " . "tablepublications.Title, " . "tablejournals.Journal_View, " . "tablepublications.Volume, " . "tablepublications.Pages, " . "tablepublications.Book, " . "tablepublications.Publisher, " . "tablepublications.Link " . "FROM tablepublications LEFT JOIN tablejournals ON tablepublications.ID_Journal = tablejournals.ID_Journal " . "WHERE tablepublications.ID_Publications = '$IDPublication'"; $sql1 = mysql_query($result1); #######################################Error 3############################################################### if(!$sql1) { $msg = $result1."\n"; $msg .= "####Error 3####"; trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR); } ############################################################################################################# while($row = mysql_fetch_object($sql1)) { $Editors = $row->Editors; $Year = $row->Year; $Title = $row->Title; $JournalView = $row->Journal_View; $Volume = $row->Volume; $Pages = $row->Pages; $Book = $row->Book; $Publisher = $row->Publisher; $Link = $row->Link; } $result2 = "SELECT tableauthors.ID_Author, " . "tableauthors.Author " . "FROM tableauthors, tablepublications_authors " . "WHERE tableauthors.ID_Author = tablepublications_authors.ID_Author " . " AND tablepublications_authors.ID_Publications = '$IDPublication'"; $sql2 = mysql_query($result2); #######################################Error 4############################################################### if(!$sql2) { $msg = $result2."\n"; $msg .= "####Error 4####"; trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR); } ############################################################################################################# while($row = mysql_fetch_object($sql2)) { if(isset($Author[$row->ID_Publication])) {$Author[$row->ID_Publications] .= ";"; } else {$Author[$row->IDPublications] = ""; } $tmp = $row->Author; $Author[$row->ID_Publications] .= $tmp; } echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; if($number >= 1) { echo ""; } if($number == 0) { echo ""; } echo ""; echo "

Please separate with semicolon (e.g. Smith, J.;Johnson, C.)
(eds.) YearTitle:
Journal: newVolume (Issue) / Chapter:Pages:
\n"; mysql_free_result($resultJournal); echo "
Book: IN:Publisher(s) (Book only):
Link to online version:
Edits will concern ".$number." Amplifications! Save Edits anyway?
Edits will concern no Amplifications!!

"; } } } if($formSubmitSearch) { $result = ""; $sqlcreate = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmpPublicationIDs TYPE=HEAP "; include("date.php"); $tr = "="; $no = "!="; $lk = "like"; $bt = ">="; $st = "<="; $parr = $_POST; array($parr); foreach ($parr as $var) { $i ++; if(!empty($var) and $var!="Search") { switch (key($parr)) { case 'formAuthor': $str = "tableauthors.ID_Author ".$tr."'".$var."' AND "; $description = " Author = "; $value = $formAuthor; break; case 'formSearchYear': $str = "tablepublications.Year ".$lk."'%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Year = "; $value = $formSearchYear; break; case 'formSearchTitle': $str = "tablepublications.Title ".$lk."'%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Title = "; $value = $formSearchTitle; break; case 'formJournal': $str = "(tablejournals.Journal_All ".$lk."'%".$var."%' OR "; $str .= "tablejournals.Journal_View ".$lk."'%".$var."%') AND "; $description = " Journal = "; $value = $formJournal; break; case 'formSearchBook': $str = "tablepublications.Book ".$lk."'%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Book = "; $value = $formSearchBook; break; case 'formSearchPublisher': $str = "tablepublications.Publisher ".$lk."'%".$var."%' AND "; $description = " Publisher = "; $value = $formSearchPublisher; break; case 'formOnline': $str = "tablepublications.Link ".$no."'' AND "; $description = " Online version = "; $value = "available"; break; } $where[$i] = $str; $descriptionall[$i] = $description; $valueall[$i] = $value; } next($parr); } if(empty($str) and !isset($formShowAll)) { echo "
No search key entered.
"; } if(!empty($str) and isset($formShowAll)) { echo "
Please either enter a search key or select the checkbox!
"; } else { foreach($where AS $a) $string .= $a; $l=strlen ($string); $max = $l-4; $where_str = substr($string, 0, $max); $wherestr = ' WHERE ' . $where_str; $result = $sqlcreate . $result = "SELECT DISTINCT tablepublications.ID_Publications " . "FROM tablepublications LEFT JOIN tablejournals ON tablepublications.ID_Journal = tablejournals.ID_Journal LEFT JOIN tablepublications_authors ON tablepublications.ID_Publications = tablepublications_authors.ID_Publications LEFT JOIN tableauthors ON tablepublications_authors.ID_Author = tableauthors.ID_Author"; if(!empty($str)) {$result .= $wherestr; } $sql = mysql_query($result) or die($result.'
'.mysql_error()); if(!empty($result)) { // just in case it is still here: drop tmpPublicationIDs mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmpPublicationIDs"); mysql_query($result); if(!mysql_affected_rows()) {echo "No hits found."; } else { $result1 = "SELECT tablepublications.ID_Publications, " . "tablepublications.Year, " . "tablepublications.Title, " . "tablepublications.Volume, " . "tablepublications.Pages, " . "tablepublications.Book, " . "tablepublications.Publisher, " . "tablepublications.Link, " . "tablepublications.Created_Who, " . "tablepublications.Created_When, " . "tablejournals.Journal_View, " . "tablejournals.Journal_All " . "FROM tablepublications JOIN tmpPublicationIDs LEFT JOIN tablejournals ON tablepublications.ID_Journal = tablejournals.ID_Journal " . "WHERE tablepublications.ID_Publications = tmpPublicationIDs.ID_Publications"; $sql1 = mysql_query($result1); echo ""; $gesamt = mysql_num_rows($sql1); for ($i=1; $i<=$gesamt; $i++) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($sql1); $publications[] = $row['ID_Publications']; foreach ($publications as $Test) { $result2 = "SELECT tablepublications_authors.ID_Publications, " . "tableauthors.Author, " . "tablepublications_authors.Order " . "FROM tablepublications_authors, tableauthors " . "WHERE tablepublications_authors.ID_Author = tableauthors.ID_Author " . " AND tablepublications_authors.ID_Publications = '$Test' " . "ORDER BY tablepublications_authors.Order"; $sql2 = mysql_query($result2); while ($roww = mysql_fetch_object($sql2)) { if(isset($Author[$roww->ID_Publications])) {$Author[$roww->ID_Publications] .= ", ";} else {$Author[$roww->ID_Publications] .= ""; } $tmp = $roww->Author; $Author[$roww->ID_Publications] .= $tmp; $View = $Author[$roww->ID_Publications]; } $result3 = "SELECT tablepublications_amplifications.ID_Pub_Amp " . "FROM tablepublications_amplifications " . "WHERE tablepublications_amplifications.ID_Publications = '$Test'"; $sql3 = mysql_query($result3); $Relations = mysql_num_rows($sql3); } echo ""; } echo "
SelectAuthor(s)YearTitleJournalVolumePages BookPublisherOnlineLinked Amplifications
".$View."".$row['Year']."".$row['Title']."".$row['Journal_View']."".$row['Volume']."".$row['Pages']."".$row['Book']."".$row['Publisher'].""; if($row['Link']) { echo build_href1($row['Link'],"Link"); } echo "".$Relations."
