New Search. | ||||||
Back to Hitlist |
Name_All_Extraction; }
$result4 = mysql_query
("SELECT tablednabanknumbers.ID_DNA, " .
" tableamplifications.GenBankNumber AS GenBankNumber, " .
" tableamplifications.Link AS Link, " .
" tablefragment.Fragment AS Fragment, " .
" tableamplifications.ID_Amplification, " .
" tableamplifications.Amplification_Date, " .
" tableamplifications.Amplification_Success, " .
" tablepeople.Name_All " .
" FROM tablednabanknumbers " .
" LEFT JOIN tableamplifications ON tablednabanknumbers.ID_DNA = tableamplifications.ID_DNA " .
" LEFT JOIN tablefragment ON tableamplifications.ID_Fragment = tablefragment.ID_Fragment " .
" LEFT JOIN tablepeople ON tableamplifications.ID_Amplification_Staff = tablepeople.ID_People " .
" WHERE tableamplifications.ID_DNA = '$ID_DNA' " .
" ORDER BY tableamplifications.ID_Amplification");
$result5 = mysql_query
("SELECT tablednabanknumbers.ID_DNA, " .
" tablestock_box.Stock_Box AS Location_Box, " .
" tablestock_rack.Stock_Rack AS Location_Rack, " .
" tablestock_fridge.Stock_Fridge AS Location_Fridge, " .
" tablelocation_stock.Origin_Quantity AS Location_Volume, " .
" tablelocation_stock.Rest_Quantity AS Location_Rest, " .
" tablelocation_stock.Stock_Barcode AS Stock_Barcode, " .
" tablelocation_stock.Stock_Position AS Stock_Position " .
" FROM tablednabanknumbers " .
" LEFT JOIN tablelocation_stock ON tablednabanknumbers.ID_Location_Stock = tablelocation_stock.ID_Location_Stock " .
" LEFT JOIN tablestock_box ON tablestock_box.ID_Stock_Box = tablelocation_stock.ID_Stock_Box " .
" LEFT JOIN tablestock_rack ON tablestock_rack.ID_Stock_Rack = tablelocation_stock.ID_Stock_Rack " .
" LEFT JOIN tablestock_fridge ON tablestock_fridge.ID_Stock_Fridge = tablelocation_stock.ID_Stock_Fridge " .
" WHERE tablednabanknumbers.ID_DNA = '$ID_DNA'");
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result5))
{ $Stock_Box = $row->Location_Box;
$Stock_Rack = $row->Location_Rack;
$Stock_Fridge = $row->Location_Fridge;
$Stock_Volume = $row->Location_Volume;
$Stock_Rest = $row->Location_Rest;
$Stock_Barcode = $row->Stock_Barcode;
$Stock_Position = $row->Stock_Position;}
$result6 = mysql_query
("SELECT tablednabanknumbers.ID_DNA, " .
" tablepeople.Name_All AS Name_All_Provided_By " .
" FROM tablednabanknumbers,tablepeople " .
" WHERE tablednabanknumbers.ID_Provided_By_People = tablepeople.ID_People " .
" AND tablednabanknumbers.ID_DNA = $ID_DNA");
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result6))
{ $ProvidedBy = $row->Name_All_Provided_By; }
$result7 = mysql_query
("SELECT tablednabanknumbers.ID_DNA, " .
" tablealiquots_box.Aliquots_Box AS Aliquots_Box, " .
" tablealiquots_rack.Aliquots_Rack AS Aliquots_Rack, " .
" tablealiquots_fridge.Aliquots_Fridge AS Aliquots_Fridge, " .
" tablealiquots.Aliquot_Number AS Aliquot_Number, " .
" tablealiquots.Origin_Quantity AS Origin_Quantity, " .
" tablealiquots.Rest_Quantity AS Rest_Quantity, " .
" tablealiquots.Aliquot_Position AS Aliquot_Position, " .
" tablealiquots.Aliquot_Barcode AS Aliquot_Barcode, " .
" tablealiquots.ID_Aliquots " .
" FROM tablednabanknumbers " .
" LEFT JOIN tablealiquots ON tablednabanknumbers.ID_DNA = tablealiquots.ID_DNA " .
" LEFT JOIN tablealiquots_box ON tablealiquots_box.ID_Aliquots_Box = tablealiquots.ID_Aliquots_Box " .
" LEFT JOIN tablealiquots_rack ON tablealiquots_rack.ID_Aliquots_Rack = tablealiquots.ID_Aliquots_Rack " .
" LEFT JOIN tablealiquots_fridge ON tablealiquots_fridge.ID_Aliquots_Fridge = tablealiquots.ID_Aliquots_Fridge " .
" WHERE tablednabanknumbers.ID_DNA = '$ID_DNA'");
$result8 = mysql_query
("SELECT tablednabanknumbers.ID_DNA AS ID_DNA, " .
" tablednabanknumbers.ID_Cache, " .
" tablecache.ID_Cache, " .
" tablecachetaxonidentified.NameAuthorYear AS NameAuthorYear, " .
" tablecachetaxonidentified.PreferredFlag AS PreferredFlag " .
" FROM tablecache, tablecachetaxonidentified, tablednabanknumbers " .
" WHERE tablecachetaxonidentified.ID_Cache = tablecache.ID_Cache " .
" AND tablecache.ID_Cache = tablednabanknumbers.ID_Cache " .
" AND tablednabanknumbers.ID_DNA = $ID_DNA");
// $result = mysql_query($result3) or die($result3.' '.mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result8)) { $NameAuthorYear[] = $row->NameAuthorYear; $PreferredFlag[] = $row->PreferredFlag; } $result9 = mysql_query ("SELECT tablednabanknumbers.ID_DNA AS ID_DNA, " . " tablednabanknumbers.ID_Cache, " . " tablecache.ID_Cache, " . " tablecachetaxonidentified.ID_TaxonIdentified, " . " tablecachehighertaxa.HigherTaxon AS HigherTaxon, " . " tablecachehighertaxa.TaxonRank AS TaxonRank " . " FROM tablecache, tablecachetaxonidentified, tablecachehighertaxa, tablednabanknumbers " . " WHERE tablecachehighertaxa.ID_CacheTaxonIdentified = tablecachetaxonidentified.ID_TaxonIdentified " . " AND tablecachetaxonidentified.ID_Cache = tablecache.ID_Cache " . " AND tablecache.ID_Cache = tablednabanknumbers.ID_Cache " . " AND tablednabanknumbers.ID_DNA = $ID_DNA"); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result9)) { $HigherTaxon[] = $row->HigherTaxon; $TaxonRank[] = $row->TaxonRank; } while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result1)) { $Relation = $row->RelationDNA_Voucher; $ID_Cache = $row->ID_Cache; $Type = $row->Type; $Preservation = $row->Preservation; $Tissue = $row->Tissue; $Extraction_Method = $row->Extraction_Method; $DNA_Bank_Number = $row->DNA_Bank_Number; $Extraction_Date = $row->Extraction_Date; $NoExtractDate = $row->NoExtractDate; $Absorbance230 = $row->Absorbance230; $Absorbance280 = $row->Absorbance280; $Concentration = $row->Concentration; $Purification_Method = $row->Purification_Method; $Degradation = $row->Degradation; $Degredation_Date = $row->Degradation_Date; $Number_Aliquots = $row->Number_Aliquots; $Quantity_All_Aliquots = $row->Quantity_All_Aliquots; $Block_Until = $row->Block_Until; $Notes = $row->Notes; $Block_General = $row->Block_General; $Source_Gone = $row->Source_Gone; $Stock_Gone = $row->Stock_Gone; $Backup = $row->Backup_Aliquot; ?> | |||||
", "Voucher: | ||||||
Taxon Name: | ";
if($NameAuthorYear) {
foreach($NameAuthorYear as $index => $NameAuthorYearTest)
echo $NameAuthorYearTest;
if($PreferredFlag[$index] == '1' or $PreferredFlag[$index] == 'true') { echo " (Preferred Name)"; }
echo " "; } echo " | Higher Taxon: | "; } else { echo " | Higher Taxon: | "; }
if($HigherTaxon) {
foreach($HigherTaxon as $HigherTaxonTest)
echo $HigherTaxonTest . " "; } echo " | ";
foreach($TaxonRank as $TaxonRankTest)
echo $TaxonRankTest . " "; } echo " | "; } echo $row->ContinentOrOcean ? " |
Continent/Ocean: | " . $row->ContinentOrOcean . " | |||||
Country: | " . $row->CountryName . " | |||||
Country ISO Code: | " . $row->CountryISO2 . " | |||||
Collector(s): | " . $row->GatheringAgent . " | |||||
Collection Date: | " . $row->GatheringDate . " | |||||
Collection: | " . $row->Gathering_Other . " | |||||
Locality: | " . $row->LocalityText . " | |||||
Altitude: | " . $row->Altitude . " | |||||
Longitude: | " . $row->LongitudeDecimal . " | |||||
Latitude: | " . $row->LatitudeDecimal . " | |||||
Specimen Number/UnitID: | " . $row->UnitID_Specimen . " | |||||
Collection Code: | " . $row->CollectionCode_Specimen . " | |||||
Institution Code: | " . $row->InstitutionCode_Specimen . " | |||||
Type Status: | " . $row->TypeStatus . " |
DNA sample: | Stock material gone: > | ||||||||||||||||
DNA Extraction Number: |
Last DNA No:Load.. |
Relation to Voucher: | '; echo ' | ||||||||||||||
Tissue: | '; echo ' | new | Preservation: | '; echo ' | |||||||||||||
Source material gone: | > | DNA Type: | '; echo ' | ||||||||||||||
DNA Extraction Method: | '; echo ' | new | DNA Extraction Staff: | '; echo ' | new | ||||||||||||
DNA Extraction Date: | Extraction Date not available: | /> | |||||||||||||||
Ratio of absorbance: | OD260nm/OD280nm | OD260nm/OD230nm | |||||||||||||||
Concentration: | ng/μl | DNA Purification Method: | '; echo ' | ||||||||||||||
DNA Quality: | '; echo ' | DNA Quality Check Date: | |||||||||||||||
Number of Aliquots: | Total volume (Aliquots): | μl | |||||||||||||||
$Test2[] = $row->Link;
$Test3[] = $row->Fragment;
$ID_Amplification[] = $row->ID_Amplification;
$Amplification_Success[] = $row->Amplification_Success;
$Amplification_Staff[] = $row->Name_All;
$Amplification_Date[] = DatumsWandler($row->Amplification_Date);
$resultFragment[] = mysql_query("SELECT ID_Fragment, Fragment FROM tablefragment " .
"ORDER BY fragment");
$resultAmplificationStaff[] = mysql_query("SELECT ID_People, Name_All " .
"FROM tablepeople " .
"ORDER BY tablepeople.Name_All");
foreach($Test as $index => $GenBankTest)
$LinkTest = $Test2[$index];
$FragmentTest = $Test3[$index];
$ID_AmplificationTest = $ID_Amplification[$index];
$SuccessTest = $Amplification_Success[$index];
$StaffTest = $Amplification_Staff[$index];
$DateTest = $Amplification_Date[$index];
$Resulttest = $resultFragment[$index];
$ResultStaffTest = $resultAmplificationStaff[$index];
echo "
| |||||||||||||||||
add (more) Amplifications: | |||||||||||||||||
Location Stock Solution: | '; echo ' | new | Source volume: μl | "; echo "Remaining volume: μl | |||||||||||||
Location Aliquots: | new | Backup Aliquot made: | > | ||||||||||||||
Fridge/Rack/Box: | \n"; mysql_free_result($resultFridgeTest); echo "\n"; mysql_free_result($resultRackTest); echo "\n"; mysql_free_result($resultBoxTest); echo " | Aliquot No: ".$NumberTest." | "; echo "Source volume: μl | Remaining volume: μl | |||||||||||||
add more Boxes: | |||||||||||||||||
DNA Sample Provided by: |
echo ' \n"; } echo "\n"; mysql_free_result($resultProvidedBy); ?> |
new | |||||||||||||||
Block Until: (visible) |
Block in General: (not visible) |
> | |||||||||||||||
Notes: |