$count ) { // Trick 17 :)) if ($doc != "N/A" && $doc != "institutionName, CityName") { // "N/A" always in index ifnull in MySQL-DB -> hide in portal array_push ( $selectionArray, $doc . " (" . $count . ")" ); } } sort ( $selectionArray, SORT_STRING ); return $selectionArray; } public static function buildList($field, $nonChosenString = "---") { // Yii::info ( "build List for fild " . $field ); // fetch the values from the response: $selectionArray = array (); array_push ( $selectionArray, $nonChosenString ); $resultLowestUnit = FormSelectionQueryManager::getList ( $field, $nonChosenString = "---" ); foreach ( $resultLowestUnit as $doc => $count ) { // Trick 17 :)) if ($doc != "N/A" && $doc != "institutionName, CityName") { // "N/A" always in index ifnull in MySQL-DB -> hide in portal array_push ( $selectionArray, $doc . " (" . $count . ")" ); } } sort ( $selectionArray, SORT_STRING ); return $selectionArray; } public static function getList($field, $nonChosenString = "---") { // Yii::info ( "get lowest element for the list " . $field ); $config =SOLRQueryManager::getConfigSearch(); // Yii::info("Yii::app->params ['solrhost'] ".Yii::$app->params ['solrhost']); // create a client instance $client = new Solarium\Client ( $config ); // set the adapter to http $client->setAdapter ( 'Solarium\Core\Client\Adapter\Http' ); // get a select query instance $query = $client->createSelect (); // set fields to fetch (this overrides the default setting 'all fields') $query->setFields ( [ "[]" ] ); $fsolr = $field; if ($field === "kingdom") $fsolr = "regnum"; $query->setQuery ( $fsolr . ":* AND isLowest:1" ); // $fq = "{!join from=lowestTripleIDs to=tripleidstoreid fromIndex=".Yii::$app->params ['solrsearch']."}".$fsolr . ":*"; // Yii::info("FQ? ".$fq); // $query->createFilterQuery ( 'myfilter' )->setQuery ( $fq ); // get the facetset component try { $facetSet = $query->getFacetSet (); } catch ( Solarium\Exception\UnexpectedValueException $e ) { $facetSet = $query->getFacetSet (); } $facetSet->setLimit ( - 1 ); $facetSet->setMinCount ( 1 ); $facetSet->setSort ( "false" ); // create a facet field instance and set options $facetSet->createFacetField ( $fsolr )->setField ( $fsolr ); // this executes the query and returns the result $raw_response = $client->select ( $query ); try { $result = $raw_response->getFacetSet ()->getFacet ( $fsolr ); } catch ( Solarium\Exception\UnexpectedValueException $e ) { $result = $raw_response->getFacetSet ()->getFacet ( $fsolr ); } $resultLowestUnit = [ ]; foreach ( $result as $doc => $count ) { $resultLowestUnit [$doc] = $count; // Yii::info("SUBLIST: ".$doc); } return $resultLowestUnit; } public static function getListLowest($field, $nonChosenString = "---") { // Yii::info ( "get lowest element for the list " . $field ); $config =SOLRQueryManager::getConfigSearch(); // Yii::info("Yii::app->params ['solrhost'] ".Yii::$app->params ['solrhost']); // create a client instance $client = new Solarium\Client ( $config ); // set the adapter to http $client->setAdapter ( 'Solarium\Core\Client\Adapter\Http' ); // get a select query instance $query = $client->createSelect (); // set fields to fetch (this overrides the default setting 'all fields') $query->setFields ( [ "[]" ] ); $query->setRows(0); $fsolr = $field; if ($field === "kingdom") $fsolr = "regnum"; $query->setQuery ( $fsolr . ":* AND isLowest:1" ); //$query->addParam("tripleidstoreid","lowestTripleIDs"); //$fq = "{!join from=lowestTripleIDs to=tripleidstoreid fromIndex=" . Yii::$app->params ['solrsearch'] . "}" . $fsolr . ":*"; // $fq =""; //dont need fq // // Yii::info("FQ? ".$fq); // $query->createFilterQuery ( 'myfilter' )->setQuery ( $fq ); // get the facetset component try { $facetSet = $query->getFacetSet (); } catch ( Solarium\Exception\UnexpectedValueException $e ) { $facetSet = $query->getFacetSet (); } $facetSet->setLimit ( - 1 ); $facetSet->setMinCount ( 1 ); $facetSet->setSort ( "false" ); // create a facet field instance and set options $facetSet->createFacetField ( $fsolr )->setField ( $fsolr ); // this executes the query and returns the result try { $raw_response = $client->select ( $query ); } catch ( Solarium\Exception\UnexpectedValueException $e ) { $raw_response = $client->select ( $query ); } $result = $raw_response->getFacetSet ()->getFacet ( $fsolr ); $resultLowestUnit = [ ]; foreach ( $result as $doc => $count ) { $resultLowestUnit [$doc] = $count; // Yii::info("SUBLIST: ".$doc); } return $resultLowestUnit; } /** * creates all lists for the suggestion fields * these lists are static and do not change on the users behaviour * * @param array(string) $listNames * @param string $nonChosenString * @return array(array(string) list of the selection lists */ public static function getAllLists($listNames, $nonChosenString = "---") { $allFormSelectionLists = array (); foreach ( $listNames as $name ) { try { $list = FormSelectionQueryManager::newList ( $name, $nonChosenString ); $allFormSelectionLists [$name] = $list; } catch ( \Solarium\Exception\HttpException $e ) { $allFormSelectionLists [$name] = [ 'coming soon' ]; } } return $allFormSelectionLists; } public static function getSelectionLists($listNames, $nonChosenString = "---") { $allFormSelectionLists = array (); foreach ( $listNames as $name ) { try { $list = FormSelectionQueryManager::buildList ( $name, $nonChosenString ); $allFormSelectionLists [$name] = $list; } catch ( \Solarium\Exception\HttpException $e ) { $allFormSelectionLists [$name] = [ 'coming soon' ]; } } return $allFormSelectionLists; } } ?>