# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # INSTALLATION WIDE CONFIGURATION # PLEASE ADJUST THESE SETTINGS TO YOUR ENVIRONMENT # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [server] CGI = False CherryPy = True debugMail = p.kelbert@bgbm.org files = static/files/ host = http://localhost mail = p.kelbert@bgbm.org mod_python = True smtp = bgbm23.bgbm.fu-berlin.de subject = BioCASE search result webroot = /portail websiteTitle = New portal [connection_parameter] providerTimeOut = 15 [slowQueries] #if the query needs more time than the max time, it will be logged in the slow queries log file max = 7.0 maxMetadata = 7.0 [recordBasis] #types of known record basis - user friendly in the portal! recordBasisList = (s,specimen);(o,observation);(t,type specimen) [antispam] #for downloading units control1 = Abies alba control2 = Marmota control3 = Malus hybrid control4 = Europe [checklist] references = PORTAL_URLstatic/xml/references.xml relations = PORTAL_URLstatic/xml/relations.xml thesauri = (Euro+Med Plantbase,concept)&(Fauna Europaea,noconcept)&(Standardliste,concept)&(ERMS,noconcept)&(Moose,concept) thesauriSimple = (Euro+Med Plantbase wa,concept)&(Fauna Europaea wa,noconcept)&(Standardliste wa,concept)&(ERMS wa,noconcept)&(Moose wa,concept) thesauriURL = PORTAL_URLstatic/xml/thesaurusList.xml thesauriSimpleURL =PORTAL_URLstatic/xml/thesaurusListSimple.xml