//Note: Pjax timeout was set to 10000 because of localhost's slow response: Might be reduced when migration to actual webserver.
Pjax::begin([ 'enablePushState'=>false]);
Subscribe to this search and get notified by email if new records are added to the database
= Html::a("Subscribe", ['account/subscribe'], ['class' => 'btn btn-success','data-pjax'=>'w0','timeout'=>'100000']) ?>
Save our search parameters without subscription
= Html::a("Save search", ['account/save'], ['class' => 'btn btn-success','data-pjax'=>'w0','timeout'=>'100000']) ?>
echo '
Log in to save your search parameters!
Browse data
if ($urls) {
foreach ( $urls as $url ) { //echo $url."
$urlparse = explode('/', $url);
foreach ($urlparse as $finalurl)
{ $pos1 = strpos($finalurl, 'jpg');
$pos2 = strpos($finalurl, 'JPG');
if ($pos1 !== FALSE || $pos2 !== FALSE)
/*TODO: 1) auslagern des Thumbnail-Pfades in params.php; 2) auslagern der FUnktion zur Erstellung des Thumbnails in ein Model;
3) ImageGallery von Detail-Record �bernehmen; 4) Funktion auch in Detail-Record-Seite einbauen */
if (!file_exists('c:/xampp/htdocs/portalsoftware/bobo/web/thumbnails/200x200/'.$finalurl)) {
Image::thumbnail($url, 200, 200)
->save(Yii::getAlias('c:/xampp/htdocs/portalsoftware/bobo/web/thumbnails/200x200/'.$finalurl), ['jpeg_quality' => 80]); }
$images[]= array('url' => $url, 'src' => '@web/thumbnails/200x200/'.$finalurl);
} }
} $items=$images;
echo dosamigos\gallery\Gallery::widget([
'items' => $items,
'options' => [
'id' => 'blueimp-gallery',
'class' => 'blueimp-gallery' // er bindet irgendwie nicht das lokale blueimp-css ein
'templateOptions' => [
'id' => 'blueimp-gallery',
'class' => 'blueimp-gallery'
'clientOptions' => [
'container' => '#blueimp-gallery'
echo "
/*echo "
echo LinkPager::widget([
'pagination' => $pages,
"; */