Example 2: Botanical population sampling, same taxon, usually same date, in worst case different coordinates; typically 20 samples/individuals

Scientific name Country or area Year(s) gDNA eDNA Tissue Specimen Culture eSample
- Crepis mollis (Jacq.) Asch. DE 2015
RepositoryRecord IDSample TypePreparation TypeAvailable for Loan
Individual A
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinB 10 0517733Specimenherbarium sheetYes
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinB GT 0012880TissueleafYes
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinDB 26191DNAgDNAYes
Individual B - same population as B 10 0517733
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinB GT 0012881TissueleafYes
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinDB 26192DNAgDNAYes
Individual C - same population as B 10 0517733
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinB GT 0012882TissueleafYes
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinDB 26193DNAgDNAYes
Individual D - same population as B 10 0517733
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinB GT 0012883TissueleafYes
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinDB 26194DNAgDNAYes
Individual E - same population as B 10 0517733
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinB GT 0012884TissueleafYes
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinDB 26195DNAgDNAYes
Individual F - same population as B 10 0517733
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinB GT 0012885TissueleafYes
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinDB 26196DNAgDNAYes
Note: records connected as "same population" will be grouped. Another population sampling would be a separate record/row