" // .Html::encode($contactPerson['name'])."
" // .Html::encode($contactPerson['email'])."

" // .Html::encode($contactPerson['phone'])."

"; ?> 1){ $samples = 'seed accesions'; } else{ $samples = 'seed accession'; }?>

Dear ,
The researcher first_name)?> name) ?> requested through the Index Seminum portal. Please check if the accessions are available and send an email to the researcher.

"; foreach($info as $key => $value){ if(!empty($value)){ echo ''; } else{ echo ''; } } echo ""; } ?>
Family Genus Species Infraspecies IPEN No. Hardiness Country Collection Date Internal ID

first_name)?> name)?> left the following comment:
'; } else{ echo "

"; } ?>
Researcher Information
Name form_of_address)?> first_name)?> name) ?>
Email email) ?>
CITES code cites_code)?>
IPEN member ipen_member == "1") { echo "yes"; } else { echo "no"; } ?>
Institution institution)?>
Division division)?>
Street street_pobox) ?>
Postal Code, Location postal_code)?> location_city) ?>
State / Province state_province)?>
Country country)?>
delivery_institution)){ echo "

"; echo'
Delivery Adress (if different from billing adress)
Institution ';?> delivery_institution)?>
Division ';?> delivery_division)?>
Street ';?> delivery_street) ?>
Postal Code, Location ';?> delivery_postal_code)?>delivery_location) ?>
State / Province ';?> delivery_state)?>
Country ';?> delivery_country)?>

Yours sincerely,
Dahlem Seed Bank