
namespace app\models;

use Yii;
use yii\base\Model;
use app\models\SearchForm;

 * instructions
 * this model provides a structure for the form.
 * here you can modify all the parameter for the content of the form:
 * mainly fields and their types
 * and also some othr parameter such as which string is shown
 * in a selection list as default
 * how to define fields:
 * you have to add each field to the
 * field definitions section ,
 * field declarationss section and
 * the rules() function
 * (see below at the corresponding section for further infos)
 * you also have to define what queries are generated from the user
 * input of each field. do this in the QueryFactory.
 * make sure you use the same name in all 4 places!
 * and is the same name as in the correspondint solr index field!
 * you also can add a label for the field in the attributeLabels() function
 * by default the label is generatet automatically
 * by changing camelcase to single words
 * and start each word upper case
 * e.g. familyName will get the label: Family Name
 * you also can define more form parameters in the other settings section
 * (see below)
 * this form is used by the SearchController
 * that runs the search view (views.search.search.php) customized for this model.
 * @author s.buers
class SearchFormGuest extends SearchForm {
	 * if you need different user roles and rights
	 * change to "extends CommonSearchFormGuest" and add "use common\models\CommonSearchFormGuest" on top 
	 * and start entering code here for Guest view without any login