<?php /** * this view creates hitlist with SOLR query for the internal seach * <br/><br/> * @author Gabriele Droege, Patricia Kelbert (BGBM, GGBN/DNA Bank Network) <contact@dnabank-network.org> * @version 1.0 * @package View * @copyright Copyright © 2011 DNA Bank Network http://www.dnabank-network.org * <br/>The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 * @filesource * @license http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ MPL */ use yii\helpers\Html; use yii\helpers\Url; use yii\web\View; use app\models\SearchForm; use kartik\widgets\ActiveForm; use yii\jui\Accordion; use app\controllers\SearchController; use common\models\CreateFormManager; use app\models\WebsitesearchForm; use app\controllers\WebsitesearchController; $this->title = 'Specimen Explorer'; // $this->title = 'Results'; // $this->params ['breadcrumbs'] [] = $this->title; ?> <div class="left-column"><?php echo Html::button ( $model->newSearchButtonLabel, array ( 'onclick' => 'js:document.location.href="' . Yii::$app->getUrlManager ()->createUrl ( [ 'search/index#Site' ] ) . '"', 'class' => 'btn btn-success' ) ); ?></div> <div class="right-column"><?php if( isset($contentright)) echo $contentright;?></div> <?php $contentLeft = ""; $contentRight = ""; $nl = "<br/>"; echo '<div class="jumbotron"><h2>'; echo $model->previewTitle; echo '</h2></div> <div class="body-content">'; echo "<div class='big'>"; echo "Your searched \"".$searchedFor."\" : "; if (isset ( $urls )) if (sizeof($urls) > 0){ if (sizeof($urls)==1) echo sizeof($urls)." match was found."; else echo sizeof($urls)." matches were found."; } else echo "No records found."; echo "</div>"; if (sizeof($urls) > 0){ echo "<ul>"; foreach ($urls as $url) { echo "<li><a href='$url' target='_blank' >".$url."</a></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } ?> </div>