CMF Lister

Wellcome to the CMF lister web page. This document is used as a reference guide for ABCD. You can find here all the ABCD concepts separate with different colours depending on the semantic.

The ABCD document has some basic hierachies in its beginning requering some clarification:

<DataSets> An embracing element forming a block containing different datasets.

<DataSet> An embracing element for records originated from one source collection. If you have units from different collections inside your database, you will have a dataset for every collection.

<OriginalSource> Metadata describing the collection from where the specimen data was drawn.

<DatasetDerivations> Metadata describing the digital existence of a collection. There may be several dataset derivations, if data was imported from other sources. If a collection was digitized for the first time, there will still be one dataset derivation describing this database.

<Units> An embracing element for all units (=records) of one collection.

<Unit> An embracing element forming a block containing all data associated to a single unit (specimen or observation).




The colors describe diferent parts:

Meta-data: Information about the source, from name of the holding institution to copyrights statements of the hole dataset.

Unit-data: Information regarding the records, specific copyrights, date last modification, facts that don't fix in any other place, etc.

Gathering site: Information about the gathering site. Gathering place, altitude, responsible person, etc.

Taxon identification: Posible identifications for this unit. Includes the taxon part below and data on the identification event like who identified the unit. etc.

Taxon name: Data about the name of the taxon. It is split into different parts for the different biological disciplines like botany, zoology, etc with their own nomenclatural code. Includes data on the Scientific name, highertaxon, etc.

 You don't need to read the complete document, just search for the parts useful for your needs.

  • DataSets: /DataSets