DATASOURCE_PREFERENCE_FILE_CORRUPT The datasource preference file '%(prefs)s' is corrupt DATASOURCE_CONCEPT_DUPLICATES The datasource preference file '%(prefs)s' contains multiple times the concept '%(identifier)s' MOBY_FILTER_XSLT_ERROR The Moby filter XSLT %(url)s produced an error DB_CONNECTION_FAILED The database connection with module %(dbms)s has failed. SQL_EXEC_FAILURE The following SQL statement produced a DB error: %(sql)s SQL_GENERATING_FAILURE The SQL string to query the DB could not be generated because an error occured. FILTER_OPERATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED The filter operator %(kind)s is not yet supported by this implementation. MODEL_REQUIRES_DATASOURCE The output model needs to be initialized with datasource preferences before this method can be called MODEL_ERROR The model %(model)s is not valid or readable: %(reason)s DSA_MISSING No datasource was specified in the request. INVALID_FILTERSTRING The used filterstring %(filter)s could not be parsed and is probably invalid. INVENTORY_CONCEPTS_MISSING Inventories require at least one concept parameter. MODEL_MISSING The request/search template is missing an output model REQUEST_PARSING_FAILURE The request could not be parsed. Please check if it is a valid XML document. STRUCTURE_SCHEMA_INVALID The models response structure %(loc)s is invalid: %(reason)s SCHEMA_URL_NOT_FOUND The requested schema URL is not valid: %(url)s STRUCTURE_GLOBAL_C-TYPE_WITHOUT_NAME The response structure schema contains an complex type without a name. STRUCTURE_GLOBAL_S-TYPE_WITHOUT_NAME The response structure schema contains an simple type without a name. STRUCTURE_MISSING_GLOBAL_ELEMENT The requested response structure schema '%(ns)s' does not contain any global element. UNKNOWN_SCHEMA_TAG Unknown xml schema construct '%(tag)s' encountered in line %(line)s. Ignored. STRUCTURE_NODE_WITHOUT_NAME The schema element or attribute definition is lacking a name or global reference. TEMPLATE_INVALID The request template %(loc)s was invalid TEMPLATE_MISSING The required template could not be found. UNKNOWN_CONCEPT The concept %(identifier)s is not known to the local Concept Name Server. UNKNOWN_CONCEPT_ALIAS The concept alias %(alias)s is not known to the local Concept Name Server. UNKNOWN_REQUEST_PARSING_ERROR Unknown error during request processing. Please check if the request is valid. REQUESTED_OPERATION_UNKNOWN The operation requested is not known. REQUESTED_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN The requested protocol '%(protocol)s' is unknown to the wrapper UNKNOWN_MOBY_SERVICE There is no Moby service called '%(name)s' available for this datasource. ELEMENT_DROPPED XML element %(tag)s dropped because it misses required attribute %(attr)s MOBY_REQUEST_INVALID Cannot parse the BioMoby request. %(reason)s NO_INVENTORY_CONCEPTS There are no inventory concepts left for this request with originally %(number)i concepts. GENERATING_CONTENT_FAILED No content could be produced because of some error that has happened. DATA_TRANSFORMATION_DB2XML_FAILED Data transformation from db type to xml type failed at node %(qpath)s: %(data)s RESPONSE_STRUCTURE_ROOT_WITH_MULTIPLE_PKS The response structure root table contains multiple primary keys. NO_ROOTALIAS_FOUND Not root table could be assigned for the response structure. INVENTORY_MULTI_MAPPED_CONCEPT Multiple mappings exist for the concept %(identifier). No inventories possible, sorry. DATASOURCE_MAPPING_UNSUFFICIENT The mappings for datasource %(dsa)s are not enough for model %(model)s.