Simple ABCDEFG provider access portal

Important Note:

This is a simple data portal for the GeoCASe network. It uses BioCASe technology to perform a distributed query on ABCDEFG providers, using the BioCASE protocol. Since searches are performed on the original provider's databases, they might take some time and yield less results than expected, if some of the providers are offline.

Query ABCDEFG Data Providers:

First, choose the type of database you want to query, you can search for either paleontological or mineralogical data. Then enter your search criteria, using * as a wildcard. Please note that not all data has yet been translated into English for this prototype version. If you would like to receive the full response in xml format, please supply a valid email address.

Fossils        Minerals & Rocks

Scientific name or a part of it (e.g. Archegosaurus*)
Higher taxon name (e.g. Amphibia)
Chronostratigraphic attribution (e.g. Permian)
Mineral/Rock name or a part of it (e.g. Granite)
Mineral/Rock group (e.g. Plutonite)
Country name (e.g. Germany)
Named Area (e.g. Saarland)
Locality (e.g. *Saalfeld*)
Enter your email address for a full result response email:
Enable Taxonomic Reference
(Paleobiology Database)
Extend query for taxononmic synonyms
Extend taxonomic output
  Limit max. number of results per database to
Wait for not more than sec. for a database to respond (consider raising this timeout level if you get insufficient results).

Powered by Biocase

© 2005-2009 Freie Universität Berlin, Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem
Seitenverantwortliche/Page editors: J. Holetschek, A. Hahn, M. Döring, C. Oancea, A. Güntsch
BGBM Impressum/Imprint; Haftungsausschluss/Disclaimer