main.title=Simple Access to ABCD Providers main.bodytitle=Simple access to ABCD providers main.note=Important Note:

This is just a prototype to demonstrate distributed access to ABCD providers, using the BioCASE protocol. A full user interface is under development. Click here for more information on the purpose of this demonstrator. main.queryheader=Query Details: main.krit_highertaxon=Higher Taxon main.krit_taxonname=Taxon Name main.krit_country=Country of Origin main.krit_maxnumber=The number of results per database was limited to main.krit_wait1=Within main.krit_wait2=seconds, the results at the end of this page have been returned. main.provider_preset=Unfortunately, there are no providers this type of query could be sent to. main.providerselect1=The query was propagated to main.providerselect2=providers. main.allproviders=The query was propagated to all providers registered in the network. main.unitexplanation=Click on the UnitID to see the facts attached to this Unit. If you intend to use this information, you are obliged to follow the indications of data providers regarding IPR (click the symbol). main.butBack=images/button_back.gif main.butMap=images/button_map.gif main.lab_please_note=Please note: main.mess_missing_concept=This database does not provide at least one of the criteria being searched. Search was done on the remaining concepts, thus results may be too broad! usage.text=This website is provided to you on condition of your agreement to the Code of Conduct (the Code). The Code is a binding legal contract between you and the parties involved in the provision of data through this network service. Please read the Code of Conduct and specifically the provisions with respect to giving proper credit and to the rights of Data Nodes. By using this service, you accept the Code's terms. The Internet is an evolving medium; we may change the terms of the Code. By continuing to use the service after any such changes have been published, you accept the Code of Conduct, as modified.

Please note: after leaving this page, you will have to click on the "Search"-button again to start the query. usage.subtitle=Use of Data usage.butAccept=Accept usage.butCancel=Cancel search.subtitle=- Prototype - search.explanationTitle=Query ABCD Data Providers: search.explanationBody=Enter your query, using * as a wildcard. For the scientific name, a wildcard at the end will be added automatically by the system (e.g. "Abi" will find all names starting with Abi, "Abies alba" will find the names of subspecies etc. of Abies alba, "*aaa*" will find all names containing triple a, and "Ab*ba" will find Abies alba etc.). If you would like to receive the full response in xml format, please supply a valid email address. search.lblHigherTaxon=Enter a higher taxon name (e.g. P*): search.lblTaxonName=Enter a taxon name or a part of it (e.g. Hiera): search.lblCountry=Enter a country name (e.g. Iceland): search.lblEmail=Enter your email address for a full result response email: search.lblMaxnumber=Limit max. number of results per database to search.lblWait1=Wait for not more than search.lblWait2= sec. for a database to respond (consider raising this timeout level if you get insufficient results). search.butSearch=images/button_search.gif process.message=Processing your query process.stage1=Creating/opening log file process.stage2=Extending query to synonymous taxa process.stage3=Generating queries process.stage4=Selecting appropriate providers process.stage5=Sending off queries and waiting for provider responses process.stage6=Journalizing query details process.stage7=Transforming received XML documents to HTML process.stage8=Done! process.processing=in process... process.status0=done process.status1=skipped for this query process.status2=not configured; skipped process.status3=failed process.status4=skipped (no appropriate providers found) process.status5=skipped (no documents received)