[mysql] not = not and = and or = or isnull = is null isnotnull = is not null equals = = notequals = <> like = LIKE lessthan = < lessthanorequals = <= greaterthan = > greaterthanorequals = >= in = IN [escape] '= ' * = % [select] ##taxon = SELECT straight_JOIN DISTINCT taxonName, taxon.taxonKey, COUNT(distinct bioRecordKey) taxon = SELECT straight_JOIN taxonName, taxon.taxonKey, COUNT(distinct bioRecordKey) all = SELECT straight_JOIN taxonName,genus,family,higherTaxonName,vernacularName,countryName,localityText,collection_code,institution_code,bioRecordId,bioRecordKey from taxon genus = SELECT straight_JOIN DISTINCT genus family = SELECT straight_JOIN DISTINCT family higherTaxon = SELECT straight_JOIN higherTaxonName commonName= SELECT straight_JOIN vernacularName country = SELECT straight_JOIN DISTINCT countryName institution = SELECT DISTINCT straight_JOIN institution_code collection = SELECT DISTINCT straight_JOIN collection_code collector = SELECT DISTINCT straight_JOIN collector type = SELECT straight_JOIN COUNT(distinct bioRecordKey),recordBasis biorecordKey =SELECT straight_JOIN DISTINCT bioRecordKey full = SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE taxonName,genus,family,'','',countryName,localityText,collection_code,institution_code,gatheringDate,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT imagerecordurl),bioRecordId,bioRecordResourceKey,bioRecordKey,geoLongitude,geoLatitude,taxonAuthor,recordBasis,collector,collectorNumber,fieldNumber,resourceName FROM bioRecord INNER join taxon ON taxon.taxonKey = bioRecordTaxonKey LEFT join isoCountry on isoCountryCode = bioRecordCountryCode LEFT join imageRecord on imagerecordbiorecordkey = bioRecordKey LEFT JOIN resource on resourceKey = bioRecordResourceKey nbMulti = SELECT straight_JOIN COUNT(DISTINCT imagerecordurl) FROM imageRecord countRecordBasis = SELECT straight_JOIN COUNT(distinct bioRecordKey),recordBasis countbioRecordKey = SELECT straight_JOIN DISTINCT COUNT(distinct bioRecordKey) unitsDetails = SELECT straight_JOIN bioRecordId,institution_code,collection_code,bioRecordResourceKey FROM bioRecord cacheDetails=SELECT taxonName,genus,family,'','',countryName,localityText,collection_code,institution_code,gatheringDate,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT imagerecordurl),bioRecordId,bioRecordResourceKey,bioRecordKey,geoLongitude,geoLatitude,taxonAuthor,recordBasis,collector,collectorNumber,fieldNumber FROM bioRecord INNER join taxon ON taxon.taxonKey = bioRecordTaxonKey LEFT join isoCountry on isoCountryCode = bioRecordCountryCode LEFT join imageRecord on imagerecordbiorecordkey = bioRecordKey dlCache= SELECT taxonName,genus,family, higherTaxonName,vernacularName,countryName,localityText,collection_code,institution_code,gatheringDate,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT imagerecordurl),bioRecordId,bioRecordResourceKey,bioRecordKey,geoLongitude,geoLatitude,taxonAuthor,recordBasis,collector,collectorNumber,fieldNumber FROM bioRecord INNER join taxon ON taxon.taxonKey = bioRecordTaxonKey LEFT join isoCountry on isoCountryCode = bioRecordCountryCode LEFT join imageRecord on imagerecordbiorecordkey = bioRecordKey LEFT JOIN higherTaxon on higherTaxon.taxonKey = bioRecordTaxonKey LEFT JOIN vernacularName ON vernacularTaxonKey = taxon.taxonKey [from] bioRecord1= bioRecord, taxon bioRecord2= taxon , bioRecord taxon1= taxon taxon2= taxon bioRecord= bioRecord collecInstit= bioRecord multimedia = imageRecord country= isoCountry higherTaxon = higherTaxon vernacular= vernacularName [where] taxonKeybioRecord = WHERE bioRecordTaxonKey taxonKeytaxon = WHERE taxon.taxonKey taxonName = WHERE taxon.taxonName taxonKeys = WHERE bioRecordTaxonKey = taxon.taxonKey higherTaxon = WHERE higherTaxon.taxonKey bioRecordKey = WHERE bioRecordKey unitID = WHERE bioRecordId bioRecordId = WHERE bioRecordId bioKey = WHERE bioRecordKey [whereGroup] taxonName = WHERE (taxon.taxonName [and] taxonKeys = AND bioRecordTaxonKey taxonKeybioRecord = AND bioRecordTaxonKey taxonKeytaxon = AND taxon.taxonKey taxonKeyjoinBR = AND taxon.taxonKey = bioRecordTaxonKey taxonKeyjoinHigher = AND higherTaxon.taxonKey = bioRecordTaxonKey commonNamebioRecord = AND vernacularTaxonKey = bioRecordTaxonKey commonNametaxon= AND vernacularTaxonKey = taxon.taxonKey higherTaxontaxon = AND higherTaxon.taxonKey = taxon.taxonKey higherTaxonbioRecord = AND higherTaxon.taxonKey = bioRecordTaxonKey institution= AND institution_code collection = AND collection_code locality = AND localityText country = AND isoCountryCode = bioRecordCountryCode AND countryName dates = AND gatheringYear BETWEEN %i AND %i dateInf = AND gatheringDate < dateEq = AND gatheringDate = dateSup = AND gatheringDate > coordinates = AND geoLatitude < %s and geoLatitude > %s AND geoLongitude < %s AND geoLongitude > %s recordBasis = AND recordBasis bioRecordKey= AND bioRecordKey collector = AND collector family = AND family genus = AND genus taxonName = AND taxonName multimedia = AND bioRecordKey = imagerecordbiorecordkey higherTaxon = AND higherTaxon.higherTaxonName commonName = AND vernacularName collID = AND collection_code instID = AND institution_code collNumber = AND collectorNumber fieldNumber = AND fieldNumber bioRecordId = AND bioRecordId taxonHigherGenus= AND taxon.genus taxonHigherFamily= AND taxon.family [or] taxonName = OR taxonName taxonHigherGenus= OR taxon.genus taxonHigherFamily= OR taxon.family [andGroup] institution= AND (institution_code collection = AND (collection_code locality = AND (localityText country = AND isoCountryCode = bioRecordCountryCode AND (countryName dateInf = AND (gatheringDate < dateEq = AND (gatheringDate = dateSup = AND (gatheringDate > bioRecordKey= AND (bioRecordKey collector = AND (collector family = AND (family genus = AND (genus taxonName = AND (taxonName higherTaxon = AND (higherTaxon.higherTaxonName commonName = AND (vernacularName recordBasis = AND (recordBasis collNumber = AND (collectorNumber fieldNumber = AND (fieldNumber bioRecordId = AND (bioRecordId [leftJoin] higherTaxontaxon = LEFT JOIN higherTaxon ON higherTaxon.taxonKey = taxon.taxonKey higherTaxonbioRecord = LEFT JOIN higherTaxon ON higherTaxon.taxonKey = bioRecordTaxonKey commonNamebioRecord = LEFT JOIN vernacularName on vernacularTaxonKey = bioRecordTaxonKey commonNametaxon = LEFT JOIN vernacularName on vernacularTaxonKey = taxon.taxonKey [list] country = SELECT countryName FROM isoCountry institution = SELECT * from instCodes collection =SELECT * from collCodes family = SELECT family FROM taxon [orNull] recordBasis = OR recordBasis is null locality = OR localityText is null country = AND isoCountryCode = bioRecordCountryCode OR (countryName is null or bioRecordCountryCode is null) collector = OR collector is null family = OR family is null genus = OR genus is null taxonName = OR taxonName is null higherTaxon = OR higherTaxon.higherTaxonName is null commonName = OR vernacularName is null coordinates = OR (geoLatitude is null and geoLongitude is null) [andNull] recordBasis = AND recordBasis is null locality = AND localityText is null country = AND isoCountryCode = bioRecordCountryCode AND (countryName is null or bioRecordCountryCode is null) collector = AND collector is null family = AND family is null genus = AND genus is null taxonName = AND taxonName is null higherTaxon = AND higherTaxon.higherTaxonName is null commonName = AND vernacularName is null coordinates = AND geoLatitude is null and geoLongitude is null [groupBy] countRecordBasis = GROUP BY recordBasis recordBasis = GROUP BY recordBasis taxonName = GROUP BY taxon.taxonKey [thesaurus] Euro+Med Plantbase=SELECT NameCache from Name WHERE NameCache LIKE Fauna Europaea=SELECT NameCache from FaEuFull WHERE NameCache LIKE Standardliste=SELECT NameCache from Name WHERE NameCache LIKE Euro+Med Plantbase wa=SELECT NameCache from Name WHERE NameCache LIKE Fauna Europaea wa=SELECT NameCache from FaEuFull WHERE NameCache LIKE Standardliste wa=SELECT NameCache from Name WHERE NameCache LIKE ERMS=SELECT tu_displayname FROM tu WHERE tu_displayname LIKE ERMS wa=SELECT tu_displayname FROM tu WHERE tu_displayname LIKE Moose=SELECT NameCache from Name where NameCache LIKE Moose wa=SELECT NameCache from Name where NameCache LIKE