TDWG root element: container for one or more DataSets.
A dataset containing unit data and their shared metadata elements.
A globally unique identifier for the entire data collection the present dataset was derived from. The exact format and/or semantics are still under discussion.
Metadata item normally not used for end-user display. UDDI registry element for GBIF registry. Questions and feedback about availability of a provider or resource should be directed to the technical contact. This contact normally represents the Agent acting as the publisher of the datasets in the network. The element is unbounded to provide for alternative contacts (vacation etc.).
UDDI registry element ("AdministrativeContact") for GBIF registry. Questions and feedback about data, or restrictions on use of the data should be directed to the adminstrative contact. This contact normally represents the agent acting as the original supplier or custodian of the dataset. If a content contact is given on the unit-level, that one should be used for end-user purposes. The element is unbounded to provide for alternative contacts (vacation etc.).
Other known on-line providers of this dataset.
The UUID (identifier in the UDDI registry) of another data provider known to serve this dataset.
Metadata referring to the principal source of the entire data collection (the metadata scope may be wider than the objects actually contained in the data set). In its current form, this collection represents a mixture of elements useful for resource discovery (e.g. scope) with metadata actually pertaining to the received (partial) dataset.
A container for one or more unit data records from the gathering
A container for all data referring to a unit (specimen or observation record)
Elements describing the event and site of collecting or observing a unit.
A string that identifies all material or records that resulted from a collecting or observation event.
Date(s) and time(s) of the collecting or observation event
A container element for the agent(s) responsible for collecting or recording.
The person, or one of the persons or team(s) or organization(s) responsible for collecting or recording. Attributes: a flag indicating the primary collector, and a sequence number.
Free text alternative for individual Agent.
Free text details for Agent.
Agent organization name and code(s).
Agent Person details.
Free text representation or concatenated version of those responsible for collecting or recording.
A container element for references to (or texts of) permits related to the gathering.
Project information concerning the gathering event.
Title of collection project
Contact details for Project Officer or other person with knowledge of the project.
The 'platform' from which observations or collections were made, e.g. the name of a research vessel or a remote operated vehicle.
The method (including technical means) used to make the collection or observation.
Original locality data as appearing on a label or in an original entry.
Details of the country. Separate from NamedArea for compatibility reasons.
Atomised place names as applied to the collection or observation site; with possibility for hierarchical structuring and categorization.
Atomised place name with possibility for hierarchical structuring. Attribute for sequence.
Specified relationship to a named place that does not directly apply to the site of collection or observation, e. g. 10 Km South of Mytown.
The nearest named place to the collection or observation location
Distance and directional point.
Free text description of further details pertaining to the observation, sampling, or collection locality which which did not fit into the previous elements.
Spaceholder for GML-conformant schema extension to express the spatial representation of the gathering locality including coordinates, footprint, and uncertainties in GML (Geographical Markup Language). The GML application schema developed by the BioGeomancer Project (see http:\\ can be used here.
Retrieval of a boundary polygon or centroid spatial reference relating to the gathering site. URL (GET) or POST text, for Web Feature Service (OpenGIS Consortium Specification 01-023) reference.
URI (e.g. web address) for the location of a boundary polygon or centroid spatial reference relating to a gathering site, according to the Web Map Services (WMS) specification of the Open GIS Consortium
Container for multiple sets of coordinates indicating the site of collection or observation.
Attributes for Original data and for begin and end of sequence . Composite element to allow recording multiple coordinates or same coordinate in different systems
Coordinates measuring system e.g. GPS, field map reference, inferred map reference
The numerical Zone corresponding to the central meridian and origin upon which the UTMEasting is based.
The Subzone letter corresponding to one of the 20 North-South divisions of the UTM grid system.
The hemisphere to which the UTMNorthing refers.
An alternative composite text to capture a zone expressed as a combination of UTMZone and UTMSubzone.
The distance in meters east of the origin of the UTMZone.
The distance in meters north of the origin for the UTMSubzone.
Mathematical surface on which the mapping and coordinate system used for the geocodes of the record are based.
A alternative composite text to capture unatomized UTM coordinate data.
Geospatial coordinates recorded using a grid system
Grid system name e.g. "GB OS"
Grid reference precision qualifier
Element that allows the recording of the latitude and longitude of a recording or collecting position. Could be simplified by converting many of the sub-elements into attributes.
Maps to Darwin Core 2: Longitude. Express in decimal degrees
Maps to Darwin Core 2: Latitude. Express in decimal degrees
Mathematical surface on which the mapping and coordinate system used for the geocodes of the record are based
Free text statement of degree of accuracy
Maps to Darwin Core 2: Coordinate Precision. An estimate of how tightly the collecting locality was specified; expressed as a distance in meters corresponding to a radius around the Lat/Long coordinates. Use NULL where precision is unknown, cannot be estimated or is not applicable.
The altitude of the gathering site land or floor level given as distance above (positive) or below mean sea level.
Vertical distance point or range measurement in relation to a ground datum such as water level, or level of the sea floor for benthic samples.
Vertical distance measure or range in relation to a ground datum, e.g. ground level.
Further measurements or facts taken at the collection locality at the time of collection, e.g. (water-) temperature, slope, weather conditions, etc.
Images taken at the Gathering site
A container for geological dating and rock unit names related to the site or sample locations
An container element for citing biotope type terms (e.g. classification terms) and measurements (e.g. vegetation height, salinity, slope) related to the unit's gathering site
Attribute for classification system used.
Attribute for type designating ShortName, Long name, Code, or BiotopeText
Free text field for informal recording of Biotope
A container allowing to linking any biotope-related measurement to the site description
Relationship of the unit gathered with other taxa at the gathering site
A syntaxon name and category assigned to the gathering site.
Free text comment on synecological features of the gathering site.
Other taxa observed at the gathering site
Other taxon found at the gathering site
Facing direction (aspect) of whole site or sample point.
Further text referring to the gathering event that does not fit one of the elements specified.
The application of a name (or concept), i.e. the data pertaining to an identification event and the result of the identification itself.
The result of the identification, currently either a material (substrate) or a taxon name, but in the future to be extended to include other types of identifications used in natural history collections and surveys.
The Taxon (concept) or Taxonomic name assigned to the unit (or excluded, "non") in the Identification.
A material identified as the result of the identification event (e.g. a non-organismic substrate of a microorganism)
A placeholder for a temporary extension to include identification results not yet covered by the schema. This serves to accommodate urgent inter-version additions to the unit-object schema.
True to designate current identification.
True to designate negative identifications.
True to designate the idenfication under which the entire unit is stored (in a physical collection) or otherwise preferrably referenced.
Used to designate the role of the identification result (e.g. substrate, isolate, host, parasite, etc.)
Atomized record of individual, team member, or organization that made the identification.
Atomised data for the parts of the Identifier's name.
The Organisation the Identifier is affiliated with, or the Organisation (institution) acting as the identifier.
Alternatve text indicating the person, person team, or Organization that made the identification.
A reference which has provided the identification (and - if present - the identifier's name and/or organisation). The entire identification event was taken from the literature or comparable source given here. Note that this is not the literature (e.g. key) used to obtain the result (see IdentificationReferences).
Indication of the nature of the taxonomic verification; e.g. "conf." or "det."
References that were used by the identifier to provide the identification (e.g. by means of providing a key or a description of the taxon). It circumscribes the taxon identified (and thus can act as a potential taxon's sec. reference). Note: this is not the citation from which and identification was taken, see under Identifier/IdentificationSource.
A reference (e.g. an article or monograph) that was used as the base for the identifier's taxon identification (e.g. by means of providing a key or a description of the taxon). It circumscribes the taxon identified (and thus can act as a potential taxon's sec. reference). Note: this is not the citation from which and identification was taken, see under Identifier/IdentificationSource.
Date of the identification event.
The method by which the identification was obtained, e.g. details of molecular analysis or acoustical procedures.
Supplementary remarks about the identification.
The level to which the identification has been verified. Different standards may use different values here. See ITF-2 for an example.
The name and category of an administrative or geoecological area.
Allows recording of categories for local or national subdivision levels, geomorphological units, protected areas, etc.
Name of a geographic, geomorphological, geoecological, or administrative area.
Standard coding scheme the AreaCode adheres to.
Abbreviation or code for area names
Elements for all unit-level data
A globally unique identifier for the unit record. Following DwC, in the absence of a persistent global unique identifier, this should be constructed in the form "URN:catalog:[InstitutionCode]:[CollectionCode]:[CatalogNumber]".
Unique identifier (code or name) of the institution holding the original data source (first part of record identifier). In specimen collections, this is normally the institution or private holder of the collection itself. For herbaria and botanical gardens, the standard abbreviations should be used.
Name or code of the data source (unique within the institution, second part of the record identifier)
A unique identifier for the unit record within the data source. Preferrably, the ID should be stable in the database, so that it also can be used to find the same record again (e.g. for data exchange purposes). Third part of the record identifier.
Numeric catalogue number. Facilitates soriting of numbers.
Name or other indication of the person or team that created or last edited this record.
Date of creation or last change of this unit record.
The legal owner of the unit record. Note that ownership of physical specimens is handled under SpecimenUnit. If present, overrides the equivalent Ownders element on the level of dataset.
Specific rights, terms and other conditions pertaining to the individual record. If present, override the equivalent statements on the level of dataset.
Container element for one to many content contacts for the unit record. If present, overrides the equivalent ContentContact on the level of dataset.
Questions and feedback about data, or restrictions on use of the data should be directed to the contact given here. If present, overrides the equivalent ContentContact on the level of dataset.
Reference that is the source of the information about the unit given in the record.
Container element for references citing the unit See SourceReference for the case that the record is based on a publication.
Published reference citing this unit.
Container element for identification events, i.e. the circumstances and result of assigning a name to the unit.
In cases where more than one name applies to a single unit, several identifications should be formed and flagged as preferred. Relationships between differently identified sub-units of the unit can be specified by means of the IdentificationRole.
This is a free text field for use when extracting data from datasources where the identification or verification history (or part of it) is a free text field. In normal circumstances the history can be constructed by sorting identification events by date and reference to the preferred identification flag
An indication of what the unit record describes. Note that the element SourceReference provides for the case that the record is based on a publication.
Part(s) of organism or class of materials represented by this unit.
Physical state-specific subtypes of the unit record
A Unit subtype containing data elements specific to specimens (living, fossil, or preserved).
The legal owner or holder of the physical specimen
Acquisition date, source and type.
Textual statement of the date of acquisition of the specimen by the institution
Free text field for informal recording of acquisition source details.
Type of acquisition.
Name of person and/or organisation the unit was acquired from (e.g. depositor of a strain).
Accession details.
Repeatable triple to accommodate accession number in multiple catalogues.
Textual statement of the date on which the accession was recorded.
Identifier of an accessions catalogue or numbering scheme which contains the SpecimenUnit
The institutional number applied to an accession and recorded in the accessions register.
Specimen preparation details, possibly a sequence of preparation steps
Specimen preparation details.
Description of preparation type.
Process used in preparing the specimen.
Materials and chemicals used in the preparation of the specimen.
Person and/or institution responsible for or effecting the preparation.
Label text(s), writing or inscription(s).
Label or inscription
Text transcription of an inscription
Position of inscription, writing or mark.
Name of person who created the label, writing or inscription.
Summary, interpretation or opinion of the text.
References to an image or images of the label or inscription
The ID of a multimedia object representing the image of the mark
A wrapper for previous units.
A container for past ID and location of this specimen.
Name or code of collection previously holding this specimen.
Identifier of specimen in previous collection.
Dates that the specimen was held in previous collection.
Any further information about this specimen in its previous collection.
An alternative text identifying the previous unit when no ABCD standard ID s can be assigned.
Information on the type status of the specimen.
The name based on the specimen.
Published reference.
Full term designating the status.
Indication whether the type is conserved or rejected/suppressed by the Code or is proposed for conservation or suppression/rejection
Indicator for unverified type status (kind and fact).
The person assigning or verifying the type status of the specimen.
Date of verification.
Further information about the verification process.
A free text field to note the known other recipients of a duplicate of the unit, preferrably in the form of a delimited list of SourceInstitionIDs.
Data elements specific to observation (recording) units. Note that most observation data items are site related and thus covered under Gathering.
Numbers or other registration mark associated with an observation record. Attribute for PreferredFlag. Separated from the equivalent AccessionNumber of specimen collections because of the more standardised approaches taken in physical collections.
Collection type and/or taxonomic domain-specific schema extensions (subtypes of the unit record).
Data specific to microbial and similar culture methods.
Data specific to mycological and lichenological units.
Data specific to herbarium specimens (incl. mycological specimens).
Data specific to units in botanical live (horticultural) collections.
Data specific to units in plant genetic resource collections, e.g. gene banks.
Data specific to zoological units.
Data specific to palaeontological units.
Multimedia objects such as images, movies, etc. relating to (or forming) the unit. Note that RecordBasis should be set accordingly if the multimedia object actually is the unit in the collection (e.g. collections of images taken in the field, sound recordings, etc.).
Relationships of this unit record with other unit records in ABCD conformant datasets.
A binary relationship or association of units.
First part of a fully qualified identifier of a related item's dataset.
Second part of a fully qualified identifier of a related item's dataset.
Fully qualified identifier of the related item within the specified dataset.
Description of the association.
Further information about an association.
A container for groupings of this unit record with other unit records in this dataset by means of an additional ID.
A unit assemblage handles symmetric relationships between several units.
Identifier for assemblage.
Name of assemblage.
Unit may belong to one or several collections or survey projects which have distinctive names and do not correspond to the SourceName. Note that this element refers to the name accepted by the specimen or data holding institution, this may or may not be different from the project name given under Gathering.
Elements describing the field events that created the unit and their location.
A number assigned to the unit by the collector or observer. Note that the respective collector's name is found under gathering (GatheringAgents).
A container for quantitative and categorical measurements (including observations) refering to the unit, e.g. counts, size measurements, colours, etc.
Quantitative or categorical measurement refering to the unit.
Maps to Darwin Core 2: Sex. Refers to the entire unit, which may be mixed. Note that counts can be provided in the Unit's MeasurementsOrFacts section.
Age of the organism at the time of collection or observation. Note that counts for different age classes can be provied in the Unit's MeasurementsOrFacts section.
Container for medata on sequences derived from this unit.
Miscellaneous notes referring to the unit that do not fit elsewhere.
Gives the web address of the page where more information on this particular record (not on the whole dataset) can be found. [OBIS]
Annotations in electronic form not (yet) added to the physical specimen.
The extension is temporary and serves only to accommodate urgent inter-version additions to the unit-object schema [in future to the the various schemas/objects used in ABCD]. For example, if a specific community (e.g. culture collections) discover that there are elements missing in the current version of ABCD (as they did for 1.2), they communicate that to the group responsible for schema development, where it will be discussed if these elements are already accommodated in the schema, if not, if they can and should be generalized and where they should end up in the schema. IF the culture collection community needs to move rapidly (e.g. due to project pressures), they can add these elements to the current version as an extension schema under a structure that follows SDD's CustomExtensions element (CustomExtensions-CustomExtension-Any ##other). In future modular versions of ABCD, such a structure should exist in the root of every object/schema.
A first proposal for this type of data. Note that this is used in the context of a collection unit and thus automatically refers to that unit.
E.g. GenBank, SwissProt, etc. Use "Internal" for unpublished sequence.
E.g. GenBank accession number.
A description of the method used to achive the sequence.
Description of the actually sequenced material (DNA/RNA/Protein, Gene or part of gene, completeness, etc.),
Reference where the sequence was published.
The person and/or organisation responisible and/or effecting the sequencing.
Length of the sequence in basepairs