Elements only used for units in culture collections
E.g. "Bacteria" or "Archaea"
Variety designation, epithet, authors and reference. This field excludes the pathovar name and the serovar name, which are both infrasubspecific names but are to be entered under Identification/... ../FullScientificName
Container element for names under which the culture is known
Reference or trade name for a microbial culture
Name of a microbial or viral strain. Note that this name may also denote the unique identifier of the record in the collection, in which case it should also be used for UnitID.
Name and author of serovar or serotype
Name and author of the pathovar.
Type and parent of mutant if strain is a mutant strain
Names of chromosomal markers of the strain. Especially recommended for strains of species for which many genetically modified strains exist
An alternative full text field for culture medium, atmospheric and light conditions, temperature conditions and additional remarks on the cultivation.
The growth medium for a microbial or similar culture e.g. agar
Preferably a number - attribute gives temperature scale used
References for the culture conditions and method or for a description of the strain
Attribute for RefType
Form in which the strain will be sent to the customer