General purpose measurement and fact (descriptor) recording.
Attribution of the measurement to a Person
Date and/or Time the measurement was taken
Duration of measurement in time.
Method used to make measurement.
Describes type of measurement or fact, such as width, abundance, circumference, temperature etc. or color etc.
Depending on the use of the type, this can further specify the actual part measured. For example, a measurement of temperature may be a surface, air or sub-surface measurement.
Lower or only value or fact text.
Upper value where there is a range.
Unit of measurement.
Statement of accuracy of measurement.
Reference (publication) where this measurement was taken from
Flag indicating if the value represents the numerical result of a quantitative measurement (TRUE) or a descriptor with textual or categorical result (FALSE).
Free text alternative to atomised version.
Descriptive term. May be taken from a controlled vocabulary maintained by a third party.
Subject area of the term list.
Descriptive term.
If the term has been drawn from a named term list or thesaurus, its name is recorded here.
Version or date of the term list or thesaurus from which the term is drawn.
Free text comment.
LookupType extended with Language attribute