Metadata referring to the principal source of the entire data collection (thus the metadata scope may be wider than the objects actually contained in the data set). If a history of the data collection (revised or expanded in various projects or at different institutions) exist, this must be reflected in the IPR statements and possibly in the list of Owners.
Dublin Core conformant elements describing the content of the data source queried, representation in different languages possible
The description in a specified language. Only one representation should be delivered for each language. [ATTR: language]
The URI of an icon/logo symbolizing the project.
Keyword lists of geographical, taxonomic, etc. scopes. In the case of projects in progress, 'scope' may define the planned or intended, rather than the achieved scope (or coverage). If scope is given, the content available should be entirely within scope, because this item is for resource discovery purposes. Compare also Coverage in DC.Description (which is language-specific). (Items from Scope may be added to DC.Coverage)
A collection of terms describing the geoecological scope of the source queried by means of area names (e.g. 'Worldl', 'Germany', 'Atlantic Ocean', 'Andes', 'Mountains'. A list of recommended terms should be developed.
A collection of taxon names of higher rank describing the taxonomic scope of the source queried. A list of recommended terms should be developed.
Number and date of current version (particularly for citing purposes)
The major version number ('1' in 1.2) as defined by the content creators.
An optional minor version number ('2' in 1.2)
Unconstrained text specifying status + optional number, e. g., 'beta', 'alpha', 'rc/release candidate', 'internal'. If missing, release status is assumed.
Source for Dublin-Core standard element Date.Issued: Citable 'publication date' of the current version (comp. RevisionData/DateCreated and DateModified for version- independent dates). This date should be missing if the current version is not yet published!
Creators, Revision status, and dates of the entire data collection from which the current dataset is derived.
Entities having legal possession of the data collection content. Here defined for the entire data collection, not for individual units. If an owner statement is present on the unit level, it should override this dataset-level statement.
Entitiy having legal possession of the data collection content.
Copyright, terms of use, license and other IPR-related statements like disclaimer or acknowledgement. Giving a copyright statement and a (if possible public) licence is highly recommended! (=DC.Rights)
Language-specific content metadata (title, description, etc.) with *required* Language attribute added.
Source for Dublin-Core standard element "Title": A short, concise title.
General Note on DublinCore translation: In addition to those that can bee transformed from UBIF metadata, an additional DC.Type='dataset' should be added.
Source for Dublin-Core standard element "Description": Free-form text containing a longer description of the project.
Source for Dublin-Core standard element "Coverage": Free-form text describing geographic, taxonomic, or other coverage aspects of terminology or descriptions available in the current project.
URL pointing to an online source related to the current project, which may or may not serve an updated version of the description data.
RevisionData (creators, dates, revision) for the entire project/data set or individual objects.
Source for Dublin-Core standard element "Creators", i.e. Author or editor.
Source for Dublin-Core standard element"Contributors": General contributors, or translators.
Source for Dublin-Core standard element "Date.Created": Date/time when the intellectual content (project, term, description, etc.) was created. Applications may initially set this to the system date for new data objects, but authors must be able to change it to an earlier date if necessary. If for legacy data this is imprecisely known, it may be missing here. Earlier versions in other data formats should then be mentioned in the copyright or acknowl. statements.
Source for Dublin-Core standard element Date.Modified: Date/time when the last modification of the object was made. If in online data sources the provider can not assess this, the current date/time may be substituted. For legacy data this may be set to the file date of imported data, or estimated.