%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
SYNTHESYS Annotation System - Editor Page
- Prototype -
Change password
<% String Msg = request.getParameter("Msg"); String color = "red"; if (Msg != null) { if (Msg.equalsIgnoreCase("The edited XML file is valid!")) { color = "green"; } ; %>
<% } ; %>
Annotate XML document:
Note: date must be entered in ISO format (for example 2002-06-03T23:02:42)
<%if (session.getAttribute("xmlDoc")!=null) { %><%=session.getAttribute("xmlDoc").toString()%><%}%>
<% if(session.getAttribute("protocol")!=null){ if (session.getAttribute("protocol").toString().equalsIgnoreCase( "biocase")) { %>
<%}} %>
Comments (will be displayed on the BioCASE/SYNTHESYS/EDIT Portals):
<%if (session.getAttribute("notes").toString() != null) {%><%=session.getAttribute("notes").toString() %><% }%>
Personal message to the provider :
<%if (session.getAttribute("personal").toString() != null) {%><%=session.getAttribute("personal").toString() %><% }%>
Submission in progress - Please wait before beginning a new annotation.
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