Simple access to ABCD providers

Important Notes:

This is just a prototype to demonstrate distributed access to ABCD providers, using the BioCASE protocol.
A full user interface is under development. Click here for more information on the purpose of this demonstrator.

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<% String errorMsg = request.getParameter("errorMsg"); %> <%= errorMsg == null ? "" : errorMsg %>
<% String origURL = request.getParameter("origURL"); %> ">
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© 2005 Freie Universität Berlin, Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem
Version 1.03, A. Güntsch, P. Kelbert, W.-H. Kusber, C. Oancea, E. Zippel & W. G. Berendsohn
BGBM Impressum/Imprint; Haftungsausschluss/Disclaimer