* DiGIR writes the following Machine tags:
* - Installation: {@code code} is the unique code by which to identify a host
* - Installation: {@code version} is the version of the DiGIR software running on the host
* - Dataset: {@code code} is the unique code (per Installation) that identifies a Resource/Dataset. We use this to
* map between existing and parsed Datasets
* - Dataset: {@code declaredCount} is the number of records reported by the host
* - Dataset: {@code maxSearchResponseRecords} is the maximum number of records delivered in a single search
* response. Can be used to adapt paging.
* - Dataset: {@code dateLastUpdated} is reported by the host
* - Dataset: {@code conceptualSchema} (may occur multiple times) are the URLs of the conceptual schemas this
* resource supports (not the namespace!)
* TAPIR writes the following Machine tags:
* - Installation: {@code softwareName} is the reported name of the host software
* - Installation: {@code version} is the version of the host software
* - Dataset: {@code conceptualSchema} (may occur multiple times) are the namespaces of the conceptual schemas this
* dataset supports
* BioCASe writes the following Machine tags:
* - Endpoint: {@code conceptualSchema} will only occur once and will be either the namespace for
* ABCD 1.2 or 2.06
package org.gbif.registry.metasync;