format parameter not sent!"; echo ($message); exit; } //it could be that instead of posting an XML document they indicate the url of a document // from where to retrive it. if (isset($_REQUEST['doc_url'])) { $doc_url=$_REQUEST['doc_url']; $xml = file_get_contents($doc_url); } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['xml'])) { $xml=$_REQUEST['xml']; } else { header("Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8"); $message="no input set. Please post the xml suing the XML parameter or point to document where to retrieve data using doc_url"; echo ($message); exit; } } //format of the output response. HTML is the default if not specified. if (isset($_REQUEST['resultSummaryFormat'])) { $resultFormat=$_REQUEST['resultSummaryFormat']; } else { $resultFormat="html"; } //----------- //CACHING //Check if the same url has been before request and is in the database $query = $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]; $sql="SELECT id, \"summaryReport\" FROM \"datasetsMetadata\" WHERE \"processedUrl\"=MD5('" .$query. "')"; $result=pg_query($dbcon, $sql); $rs = pg_fetch_assoc($result); //If there is a dataset already in the database then use it if ($rs) { $summaryReport = $rs['summaryReport']; //sum 1 to the number of times this has been used $sql="UPDATE \"datasetsMetadata\" SET \"timesUsed\"=\"timesUsed\"+1 WHERE id = ".$rs['id']; pg_query($dbcon, $sql); } else { //We parse and generate the dataset //NAME OF THE DATASET //Generate a random number to use as a unique identifier for this temporary dataset srand(time()); $datasetIdNumeric = (rand()%99999999); $datasetId = "ds" . $datasetIdNumeric; //PARSE INPUT //parse the input depending on the format if ($format=='simple_xml') { list ($featureCount,$sql) = simple_xml_parser($xml, $datasetId); } if ($format=='gbif_gis') { list ($featureCount,$sql) = gbif_gis_xml_parser($xml, $datasetId); } //if there are no features (featureCount=0) set the datasetId to null if (!$featureCount) { $datasetId = "";} //INSERT IN DB //Execute the SQL! if ($featureCount>0) { $result=pg_query($dbcon, $sql); if (!$result) { //If the insert did not work we cancel the script echo "There was a problem processing the data. The dataset has not been created, please contact the sysAdmin"; exit; } } //CREATE SUMMARY //Generate the summaryReport of the temporary dataset depending on the resultformat if ($resultFormat=='html') { $summaryReport = processHTMLReport($datasetId,$featureCount,$geoserverExternalOWSUrl); } elseif ($resultFormat=='xml') { $summaryReport = processXMLReport($datasetId,$featureCount,$geoserverExternalOWSUrl); } //REGISTER in METATADA TABLE //Register the new created dataset in the datasetsMetadata table only if something has been written if ($featureCount>0) { $sql= "INSERT INTO \"datasetsMetadata\"(id,\"tableName\",\"processedUrl\",\"daysAlive\",\"summaryReport\", \"timesUsed\") VALUES ($datasetIdNumeric,'$datasetId',MD5('{$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]}'),1,'".pg_escape_string($summaryReport)."',1)"; //echo $sql; $result=pg_query($dbcon, $sql); if (!$result) { //If the insert did not work we cancel the script echo "There was a problem processing the data. The dataset has not been created, please contact the sysAdmin"; exit; } //REGISTER DATASET in GEOSERVER (only if there has been something inserted) //------------------------------------------------------------- //Register the new data type using geoserver configuration tool $client = new HttpClient($geoserverInternalHost, $geoserverInternalPort); $client->setDebug(false); //Authenticate in Geoserver $client->post($geoserverPath.'admin/', array ( 'username' =>$geoserver_user, 'password' =>$geoserver_pwd, 'submit' => 'Submit' )); $headers = $client->getHeaders(); $foo= explode(";",$headers['set-cookie']); $foo= explode("=",$foo[0]); $sessionArray = array('JSESSIONID' => $foo[1]); $client->setCookies($sessionArray); //Create a new Feature Type $client->post($geoserverPath.'config/data/', array ('selectedNewFeatureType' => 'temp_datasets:::'.$datasetId)); //edit feature details $client->post($geoserverPath.'config/data/', array ( 'styleId' => 'poi', 'SRS' => '4326', 'title' => 'temporary dataset:' . $datasetId, 'minX' => '-180', 'minY' => '-90', 'maxX' => '180', 'maxY' => '90', 'keywords' => ' ', 'abstract' => 'temporary dataset:' . $datasetId, 'schemaBase' => '--', 'action' => 'Submit' )); //Click Apply $client->post($geoserverPath.'admin/', array ('submit' => 'Apply')); //Click Save $client->post($geoserverPath.'admin/', array ('submit' => 'Save')); //----------------------------------------------- } } //SET ENCODING AND OUTPUT //Set correct encode and return report header("Content-type: text/$resultFormat; charset=UTF-8"); echo ($summaryReport); ?>