<?php //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TRE_Module.php // Handle checking, parsing, and writing of Nexus tree (.tre) files // // written by Bart Meganck, Royal Museum for Central Africa // bart.meganck@africamuseum.be // // // This program is free & open source, under the GNU General Public License, v.2 // See : http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for more details. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TRE_Module { // array of arrays for storing point data private $points_array = array ( "id_array" => array(), "name_array" => array(), "latitude_array" => array(), "longitude_array" => array(), "coord_accuracy_array" => array(), "begin_date_array" => array(), "end_date_array" => array() ); private $input_file; private $input_line; private $input_fields = array(); private $point_count = 0; private $output_file; private $return_string = ""; // public function checkTREFile($input_file_path) { // check number of input_fields // check the used field delimiter // check first line : column headers or not ? // check each field, common errors like lat/lon switching // } // function checkTREFile // search for a line with an equal sign // see if that line has got multiple brackets // if so : BINGO ! read in from first bracket till semicolon public function readPointsFromTREFile($input_file_path) { $this->point_count = 0; $this->input_file = fopen($input_file_path,"r"); $this->input_line = trim(fgets($this->input_file)); $i=0; // skip all lines till we find the "translate" block while ((strpos($this->input_line,"TRANSLATE") === FALSE ) && (!feof($this->input_file)) ) { $this->input_line = trim(fgets($this->input_file)); $i++; } // now read in alle the lines in the "translate" block, containing // all the info we need : // 1. the ID number of the taxon as used in the tree descriptions // 2. the label of the taxon : we'll use this to connect the tree information // harvested here to the taxon point coordinates we get from the .csv file //echo($i); // get rid of nasty whitespaces $inputstring = str_replace(" ","",$inputstring); $levels = array(); $tempstring = $inputstring; $cnt = 0; $tl=0; $id = "my_id".$cnt; $i=1; // we search for a comma, then we check both sides of it // if we find an opening bracket on the left and a closing bracket to the right, // we replace that part with a single node. So we replace the node pairs from the bottom // up, as long as we find comma's (no more comma's means all pairs have been substituted // by single nodes ) while (substr_count($inputstring,",")>1) { $pos = strpos($inputstring,",",$fwpos); $fwpos = $pos + 1; $rwpos = $pos - 1; $ffwd=substr($inputstring,$fwpos,1); $frwd=substr($inputstring,$rwpos,1); // look forward till we find a bracket while ($ffwd <> ")" && $ffwd <> "(") { $ffwd=substr($inputstring,$fwpos,1); $fwpos++; } // while $ffwd // check what kind of bracket we found if ($ffwd == "(") { /* not the type we were looking for : ignore */ } elseif ($ffwd == ")") { // this could be something, if we find a matching opening bracket // on the other side : look backwards for that while ($frwd <> ")" && $frwd <> "(") { $frwd=substr($inputstring,$rwpos,1); $rwpos--; } // while $frwd // check what kind of bracket we found if ($frwd == "(") { // yes! we have a hit ! $cutstring = substr($inputstring,$rwpos+1,($fwpos-$rwpos-1)); $no_brack1 = str_replace(")","",$cutstring); $no_brackets = str_replace("(","",$no_brack1); $pieces = explode(",",$no_brackets); $tempstring = str_replace($cutstring,$id,$inputstring); $cnt +=1; if (array_key_exists ($pieces[0],$levels)) { $lvl1 = $levels ["$pieces[0]"]["level"]; } else {$levels ["$pieces[0]"]["level"] = 1; $lvl1=1;} if (array_key_exists ($pieces[1],$levels)) { $lvl2 = $levels ["$pieces[1]"]["level"]; } else {$levels ["$pieces[1]"]["level"] = 1; $lvl2=1;} $lvl = max($lvl1,$lvl2)+1; $levels["$id"]["level"] = $lvl; $lat["$id"]= min($lat[$pieces[0]],$lat[$pieces[1]]) + (( max($lat[$pieces[0]],$lat[$pieces[1]]) - min($lat[$pieces[0]],$lat[$pieces[1]]) ) /2); $lon["$id"]= min($lon[$pieces[0]],$lon[$pieces[1]]) + (( max($lon[$pieces[0]],$lon[$pieces[1]]) - min($lon[$pieces[0]],$lon[$pieces[1]]) ) /2); if (array_key_exists($pieces[0],$lat)) { //echo ($lvl); $outstring .= $lat[$pieces[0]].",".$lon[$pieces[0]].","; $outstring .= ($levels ["$pieces[0]"]["level"])*12000; $outstring .= "\n"; $outstring .= $lat[$pieces[0]].",".$lon[$pieces[0]].","; $outstring .= ($lvl)*12000; $outstring .= "\n"; } if (array_key_exists($pieces[1],$lat)) { $outstring .= $lat[$pieces[1]].",".$lon[$pieces[1]].","; $outstring .= ($lvl)*12000; $outstring .= "\n"; // echo("<br/>"); $outstring .= $lat[$pieces[1]].",".$lon[$pieces[1]].","; $outstring .= (($levels ["$pieces[1]"]["level"])*12000); $outstring .= "\n"; // echo("<br/>"); } // $color += 150; $outstring .= ' </coordinates> </LineString> </Placemark>'; // $outstring .= ' <Placemark> // <name>id1</name> // <Point> // <coordinates>'; // $outstring .= $lat[$pieces[0]].",".$lon[$pieces[0]].","; // $outstring .= $lvl*12000; // $outstring .= '</coordinates> // </Point> // </Placemark>'; // echo $lvl; $id = "my_id".$cnt; //echo($fwpos); $fwpos = $fwpos - ($fwpos-$rwpos-1); // echo ("<br/>"); //echo($fwpos); // echo ("<br/>"); // echo($tempstring); } // if $frwd } // elseif else {}; //$worksub = substr($inputstring,$pos,$len); //$single = substr($worksub,0,1); //while ($single<>")" && $single<>"(" ) { //$worksub = substr($inputstring,$i,$count); //$count++; //$single = substr($worksub,$count,1); //echo ($worksub); //echo('<br/>'); //echo("$i"); //echo($single); //echo('<br/>'); // } // while // if ($single == ")") {} // else {} $inputstring = $tempstring; // } // for $i //echo ($tempstring); $i++; } // while $inputstring <> "" //while (!feof($this->input_file)) { // $this->points_array["id_array"][$this->point_count] = $this->input_fields[0]; // $this->points_array["name_array"][$this->point_count] = $this->input_fields[1]; // $this->points_array["latitude_array"][$this->point_count] = $this->input_fields[2]; // $this->points_array["longitude_array"][$this->point_count] = $this->input_fields[3]; // $this->points_array["coord_accuracy_array"][$this->point_count] = $this->input_fields[4]; // $this->points_array["begin_date_array"][$this->point_count] = $this->input_fields[5]; // $this->points_array["end_date_array"][$this->point_count] = $this->input_fields[6]; // $this->input_line = trim(fgets($this->input_file)); // $this->point_count++; //} fclose($this->input_file); return($this->points_array); } //function readPointsFromTREFile } // class TRE_Module ?>