"name" => "",
"latitude" => 0,
"longitude" => 0,
"altitude" => 0,
"xy_coord_accuracy" => 0,
"z_coord_accuracy" => 0,
"begin_date" => "",
"end_date" => "",
"uncertainty_polygon" => ""
// connections, distances and routes between the data points
// the same data points can have many of these structure arrays
// with all or part of the points : sorted differently, simplified or otherwise changed
// (e.g. non-sorted input array, RDP simplified array, ... )
$data_structure_array = array ( "startnode" => "",
"endnode" => "",
"node_count" => 0,
"distance" => 0,
"route_array" => array()
// suffix generated if necessary for making unique id's
$point_counter = 1;
$result_page = "itin_result.php";
// folder to put the uploads in
$upload_base_path = "./uploads/";
// Construct the full upload path
$input_file_path = $upload_base_path . basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']);
// Move uploadfile to its destination
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $input_file_path)) {
//echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']).
//" has been uploaded
} else{
echo "
There was an error uploading the file, please try again!
// type of operation
if (isset($_POST['op'])) {
$operation = $_POST['op'];
} else { $operation = "itin"; }
// determine which result page to call, depending on operation type (itintool; POM tool)
switch ($operation) {
case ("itin"):
$result_page = "itin_result.php";
case ("pom"):
$result_page = "pom_result.php";
default : $result_page = "itin_result.php";
} // switch
// determine the distance limit in km per day
if (isset($_POST['kmperday'])) {
$km_per_day = $_POST['kmperday'];
} else { $km_per_day = 140; }
// determine the file type for the output file
if (isset($_POST['output'])) {
$output_type = strtolower($_POST['output']);
} else { $output_type = "kmlwpt"; }
// for WMS output, we use a database, so points should go there
if ($output_type == "wms")
{$output_type = "dbase";}
// read input file
$my_FileHandler1 = new FileHandler();
$data_points_array = $my_FileHandler1->readPointsFromFile($input_file_path);
// go through all the data points for checks and
// filling in default values where necessary
foreach ($data_points_array as $point_key=>$point_value) {
// put the input sequence of points into the "raw_input" structure
$data_structure_array ["raw_input"]["route_array"][$point_counter] = $point_counter;
// assign a default accuracy
// TODO : only do this when no accuracy is provided
// TODO : look at the precision given as input, calculate accuracy from there
$data_points_array["xy_coord_accuracy"][$point_counter] = 0.2;
$data_points_array["z_coord_accuracy"][$point_counter] = 100;
// TODO : put the max/min check for lat/lon/alt here, so we just have to go through
// all the data point once : test have shown that inline min/max checking is
// much faster than using the min()/max() functions on the arrays afterwards
} // foreach
// fill in other fields of the "raw_input" structure
$data_structure_array ["raw_input"]["startnode"] = 1;
$data_structure_array ["raw_input"]["endnode"] = $point_counter;
$data_structure_array ["raw_input"]["node_count"] = $point_counter;
// quick check on the input coordinates
$miny = min($data_points_array ["latitude"]);
$minx = min($data_points_array ["longitude"]);
$minz = min($data_points_array ["altitude"]);
$maxy = max($data_points_array ["latitude"]);
$maxx = max($data_points_array ["longitude"]);
$maxz = max($data_points_array ["altitude"]);
if ( (abs($miny) > 90 ) or (abs($miny) < -90) ) { /* error message */ };
if ( (abs($minx) > 180 ) or (abs($minx) < -180) ) { /* error message */ };
if ( (abs($miny) > 90 ) or (abs($miny) < -90) ) { /* error message */ };
if ( (abs($minx) > 180 ) or (abs($minx) < 180) ) { /* error message */ };
// quick & dirty bbox computing : just add a bit of space at the edges
// not sure if this work around the poles - just keep your data reasonable for now... ;-)
// TODO : make a good bbox with checks and incorporating inaccuracy
$bbox_miny = ($miny - 0.2);
$bbox_minx = ($minx - 0.2);
$bbox_minz = ($minz - 2000);
$bbox_maxy = ($maxy + 0.2);
$bbox_maxx = ($maxx + 0.2);
$bbox_maxz = ($maxz + 2000);
// write to output (file or database) : once as-is, once in simplified format
// Note that the (big) data_points_array structure is passed by reference, not by value,
// for performance and memory reasons (see the respective functions). This poses no risk
// since the array is not altered in the functions (sorting and rearanging of the points
// is done solely in the data structure array).
// database
$my_FileHandler2 = new FileHandler();
$out_file_path = $my_FileHandler2->writePointsToFile($data_points_array,$data_structure_array["raw_input"],"dbase","blue");
// KML waypoints
$my_FileHandler3 = new FileHandler();
$out_file_path = $my_FileHandler3->writePointsToFile($data_points_array,$data_structure_array["raw_input"],"kmlwpt","blue");
// KML path between the waypoints
$my_FileHandler4 = new FileHandler();
$out_file_path = $my_FileHandler4->writePointsToFile($data_points_array,$data_structure_array["raw_input"],"kmlpath","ffff0000");
// CSV file
$my_FileHandler5 = new FileHandler();
$out_file_path = $my_FileHandler5->writePointsToFile($data_points_array,$data_structure_array["raw_input"],"csv","blue");
// simplify the line connecting the points
$my_ProcessingUnit = new ProcessingUnit();
$data_structure_array["simplified"] = $my_ProcessingUnit->simplifyLine($data_points_array,$data_structure_array["raw_input"]);
// CSV simplified points
$my_FileHandler8 = new FileHandler();
$out_file_path = $my_FileHandler8->writePointsToFile($data_dummy_array,$data_structure_array["simplified"],"csv","blue","test_itintool_simplified");
// simplified KML waypoints
$my_FileHandler6 = new FileHandler();
$out_file_path = $my_FileHandler6->writePointsToFile($data_dummy_array,$data_structure_array["simplified"],"kmlwpt","ylw","test_itintool_simplified");
// simplified KML pathway
$my_FileHandler7 = new FileHandler();
$out_file_path = $my_FileHandler7->writePointsToFile($data_dummy_array,$data_structure_array["simplified"],"kmlpath","ff00ffff","test_itintool_simplified");
// construct HTML output referring to the result page
$html_output = '